Burning without borders: Cooperatively managing wildfire risk in Northern Colorado

TitleBurning without borders: Cooperatively managing wildfire risk in Northern Colorado
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsCheng, T, Caggiano, M
Series TitleCo-Managing Wildfire Risk Project
Document NumberProject Fact Sheet #4
Date Published05/2020

Because wildfires don’t stop at ownership boundaries, managers from governmental and nongovernmental organizations in Northern Colorado are taking steps to pro-actively “co-manage” wildfire risk through the Northern Colorado Fireshed Collaborative (NCFC).  For this research project, co-management refers to the collective actions taken by organizations to share the resources, costs, and burdens associated with managing fire risk across a large landscape.  We examine factors that facilitated and limited wildfire risk co-management in a case study of the NCFC.
