
Air Sensor Toolbox for Citizen Scientists, Researchers and Developers: This website provides information for citizen scientists and others on how to select and use low-cost, portable air sensor technology and understand results from monitoring activities. The information can help the public learn more about air quality in their communities.     Link

AirFire: In managing wildfires, managers must make decisions in the face of great uncertainty and complexity. PNW researchers are working on models and tools to assist managers in these decisions. This includes developing better predictions of local fire weather, more accurately predicting fire behavior and smoke dispersal, and providing information and decision tools to fight fires cost effectively and safely. Better predictions mean more cost-effective decisions about deployment of firefighting resources and increased firefighter safety. This page highlights these key tools. Link

AIRPACT: The goal of the AIRPACT (Air Indicator Report for Public Awareness and Community Tracking) project is to provide timely air quality (AQ) information to people in the Pacific Northwest region. Link

ArcFuels: Streamlined fuel management planning and wildfire risk assessment system which creates a trans-scale (stand to large landscape) interface to apply various forest growth and fire behavior models within ArcMap to design and test fuel treatment alternatives. Link

BehavePlus: PC-based fire modeling system that describe fire behavior, fire effects, and the fire environment. Link

BIOPAK: Menu-driven package of computer programs that calculate biomass, area, height, length, or volume of plant components and biomass by fuels size class. Link

Climate Forest Vegetation Simulator: Provides forest managers with a tool for considering the effects of climate change on forested ecosystems. Link

Consume 4.2: Consume predicts fuel consumption, pollutant emissions, and heat release based on fuel loadings, fuel moisture, and other environmental factors.  Link

FARSITE: Fire behavior and fire growth simulator incorporating spatial and temporal information on topography, fuels, and weather. Link

FERA Digital Photo Series: On-line natural fuels photo series to help managers appraise fuel and vegetation conditions. Link

Fire and Fuels Extension of FVS (FFE): Models predictions of potential fire behavior and effects and estimates of snag levels and fuel loading over time. Link

Fire and Smoke Map: The Fire and Smoke Map displays information on ground level air quality monitors recording fine particulates (PM 2.5) from smoke and other sources, as well as information on fires, plume locations, and special statements about smoke issued by various sources.  Link

Fire Effects Information System (FEIS): The Fire Effects Information System is an online collection of reviews of the scientific literature about fire effects on plants and animals and about fire regimes of plant communities in the United States. Link

Fire Emission Production Simulator (FEPS): Designed to help managers estimate and mitigate the rates of heat, particles, and carbon gas emissions from controlled burns of harvest slash. Link

First Order Fire Effects Model (FOFEM): Program for predicting tree mortality, fuel consumption, smoke production, and soil heating caused by prescribed fire or wildfire. Link

FlamMap: Fire behavior mapping and analysis program that computes fire behavior characteristics over a landscape for constant moisture and fuel conditions. To be used with FARSITE. Link

Forest Sector Carbon Calculator: Provides users a way to compare short- and long-term effects of forest management practices, wildfire, and forest product development on forest carbon stores. Link

Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS): A family of forest growth simulation models calibrated for specific US geographic regions. FVS can simulate a wide range of silvicultural treatments for most major tree species, stand conditions, and forest types. Link

Fuel and Fire Tools (FFT): Fuel and Fire Tools (FFT) is a software application that integrates the Fuel Characteristics Classification System (version 3.0), Consume (version 4.2), FEPS (version 2.0), Pile Calculator, and Digital Photo Series into a single user interface. Link

Fuel Characteristic Classification System (FCCS): Calculates fuel characteristics and fire potential fuel beds and is available for download. Link
