Publications Library

Found 1216 results
Hallema DW. Regional patterns of postwildfire streamflow response in the Western United States: The importance of scale-specific connectivity Sun G, ed. Hydrological Processes. 2017;31(14).
Nowell B. Relational risk assessment and management: investigating capacity in wildfire response networks. (McCaffrey SM, ed.).; 2017.PDF icon 12-2-01-47_final_report.pdf (709.07 KB)
Baker WL. Restoring and managing low-severity fire in dry-forest landscapes of the western USA. PLoS ONE. 2017;12(2).
Jones KW. Return on investment from fuel treatments to reduce severe wildfire and erosion in a watershed investment program in Colorado Cannon JB, ed. Journal of Environmental Management. 2017;198(Part 2).
Lake FK. Returning Fire to the Land—Celebrating Traditional Knowledge and Fire Wright V, ed. Journal of Forestry. 2017;Review Article.
Thompson MP. A review of challenges to determining and demonstrating efficiency of large fire management Silva FRy., ed. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2017;26(7).
Hakes RSP. A Review of Pathways for Building Fire Spread in the Wildland Urban Interface Part II: Response of Components and Systems and Mitigation Strategies in the United States Caton SE, ed. Fire Technology. 2017;53(2).
The Science of Fuel Treatments.; 2017.PDF icon FuelTreatment Fact Sheet.pdf (3.15 MB)
Walpole EH. Shared visions, future challenges: a case study of three Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program locations Toman E, ed. Ecology and Society. 2017;22(2).
Lyon KM. Sharing contracted resources for fire suppression: engine dispatch in the Northwestern United States Huber-Stearns HR, ed. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2017;26(2).
McCaffrey S. Should I Stay or Should I Go Now? Or Should I Wait and See? Influences on Wildfire Evacuation Decisions Wilson R, ed. Risk Analysis. 2017;Online early.
Agriculture USDepartment. Smoke in a New Era of Fire. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, PNW Station; 2017:16.PDF icon smoke science-update-24-1.pdf (2.96 MB)
Urgenson LS. Social perspectives on the use of reference conditions in restoration of fire-adapted forest landscapes Nelson CR, ed. Restoration Ecology. 2017;Online early.
Ziegler JPaul. Spatially explicit measurements of forest structure and fire behavior following restoration treatments in dry forests Hoffman C, ed. Forest Ecology and Management. 2017;386.
Barros AMG. Spatiotemporal dynamics of simulated wildfire, forest management, and forest succession in central Oregon, USA. Ager AA, ed. Ecology and Society. 2017;22(1).
Association WGovernors'. Special Report: Western Governors' National Forest and Rangeland Management Initiative. Denver: Western Governors' Association; 2017:32p.PDF icon 2017_NFRMI_Report_for_Web.pdf (1.68 MB)
Ford B. Status update: is smoke on your mind? Using social media to assess smoke exposure Burke M, ed. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2017;17.
Belval EJ. Studying interregional wildland fire engine assignments for large fire suppression Wei Y, ed. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2017;26(7).
Shaw DC. Surface fuels in recent Phytophthora ramorum created gaps and adjacent intact Quercus agrifolia forests, East Bay Regional Parks, California, USA Woolley T, ed. Forest Ecology and Management. 2017;384.
Smith DM. Sustainability and wildland fire: The origins of Forest Service Wildland Fire Research. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service; 2017:120.
Prichard SJ. Tamm Review: Shifting global fire regimes: Lessons from reburns and research needs Stevens-Rumann CS, ed. Forest Ecology and Management. 2017;396.
Barrett SW. Telling Fire’s Story through Narrative and Art. Boise, ID: Joint Fire Science Program; 2017.PDF icon FSdigest25.pdf (1.79 MB)
Dunn CJ. Towards enhanced risk management: planning, decision making and monitoring of US wildfire response Calkin DE, ed. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2017;26(7).
Jolly WM. Towards improving wildland firefighter situational awareness through daily fire behaviour risk assessments in the US Northern Rockies and Northern Great Basin Freeborn PH, ed. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2017;26(7).
Spies TA. Using an agent-based model to examine forest management outcomes in a fire-prone landscape in Oregon, USA. White E, ed. Ecology and Society. 2017;22(1).
