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Lydersen J, North M. Topographic Variation in Structure of Mixed-Conifer Forests Under an Active-Fire Regime. Ecosystems. 2012;15(7):13.
Davies GM, Bakker JD, Dettweiler-Robinson E, et al. Trajectories of change in sagebrush steppe vegetation communities in relation to multiple wildfires. Ecological Applications. 2012;22(1562).
Eldridge JD, Redente EF, Paschke M. The Use of Seedbed Modifications and Wood Chips to Accelerate Restoration of Well Pad Sites in Western Colorado, USA. Restoration Ecology. 2012;20:8. Available at:
Schwartz MW. Using niche models with climate projections to inform conservation management decisions. Biological Conservation. 2012;155:8. Available at:
Baustian JJ, Mendelssohn IA, Hester MW. Vegetation's importance in regulating surface elevation in a coastal salt marsh facing elevated rates of sea level rise. Global Change Biology. 2012;18:6. Available at:
Ager AA, Buonopane M, Reger A, Finney MA. Wildfire exposure to analysis on the national forests in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Society for Risk Analysis. 2012:21.
Jackson BK, Sullivan MSP, Malison RL. Wildfire severity mediates fluxes of plant material and terrestrial invertebrates to mountain streams. Forest Ecology and Management. 2012;278:8. Available at:
Thompson MP, Calkin D, Gilbertson-Day J, Ager AA. Advancing effects analysis for integrated, large-scale wildfire risk assessment. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2011;179:23. Available at:
Dillon GK. Both topography and climate affected forest and woodland burn severity in two regions of the western US, 1984 to 2006 Holden ZA, ed. Ecosphere. 2011;2(12). Available at:
Reynolds KM, Hessburg PF, Miller RE, Meurisse RT. Evaluating Soil Risks Associated With Severe Wildfire and Ground-Based Logging. Portland, OR: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station; 2011:27. Available at:
Davis RJ, Dugger KM, Mohoric S, Evers L, Aney WC. Northwest Forest Plan -- The First 15 Years: Status and Trends of Northern Spotted Owl Populations and Habitats. Portland, OR: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station; 2011:147. Available at:
Peterson DL, Millar CI, Joyce LA, et al. Responding to Climate Change in National Forests: A Guidebook for Developing Adaptation Options. Portland, OR: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station; 2011:109. Available at:
Hurteau MD. Short- and Long-term Effects of Fire on Carbon in US Dry Temperate Forest Systems Brooks ML, ed. BioScience. 2011;61(2).
Johnson MC, Kennedy MC, Peterson DL. Simulating fuel treatment effects in dry forests of the western United States: testing the principles of a fire-safe forest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 2011;41:13. Available at:
Wimberly MC, Cochrane MA, Baer AD, Pabst K. Assessing fuel treatment effectiveness using satellite imagery and spatial statistics. Ecological Applications. 2009;19(6):8. Available at:
Agee JK, Lehmkuhl JF. Dry Forests of the Northeastern Cascades Fire and Fire Surrogate Project Site, Mission Creek, Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest. Portland, OR: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station; 2009:158. Available at:
Knapp EE, Estes BL, Skinner CN. Ecological Effects of Prescribed Fire Season: A Literature Review and Synthesis for Managers. Redding, CA: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station; 2009:80. Available at:
Wright CS, Balog CS, Kelly JW. Estimating volume, biomass, and potential emissions of hand-piled fuels. Portland, OR: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station; 2009:23. Available at:
Busse MD. Response of antelope bitterbrush to repeated prescribed burning in Central Oregon ponderosa pine forests Riegel GM, ed. Forest Ecology and Management. 2009;257.
Hutto RL. The Ecological Importance of Severe Wildfires: Some Like it Hot. Ecological Applications. 2008;18.
Fellows AW. Has Fire Suppression Increased the Amount of Carbon Stored in Western US Forests? Goulden ML, ed. Geophysical Research Letters. 2008;35(L12404):4 p.
