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Returning Fire to the Land—Celebrating Traditional Knowledge and Fire Journal of Forestry. 2017;Review Article.
. A review of challenges to determining and demonstrating efficiency of large fire management International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2017;26(7).
. A Review of Pathways for Building Fire Spread in the Wildland Urban Interface Part II: Response of Components and Systems and Mitigation Strategies in the United States Fire Technology. 2017;53(2).
. Shared visions, future challenges: a case study of three Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program locations Ecology and Society. 2017;22(2).
. Sharing contracted resources for fire suppression: engine dispatch in the Northwestern United States International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2017;26(2).
. Should I Stay or Should I Go Now? Or Should I Wait and See? Influences on Wildfire Evacuation Decisions Risk Analysis. 2017;Online early.
. Smoke in a New Era of Fire. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, PNW Station; 2017:16.
smoke science-update-24-1.pdf (2.96 MB)
Spatially explicit measurements of forest structure and fire behavior following restoration treatments in dry forests Forest Ecology and Management. 2017;386.
. Spatiotemporal dynamics of simulated wildfire, forest management, and forest succession in central Oregon, USA. Ecology and Society. 2017;22(1).
. Special Report: Western Governors' National Forest and Rangeland Management Initiative. Denver: Western Governors' Association; 2017:32p.
2017_NFRMI_Report_for_Web.pdf (1.68 MB)
Status update: is smoke on your mind? Using social media to assess smoke exposure Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2017;17.
. Studying interregional wildland fire engine assignments for large fire suppression International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2017;26(7).
. Surface fuels in recent Phytophthora ramorum created gaps and adjacent intact Quercus agrifolia forests, East Bay Regional Parks, California, USA Forest Ecology and Management. 2017;384.
. Sustainability and wildland fire: The origins of Forest Service Wildland Fire Research. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service; 2017:120.
. Tamm Review: Shifting global fire regimes: Lessons from reburns and research needs Forest Ecology and Management. 2017;396.
. Towards enhanced risk management: planning, decision making and monitoring of US wildfire response International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2017;26(7).
. Towards improving wildland firefighter situational awareness through daily fire behaviour risk assessments in the US Northern Rockies and Northern Great Basin International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2017;26(7).
. Using an agent-based model to examine forest management outcomes in a fire-prone landscape in Oregon, USA. Ecology and Society. 2017;22(1).
. Using fire to promote biodiversity Science. 2017;355(6331).
. Visions of Restoration in Fire-Adapted Forest Landscapes: Lessons from the Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program Environmental Management. 2017;59(2).
. Whither the paradigm shift? Large wildland fires and the wildfire paradox offer opportunities for a new paradigm of ecological fire management. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2017;26(7).
. Who among the elderly is most vulnerable to exposure and health risks of PM2.5 from wildfire smoke? American Journal of Epidemiology. 2017.
. 1984–2010 trends in fire burn severity and area for the conterminous US International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2016;25(4).
. 2015 National Prescribed Fire Use Survey Report.; 2016:22 p.
2015 Prescribed Fire Use Survey Report.pdf (6.93 MB)
A 350-million-year legacy of fire adaptation among conifers Journal of Ecology. 2016;104(2).