Fuel-loading tool: Fuel-loading tool for piles and broadcast & underburns. Link
FuelCalc: FuelCalc is a desktop software application for determining changes in surface and crown fuel loading after thinning, pruning, piling and/or prescribed fire. Link
Hand-piled Fuels Biomass Calculator: Estimates the biomass of hand-piled fuels, leading to better estimates of smoke production. Link
IFTDSS version 3.0: IFTDSS is a web-based software and data integration framework that organizes previously existing and newly developed fire and fuels software applications to make fuels treatment planning and analysis more efficient and effective. Link
Interagency Smoke Committee (SmoC): This website offers tools for managing smoke such as smoke dispersion models, weather and smoke forecasts, and monitoring equipment and methods. Link
iTree: USDA Forest Service software provides urban forestry analysis and benefits assessment tools. Link
Landscape Treatment Designer (LTD): Program for fuel treatment planning to help design fuel treatment scenarios according to spatial and non-spatial objectives. Link
My Fuel Treatment Planner (MyFTP): Designed for planners working at the national forest district level (or similarly sized unit) to estimate costs, revenues, economic impacts, and surface fuels resulting from fuel reduction operations. It is only applicable to dry forest in the western US. Link
NASA Worldview: Interactive interface for browsing full-resolution, global satellite imagery. Supports time-critical application areas such as wildfire management, air quality measurements, and weather forecasting. Data is generally available within three hours of observation. Link
NetMap: Community-based watershed science system comprised of uniform digital watershed databases, analysis tools, and technical support materials, addressing a variety of watershed characteristics. Link
NOAA HRRR-Smoke: The HRRR is a NOAA real-time 3-km resolution, hourly updated, cloud-resolving, convection-allowing atmospheric model, initialized by 3km grids with 3km radar assimilation. Radar data is assimilated in the HRRR every 15 min over a 1-h period adding further detail to that provided by the hourly data assimilation from the 13km radar-enhanced Rapid Refresh. Link
Pile Calculator: The calculated developed by this project allows land managers to more accurately assess biomass in hand piles, leading to better smoke production estimates, improved burn scheduling, and more accurate compliance with the maximum allowable emissions limits as determined by various state smoke management plans. Link
Smoke Information for Oregon: This site is an effort by many city, county, tribal, state and federal agencies to coordinate and aggregate information for Oregon communities affected by wildfire smoke. The information is posted here by the agencies themselves while volunteers built and are maintaining the page. Link
Smoke Information for Washington: This site is an effort by many city, county, tribal, state and federal agencies to coordinate and aggregate information for Washington communities affected by smoke from wildfire. The information is posted here by the agencies themselves while volunteers built and are maintaining the page. Link
Smoke Sense (mobile app): Smoke sense is an educational tool and information resource designed to increase people’s awareness of the health impact of smoke and encourage people to take action to protect themselves. Link
Template for Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Management Options (TACCIMO): A web-based tool that connects forest planning to current climate change science. Link
The Hot-Dry-Windy Index (HDW): A new fire-weather prediction tool based on the key atmospheric variables that affect wildland fire: temperature, moisture, and wind. Link
TOPOFIRE: A topographically resolved drought and wildfire danger monitoring system for the conterminous US Link
Tribal Connections: Tribal Connections, a new interactive online mapping tool, was recently released by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS). The map shows overlap between USFS-administered lands, current tribal trust lands, and tribal lands exchanged with the federal government prior to 1900. The mapping tool illustrates where historical treaties influence current land management planning and decision making. Link
US National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS2016): To develop consistency among protection agencies, the National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS) was developed in the early 70’s. It was designed around four basic guidelines. The research charter said the National Fire Danger Rating System would be:a. Scientifically based.b. Adaptable to the needs of local managers.c. Applicable anywhere in the country.d. Reasonably inexpensive to operate. Link