Publications Library

Found 1216 results
Raymond CL, Peterson DL, Rochefort RM. Climate change vulnerability and adaptation in the North Cascades region, Washington.; 2014. Available at:
Cansler AC, McKenzie D. Climate, fire size, and biophysical setting control fire severity and spatial pattern in the northern Cascade Range, USA. Ecological Applications. 2014;24(5).PDF icon Cansler_McKenzie_ClimateBiophysicalSetting_FireSizeSeverityN_Cascade_2014EcolApp.pdf (5.79 MB)
Stavros NE. The climate-wildfire-air quality system: interactions and feedbacks across spatial and temporal scales McKenzie D, ed. WIREs Climate Change. 2014;5(6).
Stanturf JA. Contemporary forest restoration: A review emphasizing function Palik BJ, ed. Forest Ecology and Management. 2014;331(1).
Fry DL. Contrasting Spatial Patterns in Active-Fire and Fire- Suppressed Mediterranean Climate Old-Growth Mixed Conifer Forests Stephens SL, ed. PLoS ONE. 2014;9(2).
Williams PA. Correlations between components of the water balance and burned area reveal insights for predicting forest fire area in the southwest United States Seager R, ed. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2014;Online early. Available at:
Lannom KO, Tinkham WT, Smith AMS, et al. Defining extreme wildland fires using geospatial and ancillary metrics. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2014;On-line early.
Halofsky JS. Dry forest resilience varies under simulated climate-management scenarios in a central Oregon, USA landscape Halofsky JE, ed. Ecological Applications. 2014;24(8). Available at:
Program UOEW, Northwest S, Center W, Resources W. Dry Forest Zone Maps. Ecosystem Workforce Program Working Paper. 2014.PDF icon 2014_DFZ_Maps.pdf (14.37 MB)
of Resources WSDN. Eastern Washington Forest Health: Hazards, Accomplishments and Restoration Strategy.; 2014.PDF icon stelprd3822404.pdf (2.47 MB)
Wright, Jr. HE. The Ecological Role of Fire in Natural Conifer Forests of Western and Northern North America - Introduction Heinselman ML, ed. Fire Ecology. 2014;10(3).
Stine P. The Ecology and Management of Moist Mixed-Conifer Forests in Eastern Oregon and Washington: a Synthesis of the Relevant Biophysical Science and Implications for Future Land Management. PNW-GTR-897th ed. (Hessburg P, ed.). Pacific Northwest Research Station; 2014. Available at: icon pnw_gtr897.pdf (8.07 MB)
Noonan-Wright EK. The Effectiveness and Limitations of Fuel Modeling Using the Fire and Fuels Extension to the Forest Vegetation Simulator Vaillant NM, ed. Forest Science. 2014;60(2).PDF icon Noonan-WrightEt_2014_ForSci_CustomFuelModel.pdf (435.82 KB)
Loudermilk LE. Effectiveness of fuel treatments for mitigating wildfire risk and sequestering forest carbon: A case study in the Lake Tahoe Basin Stanton A, ed. Forest Ecology and Management. 2014;323.
Vaz PG. Effects of burn status and conditioning on colonization of wood by stream macroinvertebrates Dias S, ed. Freshwater Science. 2014;33(3).
Kent LY. An Evaluation of Fire Regime Reconstruction Methods.; 2014.PDF icon doc.pdf (1.14 MB)
Spies TA. Examining fire-prone forest landscapes as coupled human and natural systems White EM, ed. Ecology and Society. 2014;19(3).PDF icon ES-2014-6584.pdf (2.12 MB)
Collins B. Fire and fuels. (Skinner C, ed.).; 2014. Available at:
Kreye JK, Brewer NW, Morgan P, et al. Fire behavior in masticated fuels: A review. Forest Ecology and Management. 2014;314.
Anon. Fire Learning Network Field Guide. The Nature Conservancy; 2014.PDF icon FLN-Field-Guide-Nov2014.pdf (2.97 MB)
Harvey BJ. Fire severity and tree regeneration following bark beetle outbreaks: the role of outbreak stage and burning conditions Donato DC, ed. Ecological Applications. 2014;24.
Silins U. Five-year legacy of wildfire and salvage logging impacts on nutrient runoff and aquatic plant, invertebrate, and fish productivity Bladon KD, ed. Ecohydrology. 2014;7.
Kennedy MC, Johnson MC. Fuel treatment prescriptions alter spatial patterns of fire severity around the wildland-urban interface during the Wallow Fire, Arizona, USA. Forest Ecology and Management. 2014;318:11.PDF icon Fuel treatment prescriptions alter spatial patterns of fire severity around WUI during the Wallow fire.pdf (2.01 MB)
Prichard SJ. Fuel treatments and landform modify landscape patterns of burn severity in an extreme fire event Kennedy MC, ed. Ecological Applications. 2014;24(3). Available at:
Wells G. Graduate Research Innovation Awards Encourage Young Scientists to Ask Bold Questions.; 2014.PDF icon fsdigest18.pdf (922.26 KB)
