BLM Geographic Information Sets: GIS data for Washington and Oregon provided by the Bureau of Land Management. Link
Data Basin: Data Basin is a free system that connects you with spatial datasets, non-technical tools, and a network of scientists and practitioners. You can explore and download a vast library of datasets, connect to external data sources, upload and publish your own datasets, connect to experts, create working groups, and produce customized maps that can be easily shared. Link
Ecoshare Core Datasets: Provides ecology plot data for various regions of the northwest. Link
Ecoshare GIS Data: Available sets include modeled potential vegetation zones, modeled plant association groups, and fire regime condition class. Link
Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) National Program: Reports on the status and trends in forest area and location; in the species, size, and health of trees; in total tree growth, mortality, and removals by harvest; in wood production and utilization rates by various products; and in forest land ownership. Link
Forest Provenance Data: Centralized data management system for archiving data from long-term provenance tests and seedling genecology studies. Data may be retrieved and/or submitted. Link
ILAP Data and Models: Input and output data for ILAP’s state and transition models are available from the Western Landscapes Explorer. Link
Integrated Landscape Assessment Project (ILAP): ILAP tools are available to examine current and future fuel conditions, wildlife habitats, and the economics of fuel treatments across all lands in Oregon and Washington using state and transition models for different land management scenarios. Outputs from ILAP analyses are presented at the HUC 5 watershed scale and can be used to evaluate management strategies that reduce fire risk, improve habitat and benefit rural communities. Link
LANDFIRE: LANDFIRE (also known as Landscape Fire and Resource Management Planning Tools) is an interagency vegetation, fire, and fuel characteristics mapping program, sponsored by the United States Department of the Interior (DOI) and the United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. LANDFIRE produces a comprehensive, consistent, scientifically credible suite of spatial data layers for the entire United States. Key goals of the LANDFIRE Program are to update and improve the data products completed by the LANDFIRE Project in December 2009. Link
Oregon Explorer: Information to help citizens, planners, and policymakers make more informed decisions about Oregon's natural resources and communities. Link
Oregon Spatial Data Library: Official datasets from the Oregon Geospatial Enterprise Office. Link
PNW Geographic Information Sets: GIS data organized by national forest provided by USDA Forest Service PNW Region. Link
Rapid Data Distribution System (RDDS): Site provides easy access and download of seamless raster data. System was developed to assist incident management teams, wildland fire specialists and other emergency response personnel. Link
Spatial Data Management Group (SDMG): Offers data sets, maps, and LiDAR for the Pacific Northwest and the US from a variety of sources. Link
TNC/USFS R6 Departure Analysis: Data, Outputs, and Reference Model Descriptions provided Link
Washington State Geospatial Data Archive: The Washington State Geospatial Data Archive (WAGDA) is a space to locate geospatial data for the state of Washington. Maintained by The Map Collection & Cartographic Information Services, University of Washington Libraries, this site also contains selected non-Washington geospatial data sets that have been created by students and researchers at the University of Washington. Link
WFDSS GIS Databases: Existing spatial layers are refreshed on a regular basis and are available for download. Layer documentation is available for all layers. Link