NWFSC Research Brief #6: Restoring the West: Forest Restoration Needs in Oregon and Washington

TitleNWFSC Research Brief #6: Restoring the West: Forest Restoration Needs in Oregon and Washington
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2015
Series TitleNorthwest Fire Science Consortium Research Briefs
Document Number6
Date PublishedSummer 2015
Keywordsextension publications and factsheets, nrv, research briefs, restoration

In this study, researchers investigated the extent of forest restoration needed to move present day forests towards a NRV across fire-adapted landscapes in eastern Washington, eastern Oregon, and southwestern Oregon. They assessed forest vegetation restoration needs for over 28 million acres of forest based on the distribution of different forest types (e.g., Dry Mixed Conifer vs. Moist Mixed Conifer) and the current relative abundance of structural classes (see below) compared to NRV reference conditions. Using this approach, researchers determined which structural classes were overrepresented and underrepresented in each landscape unit. They then evaluated which of several different treatment or restoration categories (‘Disturbance Only’, ‘Disturbance then Succession’, and ‘Succession Only’) could transition acres to structural classes
that would restore a distribution of classes to within the NRV reference conditions.