Estimating volume, biomass, and potential emissions of hand-piled fuels

TitleEstimating volume, biomass, and potential emissions of hand-piled fuels
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsWright, CS, Balog, CS, Kelly, JW
Series TitleGeneral Technical Report
Document NumberPNW-GTR-805
Date Published01/2010
InstitutionUS Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station
CityPortland, OR
Keywordsbiomass, emissions, fuels and fuel treatments, hand piles, smoke and air quality, technical reports and journal articles

Dimensions, volume, and biomass were measured for 121 hand-constructed piles composed primarily of coniferous (n = 63) and shrub/hardwood (n = 58) material at sites in Washington and California. Equations using pile dimensions, shape, and type allow users to accurately estimate the biomass of hand piles. Equations for estimating true pile volume from simple geometric shapes and measurements of pile dimensions were also developed for users who require estimates of pile volume for regulatory reporting. Biomass and volume estimation equations were developed to allow users to estimate either value from pile dimensions. Hand pile biomass estimates can be used to predict fuel consumption and smoke emissions by applying proportional consumption estimates and emission factors. Equations to estimate pile volume, pile biomass, fuel consumption, and pollutant emissions from pile shape, dimensions, and quantity are programmed into a Web-based calculator for use by the management and regulatory communities.