Publications Library

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Wagenbrenner JW. Effects of post-fire salvage logging and a skid trail treatment on ground cover, soils, and sediment production in the interior western United States MacDonald LH, ed. Forest Ecology and Management. 2015;335.
Abella SR. Effects of tree cutting and fire on understory vegetation in mixed conifer forests Springer JD, ed. Forest Ecology and Management. 2015;335.
Price O. An empirical wildfire risk analysis: the probability of a fire spreading to the urban interface in Sydney, Australia Borah R, ed. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2015;Online early.
Spencer AG. Enhancing adaptive capacity for restoring fire-dependent ecosystems: the Fire Learning Network’s Prescribed Fire Training Exchanges Schultz CA, ed. Ecology and Society. 2015;20(3).
Hoffman CM. Evaluating crown fire rate of spread predictions from physics-based models Ziegler J, ed. Fire Technology. 2015. Available at:
Latif QS. Evaluating habitat suitability models for nesting white-headed woodpeckers in unburned forest Saab VA, ed. The Journal of Wildlife Management. 2015;79(2).
Evans A. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Wildfire Mitigation Activities in the Wildland-Urban Interface . (Auerbach S, ed.).; 2015:100 p.PDF icon WUI_effectiveness-3.pdf (5.18 MB)
Raposo JR. Experimental analysis of fire spread across a two-dimensional ridge under wind conditions Cabiddu S, ed. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2015;Online early.
S Flory L. Fire and non-native grass invasion interact to suppress tree regeneration in temperate deciduous forests Clay K, ed. Journal of Applied Ecology. 2015;Online early.
Bixby RJ. Fire effects on aquatic ecosystems: an assessment of the current state of the science Cooper SD, ed. Freshwater Science. 2015;34(4). Available at: .PDF icon Bixby_et_al_2015_1_.pdf (252 KB)
Perkins JL. Fire enhances whitebark pine seedling establishment, survival, and growth. Fire Ecology. 2015;11(2).
Steel ZL. The fire frequency-severity relationship and the legacy of fire suppression in California forests Safford HD, ed. Ecosphere. 2015;6(1).
Andrus RA. Fire severity in southwestern Colorado unaffected by spruce beetle outbreak Veblen TT, ed. Ecological Applications. 2015;In Press.
Rorig M. The Fire Weather Accuracy and Lightning Ignition Probability System . (Drury SA, ed.).; 2015:26 p.PDF icon JFSP 10-1-07-29_final_report.pdf (1.38 MB)
Twidwell D. First Approximations of Prescribed Fire Risks Relative to Other Management Techniques Used on Private Lands Wonkka CL, ed. PLOS ONE. 2015;10(10).
Stevens JT. Forest disturbance accelerates thermophilization of understory plant communities Safford HD, ed. Journal of Ecology. 2015;Online early.
Vaillant NM. Fuel accumulation and forest structure change following hazardous fuel reduction treatments throughout California Noonan-Wright EK, ed. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2015;Online early.
Cram DS. Fuel and vegetation trends after wildfire in treated versus untreated forests Baker TT, ed. Forest Science. 2015;61(4).PDF icon Fuel and Veg Trends.pdf (502.78 KB)
McIver JD. Fuels and stand structure data for the Summit post-fire logging study: pre-logging, one year post-logging, and 13 years post-logging Ottmar RD, ed. 2015.
Slesak RA. Hillslope erosion two and three years after wildfire, skyline salvage logging, and site preparation in southern Oregon, USA Schoenholtz SH, ed. Forest Ecology and Management. 2015;342.
Baker WL. Historical northern spotted owl habitat and old-growth dry forests maintained by mixed-severity wildfires. Landscape Ecology. 2015;30(4).
Strahan RT. Increasing weight of evidence that thinning and burning treatments help restore understory plant communities in ponderosa pine forests Stoddard MT, ed. Forest Ecology and Management. 2015;353.
Temperli C. Interactions among spruce beetle disturbance, climate change and forest dynamics captured by a forest landscape model Veblen TT, ed. Ecosphere. 2015;6(11).
Kolden CA. Limitations and utilisation of Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity products for assessing wildfire severity in the USA Smith AMS, ed. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2015;Online early.
Diaz JM. Local Ecological Knowledge and Fire Management: What Does the Public Understand? Steelman T, ed. Journal of Forestry. 2015;113.PDF icon LocalEcologicalKnowledge.pdf (187.57 KB)
