Publications Library
Tree regeneration following wildfires in the western US: a review Fire Ecology. 2019;15(15).
. Twenty‐five years of the Northwest Forest Plan: what have we learned? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2019;17(9).
. Understory vascular plant responses to retention harvesting with and without prescribed fire Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 2019.
. Use of Science and Modeling by Practitioners in Landscape-Scale Management Decisions Journal of Forestry. 2019;117(3).
. Using mental models to understand trade-offs in wildfire risk mitigation.; 2019:3. Research brief - Using mental models to understand trade-offs in wildfire risk mitigation (002).pdf (191.4 KB)
. We’re not doing enough prescribed fire in the western United States to mitigate wildfire risk. Fire. 2019;2.
. What drives ponderosa pine regeneration following wildfire in the western United States? Forest Ecology and Management. 2019;454.
. Wild bee diversity increases with local fire severity in a fire‐prone landscape Ecosphere. 2019;10(4).
. Wildfires as an ecosystem service Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2019.
. Wildland Fire Science Needs in Oregon and Washington: Local and regional research availability, applications, and gaps. ( ).; 2019:32. Available at:
. Wildland firefighter smoke exposure and risk of lung cancer and cardiovascular disease mortality Environmental Research. 2019;173.
. . The 1994 Eastside screens large-tree harvest limit: review of science relevant to forest planning 25 years later. 2020. Available at: pnw_gtr990.pdf (8.96 MB)
After the fire: Perceptions of land use planning to reduce wildfire risk in eight communities across the United States International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 2020;45.
. Bridging the research-management gap: landscape science in practice on public lands in the western United States Landscape Ecology. 2020;35. Available at:
. Burning without borders: Cooperatively managing wildfire risk in Northern Colorado.; 2020. Available at: FactSheet4_NoCo_Final.pdf (2.49 MB)
. Changing wildfire, changing forests: the effects of climate change on fire regimes and vegetation in the Pacific Northwest, USA Fire Ecology. 2020;16(4). Available at:
. Crowded and Thirsty: Fire exclusion leads to greater drought sensitivity in mixed-conifer forests. USDS PNW Research Station; 2020. Available at:
. Disjunct and decoupled? The persistence of a fire-sensitive conifer soecies in a historically frequent-fire landscape. Journal for Nature Conservation. 2020;55. Downing article.pdf (6.76 MB)
. Disturbance refugia within mosaics of forest fire, drought, and insect outbreaks. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2020;18(5). pnw_2020_krawchuk001.pdf (4.38 MB)
Effects of post-fire management on dead woody fuel dynamics and stand structure in a severely burned mixed-conifer forest, in northeastern Washington State, USA. Forest Ecology and Management. 2020. pnw_2020_johnson001.pdf (1.7 MB)
Estimating Price Dynamics in the Aftermath of Forest Disturbances: The Biscuit Fire in Southwest Oregon. Forest Science. 2020;66. Available at:
. Expanding the invasion footprint: Ventenata dubia and relationships to wildfire, environment, and plant communities in the Blue Mountains of the Inland Northwest, USA. Applied Vegetation Science. 2020. Tortorelli et al. 2020.pdf (1.78 MB)
. Expansion of the invasive European mistetoe in California, USA. Botany . 2020;On-line early.
. Fostering collective action to reduce wildfire risk across property boundaries in the American West Environmental Research Letters. 2020;15(2). Available at: