The Ecology and Management of Moist Mixed-Conifer Forests in Eastern Oregon and Washington: a Synthesis of the Relevant Biophysical Science and Implications for Future Land Management

TitleThe Ecology and Management of Moist Mixed-Conifer Forests in Eastern Oregon and Washington: a Synthesis of the Relevant Biophysical Science and Implications for Future Land Management
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsStine, P
Series EditorHessburg, P
Tertiary AuthorsSpies, T
Subsidiary AuthorsKramer, M, Fettig, CJ, Hansen, A, Lehmkuhl, J, O'Hara, K, Polivka, K, Singleton, P, Charnley, S, Merschel, A, White, R
Series TitleGeneral Technical Report
Document Number897
InstitutionPacific Northwest Research Station
Report Number897
KeywordsDisturbance ecology, land management, landscape restoration, resilience, stewardship, technical reports and journal articles

Land managers in the Pacific Northwest have reported a need for updated scientific
information on the ecology and management of mixed-conifer forests east of the
Cascade Range in Oregon and Washington. Of particular concern are the moist
mixed-conifer forests, which have become drought-stressed and vulnerable to
high-severity fire after decades of human disturbances and climate warming. This
synthesis responds to this need. We present a compilation of existing research
across multiple natural resource issues, including disturbance regimes, the legacy
effects of past management actions, wildlife habitat, watershed health, restoration
concepts from a landscape perspective, and social and policy concerns. We provide
considerations for management, while also emphasizing the importance of local
knowledge when applying this information at the local and regional level.
