Publications Library
California Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis occidentalis) habitat use patterns in a burned landscape. The Condor. 2017;119(3).
. Megafires: an emerging threat to old-forest species Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2016;14(6).
. NWFSC Research Brief #9: Wildfire impacts on spring Chinook Salmon: Habitat quality in the Wenatchee River sub-basin.; 2016.
NWFSC_RB9_Wenatchee Salmon.pdf (5.61 MB)
Wildfire may increase habitat quality for spring Chinook salmon in the Wenatchee river subbasin, WA, USA Forest Ecology and Management. 2016;359.
. Climate change and vulnerability of bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) in a fire-prone landscape Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 2015;72.
. Fire effects on aquatic ecosystems: an assessment of the current state of the science Freshwater Science. 2015;34(4). Available at: .
Bixby_et_al_2015_1_.pdf (252 KB)
Post-fire response of riparian vegetation in a heavily browsed environment Forest Ecology and Management. 2015;338.
. NWFSC Research Brief #3: Songbird response to wildfire-Species abundance after a southwest oregon wildfire. Northwest Fire Science Consortium; 2014.
NWFSC_ResearchBrief_03.pdf (1.04 MB)

Songbird response to wildfire in mixed-conifer forest in south-western Oregon. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2014;On-line early.
. Assessing the compatability of fuel treatments, wildfire risk, and conservation of Northern spotted owl habitats and populations in the eastern Cascades: A multi-scale analysis.; 2013.
Veg-fire-owl final report.pdf (1.52 MB)

Influence of climate and environment on post-fire recovery of mountain sagbrush. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2013;On-line early.
. Climate Change, Forests, Fire, Water, and Fish: Building Resilient Landscapes, Streams, and Managers.; 2012:207. Available at:
Comparative Hazard Assessment for Protected Species in a Fire-Prone Landscape. Forest Ecology and Management. 2012;277:10. Available at:
. Decline of an Endangered Amphibian During an Extreme Climatic Event. Ecosphere. 2012;3(art101). Available at:
. Effects of Ungulate Herbivory on Aspen, Cottonwood, and Willow Development Under Forest Fuels Treatment Regimes. Forest Ecology and Management. 2012;276:8. Available at:
Grassland Response to Herbicides and Seeding of Native Grasses 6 Years Posttreatment. Invasive Plant Science and Management. 2012;5:6. Available at:
. Meta-analysis of avian and small-mammal response to fire severity and fire surrogate treatments in US fire-prone forests. Ecological Applications. 2012;22:15. Available at:
. Wildfire severity mediates fluxes of plant material and terrestrial invertebrates to mountain streams. Forest Ecology and Management. 2012;278:8. Available at:
. Northwest Forest Plan -- The First 15 Years: Status and Trends of Northern Spotted Owl Populations and Habitats. Portland, OR: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station; 2011:147. Available at:
. Woodpecker habitat after fire. Joint Fire Science Program; 2011. Available at:
The fire pulse: wildfire stimulates flux of aquatic prey to terrestrial habitats driving increase in riparian consumers Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 2010;67.
. Dry Forests of the Northeastern Cascades Fire and Fire Surrogate Project Site, Mission Creek, Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest. Portland, OR: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station; 2009:158. Available at:
. Burned landscapes of southwestern Oregon: what's in it for Northern Spotted Owls?. Joint Fire Science Program; 2008. Available at:
04-2-1-52_FSBrief15.pdf0_.pdf (554.06 KB)

Lessons of the Hayman fire: weeds, woodpeckers and fire severity. Joint Fire Science Program; 2008. Available at:
03-2-3-08_FSBrief68.pdf0_.pdf (605.94 KB)

Postfire woodpecker foraging in salvage-logged and unlogged forests of the Sierra Nevada The Condor. 2008;110(4).