Publications Library
Modern Pyromes: Biogeographical Patterns of Fire Characteristics across the Contiguous United States. Fire. 2022;5. Cattau et al_Modern Pyromes_Biol patterns of fire characteristics across contiguous US.pdf (1.85 MB)
. Open Scientific Data: Country-level fire perimeter datasets (2001–2021). Scientific Data. 2022;9(458). Mahood et al_2022_scientific data_country-level fire perimeter.pdf (2.18 MB)
. Reimagine fire science for the anthropocene. PNAS Nexus. 2022;1(3). Shuman et al_2022_PNAS_Reimagine fire science for the anthropocene.pdf (2.34 MB)
Warming weakens the night-time barrier to global fire. Nature. 2022;602(Online). Balch et al_2022_Warming weakens the night-time barrier to global fire.pdf (3.32 MB)
Insights from wildfire science: a resource for fire policy discussions. ( ).; 2016:9 p. Available at: