Working With Us

We want to work with you!

The Northwest Fire Science Consortium has a mission to build bridges and collaboration between fire scientists and fire managers in Washington and Oregon. We encourage PIs to contact us to:

  • Discuss research needs that have been expressed by the fire management community in the Northwest
  • Make contact with managers in the region
  • Discuss ways to incorporate outreach and management relevance directly into your research proposal and design
  • Request letters of support for your research proposal

If you are requesting a letter of support for a proposal, send an outline of your proposal that includes your title, research question, geographic scope, your vision for possible management application, and your ideas for possible mechanisms for outreach and collaboration with the Northwest Fire Science Consortia. In order to give your proposal adequate consideration, we will need to receive your request at least 2 weeks prior to your submission deadline.

Contact: Janean Creighton,

Criteria writing a letter of support:

  • Is the research relevant to fire management and suppression in Washington and Oregon?
  • Does this project lend itself to opportunities for science partnership with the consortia and/or with managers?
  • Are the scientists willing to work with us to at a minimum 1) present a webinar and/or presentation at our annual workshop; 2) write or work with a science writer to create a fact sheet about their research results?