Publications Library

Found 1216 results
Ridder LW, Perren JAM, Morris LR, et al. Historical Fire and Ventenata dubia Invasion in a Temperate Grassland. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 2021;75.PDF icon Historical Fire and Ventenata dubia Invasion in a Temperate Grassland.pdf (735.31 KB)
Long JW, Lake FK, Goode RW. The importance of Indigenous cultural burning in forested regions of the Pacific West, USA. Forest Ecology and Management. 2021;500(119597).PDF icon Long et al_2021_Importance of Indegenous cultural burning_PNW.pdf (3.91 MB)
Lake FKanawha. Indigenous Fire Stewardship: Federal/Tribal Partnerships for Wildland Fire Research and Management . Fire Management Today. 2021;79(No. 1). Available at:
Adlam C, Almendariz D, Goode RW, Martinez DJ, Middleton BRose. Keepers of the Flame: Supporting the Revitalization of Indigenous Cultural Burning. Society and Natural Resources. 2021;Online.PDF icon Adlam et al_2021_Keepers of the Flame_Supporting cultural burning.pdf (2.06 MB)
Mowery M, Punchard D. Land use planning approaches in the wildland-urban interface: an analysis of four western states. Community Wildfire Planning Center; 2021. Available at: icon CWPC_Land-Use-WUI-Report_Final_2021.pdf (3.57 MB)
Fillmore SD, McCaffrey SM, Smith AMS. A Mixed Methods Literature Review and Framework for Decision Factors That May Influence the Utilization of Managed Wildfire on Federal Lands, USA. Fire. 2021;4(62).PDF icon Fillmore et al_2022_Mixed Methods Lit Review and Framework for Decision Factors Influencing Utilization of Managed Wildfire on Fed Lands USA.pdf (4.77 MB)
Huber-Stearns HR, Santo AR, Schultz CA, McCaffrey SM. Network governance in the use of prescribed fire: roles for bridging organizations and other actors in the Western United States. Regional Environmental Change. 2021;21(118).PDF icon HuberStearns et al_2021_networkgovernance in rx fire.pdf (3.34 MB)
Consortium NWFire Scien. NWFSC Research Brief #23 - Fire and Land Cover Change in the Palouse Praire-Forest Ecotone.; 2021.PDF icon NWFSC_RB23_Palouse.pdf (1.44 MB)
Ellison A, Huber-Stearns H, Frederick SS, et al. Perceptions of wildland fire smoke. Northwest Fire Science Consortium; 2021. Available at: icon WP_103.pdf (7.73 MB)
Ager AA, Evers CR, Day MA, Alcasena FJ, Houtman R. Planning for future fire: Scenario analysis of an accelerated fuel reduction plan for the western United States. Landscape and Urban Planning. 2021;215.PDF icon Ageretal_Planningforfuturefire.pdf (7.01 MB)
Hood SM, Johnson MC, Wagenbrenner JW, Saab VA, Dudley JG. Post-fire Salvage Logging Science Series. 2021. Available at:
Council G'sWildfire E. Recovering & rebuilding from Oregon's 2020 wildfires. 2021.PDF icon Wildfire Report FINAL.pdf (4.62 MB)
Westlind DJ, Kerns BK. Repeated fall prescribed fire in previously thinned Pinus ponderosa increases growth and resistance to other disturbances. Forest Ecology and Management. 2021;480. Available at:
Westlind DJ, Kerns BK. Repeated fall prescribed fire in previously thinned Pinus ponderosa increases growth and resistance to other disturbances. Forest Ecology and Management. 2021;480.PDF icon pnw_2021_westlind001.pdf (4.39 MB)
Miller RK, Mach KJ. Roles and experiences of non-governmental organisations in wildfire response and recovery. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2021.PDF icon Miller_2021_Roles of NGOs in wildfire response and recovery.pdf (312.68 KB)
Bosher L, Chmutina K, van Niekerk D. Stop going around in circles: towards a reconceptualisation of disaster risk management phases. Disaster Prevention and Management. 2021;30. Available at: icon Bosheretal.2021DPMforIR.pdf (1.11 MB)
Billings MC, Carroll MS, Paveglio TB. The "strings attached" to community difference and potential pathways to fire adaptiveness in the wildland urban interface. Journal of Forestry. 2021.PDF icon Mark_pathways.pdf (234.79 KB)
Anon. U.S. Geological Survey Wildland Fire Science Strategic Plan, 2021-26. Reston, VA: U.S. Geological Survey; 2021. Available at: icon cir1471.pdf (8.12 MB)
Billings M, Carroll M, Paveglio T, Whitman K. “Us versus Them;” Local Social Fragmentation and Its Potential Effects on Building Pathways to Adapting to Wildfire. Fire. 2021;4(96).PDF icon Us_versus_Them_Local_Social_Fragmentation_and_Its_.pdf (284.12 KB)
Pelletier F, Eskelson BNI, Monleon VJ, Tseng Y-C. Using Landsat Imagery to Assess Burn Severity of National Forest Inventory Plots. Remote Sensing. 2021;13.PDF icon pnw_2021_pelletier001.pdf (1.46 MB)
Downing WM, Meigs GW, Gregory MJ, Krawchuk MA. Where and why do conifer forests persist in refugia through multiple fire events?. Global Change Biology. 2021;27(15).PDF icon Downingetal_2021_RefugiaMultipleFireEvents.pdf (2.14 MB)
Hessburg PF, Prichard SJ, R. Hagmann K, Povak NA, Lake FK. Wildfire and climate change adaptation of western North American forests: a case for intentional management. Ecological Applications. 2021;31(8).PDF icon Hessburg et al 2021_Wildfire and Climate change adaptation western forests.pdf (2.84 MB)
Hessburg PF, Prichard SJ, R. Hagmann K, Povak NA, Lake FK. Wildfire and climate change adaptation of western North American forests: a case for intentional management. Ecological Applications. 2021.
