Publications Library
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Reburn in the Rain Shadow. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station; 2018.
scifi211-2.pdf (6.96 MB)
Bridging the gap: Joint Fire Science Program Outcomes.; 2017.
FSdigest24.pdf (6.4 MB)
Fire Science Exchange Network.; 2017.
FINAL_FSEN_Factsheet-072017.pdf (1.76 MB)
Joint Fire Science Program Smoke Science Plan Conclusion: Smoke Science Accomplishments Under the Plan. ( ).; 2017:81.
Joint Fire Science Program Smoke Science Plan Conclusion - Final Report 21 April 2017.pdf (2.26 MB)
Policy Scenarios for fire-adapted communities: Understanding stakeholder risk-perceptions, using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps. ( ).; 2017.
JFSP_final_report_Fuzzy_cognitive_maps_Stakeholder_Perspectives (1).pdf (658.79 KB)
Relational risk assessment and management: investigating capacity in wildfire response networks. ( ).; 2017.
12-2-01-47_final_report.pdf (709.07 KB)
The Science of Fuel Treatments.; 2017.
FuelTreatment Fact Sheet.pdf (3.15 MB)

Telling Fire’s Story through Narrative and Art. Boise, ID: Joint Fire Science Program; 2017.
FSdigest25.pdf (1.79 MB)
Drivers of Wildfire Suppression Costs: A Review. ( ).; 2016.
BP_66.pdf (770.12 KB)
Polishing the Prism: Improving Wildfire Mitigation Planning by Coupling Landscape and Social Dimensions. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station; 2016.
scifi189.pdf (876.76 KB)
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Assessing the Compatibility of Fuel Treatments, Wildfire Risk, and Conservation of Northern Spotted Owl Habitats and Populations in the Eastern Cascades: A Multi-Scale Analysis.; 2014. Available at:
. Building trust, establishing credibility, and communicating fire issues with the public.; 2014.
FSdigest17.pdf (1.06 MB)
Graduate Research Innovation Awards Encourage Young Scientists to Ask Bold Questions.; 2014.
fsdigest18.pdf (922.26 KB)
Taming the Software Chaos: True to its Promise, IFTDSS Eases the Burden of Fuels Treatment Planning - and Does a Lot More Besides.; 2014.
FSdigest19.pdf (905.04 KB)
Traditional Ecological Knowledge: A Model for Modern Fire Management?.; 2014.
FSdigest20-1.pdf (872.53 KB)
Trust: A Planning Guide for Wildfire Agencies & Practitioners. ( ).; 2014. Available at:
. Trust: A planning guide for wildfire agencies & practitioners. Joint Fire Science Program; 2014. Available at:
Capturing Fire: RxCadre Takes Fire Measurements to a Whole New Level. Joint Fire Science Program; 2013.
FSdigest16.pdf (890.34 KB)
Climate change tipping points: A point of no return?. Joint Fire Science Program; 2013.
FSdigest15.pdf (1.47 MB)
Bark Beetles and Fire: Two forces of nature transforming western forests.; 2012. Available at:
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