Publications Library
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Assessment of Early Implementation of the US Forest Service’s Shared Stewardship Strategy. University of Oregon, Ecosystem Workforce Program; 2021. Available at:
Shared Stewardship Research Final Report PP10 WP104.pdf (8.5 MB)

U.S. Geological Survey Wildland Fire Science Strategic Plan, 2021-26. Reston, VA: U.S. Geological Survey; 2021. Available at:
cir1471.pdf (8.12 MB)

NWFSC Fire Facts: What are? Parts of a Wildfire.; 2019.
Parts of a Fire.pdf (583.09 KB)
NWFSC Fire Facts: What are? Types of Fire.; 2019.
Types of Fire.pdf (817.81 KB)
NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? Wildfire Smoke.; 2019.
Wildfire Smoke.pdf (622.56 KB)
NWFSC Research Brief #19 - Adjusting the lenses of past, present and future to bring into focus the role of frequent fire in dry forests .; 2019.
NWFSC_RB19_Adjusting the focus.pdf (1.39 MB)
NWFSC Research Brief #20 - Covering Wildfires: Media Emphasis and Silence.; 2019.
NWFSC_RB20_MediaCoverage.pdf (1.48 MB)
NWFSC Research Brief #21 - Understanding climate and human impacts on historical fire regimes in the PNW.; 2019.
NWFSC_RB21_Historical Regimes.pdf (1.33 MB)
Social Vulnerability and Wildfire in the Wildland-Urban Interface: Literature synthesis. ( ).; 2019:24. Available at:
WP_96.pdf (2.74 MB)
NWFSC Fire Facts: What are? Measures of Fire Behavior.; 2018.
FIREFACTS_Measures of fire behavior FINAL.pdf (614.06 KB)
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NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? Fire Behavior.; 2017.
FIREFACTS_Fire Behavior.pdf (713.8 KB)
NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? Fuel.; 2017.
NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? Topography.; 2017.
FIREFACTS_Topography.pdf (885.6 KB)
NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? Weather.; 2017.
FIREFACTS_Weather.pdf (585.04 KB)
NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? WUI.; 2017.
WUI Final.pdf (693.6 KB)
NWFSC Research Brief #13: Contracted Suppression Resources: Private Engine Dispatch and Sharing in the Northwest.; 2017.
NWFSC_RB13_Private engines.pdf (1.31 MB)
NWFSC Research Brief #14: Engagement Strategies: Helping Facilitate Development & Implementation of Adaptation Options.; 2017.
NWFSC_RB14_Engagement strategies.pdf (1.89 MB)
. . . 
Adapting fuel treatments in a changing climate - Prescribed fire, mechanical treatments, wildfire, and restoration. Northern Rockies Fire Science Network; 2016. Available at:
NRFSNWorkshopSummary3_AdaptingFuelTreatments.pdf (493.6 KB)
Administrative and Judicial Review of NEPA Decisions: Risk Factors and Risk Minimizing Strategies for the Forest Service. ( ).; 2016:48 p.
NEPA_USFS Risks_literature review_LR.pdf (3.19 MB)
The ICO Approach to Quantifying and Restoring Forest Spatial Pattern: Implementation Guide. Version 3.0. ( ). Vashon: Stewardship Forestry and Science, Vashon, Washington, USA.; 2016.
ICO-Manager-Guide-version-3-1.pdf (6.1 MB)
NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? A Fire Adapted Community.; 2016.
FIREFACTS_FAC.pdf (806.43 KB)