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Our database of publications ranges from academic journal articles to local organization fact sheets.
All database entries are citations containing abstracts, and many contain links to the entire document.
Browse by publication type:
- JFSP Fire Science Briefs and Digests: Reports of research findings in a non-technical format; includes key findings and management implications. Briefs may report research results prior to peer-review and publishing.
- Syntheses: Comprehensive reports addressing a single topic (ex. Fire behavior) and include a critical review of existing research and current state of the science. Syntheses are peer-reviewed prior to publishing.
- Technical Reports and Journal Articles: Articles and reports explaining results of research projects and scientific inquiry, published in scientific journals and federal general technical reports (GTR). Information is often highly technical and requires that the reader have some working knowledge of the topic. Journal articles are peer-reviewed prior to publishing.
- Working Papers and Extension Publications: Straight forward translation of research results into direct application. They are written in a non-technical format and always include management recommendations. These publications are often targeted to local communities and the private land owner. Publications are peer-reviewed prior to publishing.
- Proceedings: A collection of academic papers and/or abstracts published in the context of an academic conference.
- Research Briefs: These are brief summaries that cover a variety of fire-related topics.
- Fire Facts: These are brief and to the point fact sheets that cover a variety of fire-related topics. Fact sheets are informational and not necessarily intended to provide management recommendations.
- NWFSC Activity Reports: These are reports that summarize a Northwest Fire Science Consortium related activity such as a field tour, workshop, etc.