Publications Library

Found 1216 results
Kieta KA, Owens PN, Petticrew EL. Post-wildfire contamination of soils and sediments by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in north-central British Columbia, Canada. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2023.PDF icon Post-wildfire contamination of soils and sediments by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in north-central British Columbia, Canada.pdf (4.19 MB)
McCormack PC, Miller RK, McDonald J. Prescribed burning on private land: reflections on recent law reform in Australia and California. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2023.PDF icon Prescribed burning on private land- reflections on recent law reform in Australia and California.pdf (1.06 MB)
Kelp MM, Carroll MC, Liu T, et al. Prescribed Burns as a Tool to Mitigate Future Wildfire Smoke Exposure: Lessons for States and Rural Environmental Justice Communities. Earth's Future. 2023;11(6).PDF icon Earth s Future - 2023 - Kelp - Prescribed Burns as a Tool to Mitigate Future Wildfire Smoke Exposure Lessons for States.pdf (1.86 MB)
Vilà-Vilardell L, De Cáceres M, Piqué M, Casals P. Prescribed fire after thinning increased resistance of sub-Mediterranean pine forests to drought events and wildfires. Forest Ecology and Management. 2023;527.
Carter SK, Haby TS, Meineke JK, et al. Prioritizing science efforts to inform decision making on public lands. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2023. Available at: icon Frontiers in Ecol Environ - 2023 - Carter.pdf (1.9 MB)
Miller L, Zhu L, Yebra M, Rüdiger C, Webb GI. Projecting live fuel moisture content via deep learning. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2023.PDF icon Projecting live fuel moisture content via deep learning.pdf (7.28 MB)
Francis EJ, Pourmohammadi P, Steel ZL, Collins BM, Hurteau MD. Proportion of forest area burned at high-severity increases with increasing forest cover and connectivity in western US watersheds. Landscape Ecology. 2023;38:2501–2518. Available at: icon s10980-023-01710-1.pdf (2.7 MB)
Karasmanaki E, Mallinis G, Mitsopoulos I, et al. Proposing a Governance Model for Environmental Crises. Land. 2023;12(3). Available at: icon Proposing a Governance Model for Environmental Crises.pdf (328.05 KB)
Berman MT, Ye X, Thapa LH, et al. Quantifying burned area of wildfires in the western United States from polar-orbiting and geostationary satellite active-fire detections. International Journal of Wildland Fire . 2023.PDF icon Quantifying burned area of wildfires in the western United States from polar-orbiting and geostationary satellite active-fire detections .pdf (2.67 MB)
Dahl KA, Abatzoglou JT, Phillips CA, et al. Quantifying the contribution of major carbon producers to increases in vapor pressure deficit and burned area in western US and southwestern Canadian forests. Environmental Research Letters. 2023;18.PDF icon Quantifying the contribution of major carbon producers to increases in vapor pressure deficit and burned area in western US and southwestern Canadian forests .pdf (6.65 MB)
Bennett M, Shaw DC, Lowrey L. Recent Douglas-fir Mortality in the Klamath Mountains Ecoregion of Oregon: Evidence for a Decline Spiral. Journal of Forestry. 2023.PDF icon 2023 Bennett et al DF mort Klamath mts fvad007[23].pdf (3.3 MB)
Davis KT, Robles MD, Kemp KB, et al. Reduced fire severity offers near-term buffer to climate-driven declines in conifer resilience across the western United States. PNAS. 2023;120(11).PDF icon pnas.2208120120.pdf (5.12 MB)
Rodman KC, Davis KT, Parks SA, et al. Refuge-yeah or refuge-nah? Predicting locations of forest resistance and recruitment in a fiery world. Global Change Biology. 2023.
Pau M, Gauthier S, Boulanger Y, et al. Response of forest productivity to changes in growth and fire regime due to climate change. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 2023.PDF icon Response of forest productivity to changes in growth and fire regime due to climate change.pdf (3.98 MB)
R.Crist M. Rethinking the focus on forest fires in federal wildland fire management: Landscape patterns and trends of non-forest and forest burned area. Journal of Environmental Management. 2023;327.PDF icon Crist_2023_Rethinking the focus on forest fires in federal wildland fire mgmt_Landscape patterns and trends on nonforest and forest burned area.pdf (8.56 MB)
Low KE, Battles JJ, Tompkins RE, et al. Shaded fuel breaks create wildfire-resilient forest stands: lessons from a long-term study in the Sierra Nevada. Fire Ecology. 2023;19. Available at: icon Shaded fuel breaks create wildfire-resilient forest stands: lessons from a long-term study in the Sierra Nevada.pdf (2.24 MB)
Kee D, Abrams J, Aldworth T, et al. The Shared Stewardship Strategy in the Southern United States: Lessons Learned. Journal of Forestry. 2023.
Higuera PE, Cook MC, Balch JK, et al. Shifting social-ecological fire regimes explain increasing structure loss from Western wildfires . PNAS Nexus. 2023;2(3).PDF icon Shifting social-ecological fire regimes explain increasing structure loss from Western wildfires.pdf (3.07 MB)
Higuera PE, Cook MC, Balch JK, et al. Shifting social-ecological fire regimes explain increasing structure loss from Western wildfires . PNAS Nexus. 2023;2(3).PDF icon Shifting social-ecological fire regimes explain increasing structure loss from Western wildfires.pdf (3.07 MB)
Huang X, Ding K, Liu J, et al. Smoke-weather interaction affects extreme wildfires in diverse coastal regions. Science. 2023;379(6631). Available at: icon Smoke-weather interaction affects extreme wildfires in diverse coastal regions .pdf (3.59 MB)
Peterson DW, Dodson EK, Harrod RJ. Snag decomposition following stand-replacing wildfires alters wildlife habitat use and surface woody fuels through time. Ecosphere. 2023;14(8).PDF icon Peterson et al - 2023 - Ecosphere[55].pdf (2.01 MB)
Lambrou N, Kolden C, Loukaitou-Sideris A, Anjum E, Acey C. Social drivers of vulnerability to wildfire disasters: A review of the literature. Landscape and Urban Planning. 2023;237. Available at: icon Social drivers of vulnerability to wildfire disasters- A review of the literature.pdf (2.46 MB)
Harvey BJ, Buonanduci MS, Turner MG. Spatial interactions among short-interval fires reshape forest landscapes. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 2023;32(4).
Greenler SM, Dunn CJ, Johnston JD, et al. Too hot, too cold, or just right: Can wildfire restore dry forests of the interior Pacific Northwest?. Plos One. 2023;18(2).PDF icon journal.pone_.0281927.pdf (3.46 MB)
Jung CGyo, Keyser AR, Remy CC, et al. Topographic information improves simulated patterns of post-fire conifer regeneration in the southwest United States. Global Change Biology . 2023.
