Publications Library

Found 1216 results
Dry Forest Zone Maps 2013. Eugene, OR: Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon; 2013. Available at: icon pub-dry-forest-zone-maps.pdf (7.22 MB)
Nielsen-Pincus M, Moseley C, Gebert K. The effects of large wildfires on employment and wage growth and volatility in the western United States. Journal of Forestry. 2013;111(6):8.PDF icon s7.pdf (804.01 KB)
Johnson M, Halofsky J, Peterson DL. Effects of salvage logging and pile-and-burn on fuel loading, potential fire behavior, fuel consumption and emissions. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2013;on line early.
Keane RE, Loehman RA. Estimating Critical Climate - Driven Thresholds in Landscape Dynamics Using Spatial Simulation Modeling: Climate Change Tipping Points in Fire Management. Joint Fire Science Program; 2013:25.
Andrews PL, Cruz MG, Rothermel RC. Examination of the wind speed limit function in the Rothermel surface fire spread model. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2013;On-line early.
Coalition FAC. Fire Adapted Communities. 2013.PDF icon FAC%20Brochure%20%202013.pdf (1.63 MB)
Anon. Fire For Water: Forest Restoration for Ashland, OR.; 2013.
Shinneman DJ, Baker WL, Rogers PC, Kulakowski D. Fire regimes of quaking aspen in the Mountain West. Forest Ecology and Management. 2013;299:12.
Tepley AJ. Fire-mediated pathways of stand development in Douglas-fir/ western hemlock forests of the Pacific Northwest, USA Swanson FJ, ed. Ecology. 2013;94(8).
Page WG, Jenkins MJ, Alexander ME. Foliar moisture content variations in lodgepole pine over the diurnal cycle during the red stage of mountain pine beetle attack. Environmental Modelling & Software. 2013;On-line early(49):5.PDF icon FEM_FMCdiurnal.pdf (426.72 KB)
Martinson EJ, Omi PN. Fuel Treatments and Fire Severity: A Meta-Analysis. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station; 2013:35.PDF icon 08-2-1-09_RMRS-RP-103WWW.pdf (9.05 MB)
Fischer PA, Kline JD, Charnley S, Olsen C. Identifying policy target groups with qualitative and quantitative methods: the case of wildfire risk on nonindustrial private forest lands. Forest Policy and Economics. 2013;28.
Nelson ZJ, Weisberg PJ, Kitchen SG. Influence of climate and environment on post-fire recovery of mountain sagbrush. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2013;On-line early.
Jenkins MJ, Runyon JB, Fettig CJ, Page WG, Bentz BJ. Interactions among the mountain pine beetle, fires, and fuels. Forest Science. 2013;On-line early.PDF icon rmrs_2014_jenkins_m001.pdf (530.8 KB)
Anon. Interactions of insects, fire and climate on fuel loads and fire behavior in mixed conifer forest.; 2013. Available at: icon insects fire mixed conifer final_report.pdf (445.15 KB)
Heward H, Smith AMS, Roy DP, et al. Is burn severity related to fire intensity? Observations from landscape scale remote sensing. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2013.
Fitzgerald S, Bennett M. A Land Manager's Guide for Creating Fire-resistant Forests. Oregon State University Extension & the Northwest Fire Science Consortium; 2013:14.PDF icon A Land Managers Guide for Creating Fire-resistant Forests .pdf (1.84 MB)
Larson AJ, Belote TR, Cansler AC, Parks SA, Dietz MS. Latent resilience in ponderosa pine forest: effects of resumed frequent fire. Ecological Applications. 2013;23(6):7.PDF icon latent resilience in p pine.pdf (13.78 MB)
Quarles S, Leschak P, Worley K, Brown R, Iskowitz C. Lessons Learned from Waldo Canyon: FAC mitigation assessment team report. Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety; 2013:48.PDF icon Waldo-Canyon-Rpt-FINAL.pdf (4.9 MB)
Champ PA, Donovan GH, Barth CM. Living in a tinderbox: wildfire risk perceptions and mitigating behaviors. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2013;On-line early.
Larson AJ, Belote TR, Williamson MA, Aplet GH. Making monitoring count: project design for active adaptive management. Journal of Forestry. 2013;111(5):9.PDF icon s9.pdf (693.62 KB)
Link SO. Management of cheatgrass fuel loading in the shrub-steppe. 2013.Office presentation icon link5-29-13-1.ppt (7.9 MB)
Stephens SL, Agee JK, Fule PZ, et al. Managing Forests and Fire in Changing Climates. AAAS; 2013.PDF icon ScienceVol342Stephens.pdf (613.65 KB)
Kline JD, Kerns BK, Day MA, Hammer RB. Mapping multiple forest threats in the northwestern United States. Journal of Forestry. 2013;111(3).
Anon. The merits of prescribed fire outweigh potential carbon emission effects.; 2013.PDF icon AFEs-Prescribed-Fire-Position-Paper-2013.pdf (2.71 MB)
