Who We Are
What is the Northwest Fire Science Consortium?
The Northwest Fire Science Consortium is a multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional network consisting of federal and state agencies, non-governmental organizations, universities, and private landowners within Washington and Oregon. The Consortium seeks to provide:
- A delivery system for the effective dissemination and adoption of fire science information, knowledge, tools, and expertise.
- A framework within which a variety of existing organizations and outreach programs focused on fire science delivery can coordinate more effectively.
- A venue to increase researcher understanding of the fire science needs of practitioners.
Management Committee
The Management Committee is composed of at least one representative from each lead institution, including the Administrative Director. In total there are currently six individuals on the MC: from federal agencies, state universities, extension, and private organizations. The initial MC participants are from the USFS PNW Research Station, the USFS Region 6, Oregon State University, Oregon State University Extension, and University of Oregon.
Northwest Fire Science Consortium PI Becky Kerns, Research Ecologist, USDA Forest Service Research & Development, Corvallis, OR. bkerns@fs.fed.us |
Northwest Fire Science Consortium Administrative Director & Oregon State University PI Emily Jane Davis, Interim Director, Forestry & Natural Resources Extension Fire Program & Associate Professor, Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society, Oregon State University. emilyjane.davis@oregonstate.edu |
Northwest Fire Science Consortium Coordinator Autumn Ellison, Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. |
Janean Creighton, Associate Professor & Extension Specialist, Oregon State University. Janean.Creighton@oregonstate.edu |
Carrie Berger, Fire Program Manager, Forestry & Natural Resources Extension Fire Program, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. Carrie.Berger@oregonstate.edu |
Tom DeMeo, Regional Ecologist, USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region 6, Portland OR. tdemeo@fs.fed.us | |
Heidi Huber-Stearns, Associate Director of the Ecosystem Workforce Program, University of Oregon, Eugene OR. hhuber@uoregon.edu |
Advisory Board (2019-2021)
Jamie Bash - Oregon Health Authority
Nicole DeCrappeo - USGS, Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center
James Dickinson – Bureau of Land Management, Oregon/Washington State Office
Ryan Gordon - Oregon Department of Forestry
Ryan Haugo – The Nature Conservancy
Sean Hopkins - Washington Department of Ecology
Kim Kelly - Bureau of Indian Affairs
Karen Kopper - National Park Service
Margeret Miller - Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
Dana Skelly - USFS Region 6, Portland Oregon and Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Project
Jen Watkins - Washington Department of Natural Resources
Vita Wright - US Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station
For information and questions about the NW Fire Science Consortium please contact Autumn Ellison, Consortium Program Coordinator at autumn.ellison@oregonstate.edu