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Sankey JB, Kreitler J, Hawbaker TJ, et al. Climate, wildfire, and erosion ensemble foretells more sediment in western USA watersheds. Geophysical Research Letters. 2017;Online early.
Smith JE. Does the presence of large down wood at the time of a forest fire impact soil recovery? Kluber LA, ed. Forest Ecology and Management. 2017;391.
Pierson FB. Ecohydrologic impacts of rangeland fire on runoff and erosion: A literature synthesis. (Williams JC, ed.). Fort Collins: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station; 2016:110 p. Available at:
Boisramé G. Managed wildfire effects on forest resilience and water in the Sierra Nevada Thompson S, ed. Ecosystems. 2016.
Smith JE. Soil heating during the complete combustion of mega-logs and broadcast burning in central Oregon USA pumice soils Cowan AD, ed. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2016;25.
Davies KW, Bates JD, Boyd CS, Nafus AM. Is fire exclusion in mountain big sagebrush communities prudent? Soil nutrient, plant diversity and arthropod response to burning. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2014;23(3).
Yelenik S, Perakis S, Hibbs D. Regional constraints to biological nitrogen fixation in post-fire forest communities. Ecology. 2013;94(3):11. Available at: icon Ecology pub.pdf (838.41 KB)
Busse MD, Shestak CJ, Hubbert KR. Soil heating during burning of forest slash piles and wood piles. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2013;On-line early.
Creech MN, Kirkman K, Morris LA. Alteration and Recovery of Slash Pile Burn Sites in the Restoration of a Fire-Maintained Ecosystem. Restoration Ecology. 2012;20:12. Available at:
Switzer JM, Hope GD, Grayston SJ, Prescott CE. Changes in Soil Chemical and Biological Properties After Thinning and Prescribed Fire for Ecosystem Restoration in a Rocky Mountain Douglas Fir Forest. Forest Ecology and Management. 2012;275:13. Available at:
Sankey JB, Germino MJ, Sankey TT, Hoover AN. Fire Effects on the Spatial Patterning of Soil Properties in Sagebrush Steppe, USA: A Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2012;21(5):12. Available at:
Pingree MRA, Homann PS, Morrissette B, Darbyshire R. Long and Short-Term Effects of Fire on Soil Charcoal of a Conifer Forest in Southwest Oregon. Forests. 2012;2012(3):17. Available at:
Johnson DW, Walker RF, McNulty M, Rau BM, Miller WW. The Long-Term Effects of Wildfire and Post-Fire Vegetation on Sierra Nevada Forest Soils. Forests. 2012;3(2):19. Available at:
Rhoades CC, Battaglia MA, Rocca ME, Ryan MG. Short- and medium-term effects of fuel reduction mulch treatments on soil nitrogen availability in Colorado conifer forests. Forest Ecology and Management. 2012;276:8. Available at:
Dunn CJ, Bailey JD. Temporal dynamics and decay of coarse wood in early seral habitats of dry-mixed conifer forests in Oregon’s Eastern Cascades. Forest Ecology and Management. 2012;276:11. Available at:
Reynolds KM, Hessburg PF, Miller RE, Meurisse RT. Evaluating Soil Risks Associated With Severe Wildfire and Ground-Based Logging. Portland, OR: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station; 2011:27. Available at:
Jennings TN, Smith JE, Cromack K, et al. Impact of postfire logging on soil bacterial and fungal communities on biogeochemistry in a mixed-conifer forest in central Oregon. Plant Soil. 2010;350:19. Available at:
Harrington CA. A Tale of Two Cedars: International Symposium on Western Redcedar and Yellow-Cedar. Portland, OR: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station; 2010:177. Available at: