Publications Library

Found 1216 results
Diaz JM. Local Ecological Knowledge and Fire Management: What Does the Public Understand? Steelman T, ed. Journal of Forestry. 2015;113.PDF icon LocalEcologicalKnowledge.pdf (187.57 KB)
Syphard AD. Location, timing and extent of wildfire vary by cause of ignition Keeley JE, ed. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2015;24.
Knapp EE. Long-term dead wood changes in a Sierra Nevada mixed conifer forest: habitat and fire hazard implications. Forest Ecology and Management. 2015;339.
Coates PS. Long-term effects of wildfire on greater sage-grouse - integrating population and ecosystem concepts for management in the Great Basin. (Ricca MA, ed.).; 2015:42.
Jang W. Long-term effects on distribution of forest biomass following different harvesting levels in the northern Rocky Mountains Keyes CR, ed. Forest Ecology and Management. 2015;358.
Walker RF. Long-Term Growth of Sierra Nevada Mixed Conifer in Response to Mechanized Thinning, Slash Mastication, and Prescribed Fire Swim SL, ed. Forest Research. 2015;S3:001.
Hood S. Low-severity fire increases tree defense against bark beetle attacks Sala A, ed. Ecology. 2015;96.
Kemp KB. Managing for climate change on federal lands of the western United States: perceived usefulness of climate science, effectiveness of adaptation strategies, and barriers to implementation Blades JJ, ed. Ecology and Society. 2015;20(2).
Hoffman CM. Modeling spatial and temporal dynamics of wind flow and potential fire behavior following a mountain pine beetle outbreak in a lodgepole pine forest Linn R, ed. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2015;204.
Dunn CJ. Modeling the direct effect of salvage logging on long-term temporal fuel dynamics in dry-mixed conifer forests Bailey JD, ed. Forest Ecology and Management. 2015;341.
McKenzie D. Modeling wildfire regimes in forest landscapes: abstracting a complex reality. In: Perera AH, ed. Simulation modeling of forest landscape disturbances. Simulation modeling of forest landscape disturbances. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing; 2015:73-92. Available at:
Hartter J. Modelling Associations between Public Understanding, Engagement and Forest Conditions in the Inland Northwest, USA Stevens FR, ed. PLOS ONE. 2015;10(2).
Underwood E. Models predict longer, deeper U.S. droughts. Science. 2015;13.
Alba C. Native and exotic plant species respond differently to wildfire and prescribed fire as revealed by meta-analysis Skálová H, ed. Journal of Vegetation Science. 2015;26(1).
Calkin DE. Negative consequences of positive feedbacks in US wildfire management Thompson MP, ed. Forest Ecosystems. 2015;2(9).
Haugo R. A new approach to evaluate forest structure restoration needs across Oregon and Washington Zanger C, ed. Forest Ecology and Management. 2015;335. Available at:
Wolf R. Not All Fires are Wild - Understanding Fire and Its Use as a Management Tool. (Berger C, ed.).; 2015. Available at:
Creighton J. NWFSC Activity Report - Fire Without Borders: Observations, Experiences, and Lessons Learned from the 36-Pit Fire.; 2015.PDF icon 36-Pit Fire Field Tour Final Report.pdf (2.56 MB)
Anon. NWFSC Activity Report - Preparing for Wildfires: Moving from crisis to opportunity.; 2015.PDF icon Extension Wildfire Workshop Report.pdf (508.8 KB)
Berger C. NWFSC Activity Report - Using Prescribed Fire as a Management Strategy in the Turnbull NWR.; 2015.PDF icon NWFSC Activity Report Turnbull NWR.pdf (1.19 MB)
Consortium NWFire Scien. NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? Fire Intensity.; 2015.PDF icon FIREFACTS_Intensity.pdf (705.66 KB)
Consortium NFire Scien. NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? Fire Severity.; 2015.PDF icon Fire Severity.pdf (794.83 KB)
Anon. NWFSC Research Brief #6: Restoring the West: Forest Restoration Needs in Oregon and Washington.; 2015.PDF icon NWFSC_RB6_RestoringTheWest.pdf (1.26 MB)
Duff TJ, Tolhurst KG. Operational wildfire suppression modelling: a review evaluating development, state of the art and future directions. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2015;24(6).
Weise DR. Particulate and trace gas emissions from prescribed burns in southeastern U.S. fuel types: Summary of a 5-year project Johnson TJ, ed. Fire Safety Journal. 2015;74.
