NOAA Current Watches-WA

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Updated: 2 hours 53 min ago

Frost Advisory issued October 23 at 2:59AM PDT until October 24 at 8:00AM PDT by NWS Portland OR

October 23, 2024 - 2:59am
* WHAT...For the first Frost Advisory, temperatures as low as 36 will result in frost formation. For the second Frost Advisory, temperatures as low as 36 will result in frost formation. * WHERE...In Oregon, North Oregon Coast Range and North Oregon Coast Range Lowlands. In Washington, South Washington Cascade Foothills. * WHEN...For the first Frost Advisory, until 8 AM PDT this morning. For the second Frost Advisory, from midnight tonight to 8 AM PDT Thursday. * IMPACTS...Frost could harm sensitive outdoor vegetation. Sensitive outdoor plants may be killed if left uncovered. Frost Advisory 2024-10-23T02:59:00-07:00 2024-10-23T02:59:00-07:00 2024-10-24T00:00:00-07:00 2024-10-23T10:45:00-07:00 Actual Update Met Expected Minor Likely North Oregon Coast Range Lowlands; North Oregon Coast Range; South Washington Cascade Foothills SAME 041057 SAME 041007 SAME 041041 SAME 041067 SAME 041071 SAME 041009 SAME 053011 SAME 053015 SAME 053059 UGC ORZ104 UGC ORZ106 UGC WAZ208 AWIPSidentifier NPWPQR WMOidentifier WWUS76 KPQR 230959 NWSheadline FROST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM PDT THIS MORNING... ...FROST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 8 AM PDT THURSDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS VTEC /O.CON.KPQR.FR.Y.0012.241024T0700Z-241024T1500Z/ eventEndingTime 2024-10-24T15:00:00+00:00

Freeze Watch issued October 23 at 1:39AM PDT until October 24 at 9:00AM PDT by NWS Pendleton OR

October 23, 2024 - 1:39am
* WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 29 possible. * WHERE...Foothills of the Blue Mountains of Oregon, North Central Oregon, and Yakima Valley. * WHEN...From this evening through Thursday morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. Freeze Watch 2024-10-23T01:39:00-07:00 2024-10-23T01:39:00-07:00 2024-10-23T23:00:00-07:00 2024-10-23T15:00:00-07:00 Actual Alert Met Future Severe Possible Foothills of the Northern Blue Mountains of Oregon; Foothills of the Southern Blue Mountains of Oregon; North Central Oregon; Yakima Valley SAME 041059 SAME 041021 SAME 041049 SAME 041069 SAME 041055 SAME 041065 SAME 053077 UGC ORZ507 UGC ORZ508 UGC ORZ510 UGC WAZ027 AWIPSidentifier NPWPDT WMOidentifier WWUS76 KPDT 230839 NWSheadline FREEZE WATCH IN EFFECT FROM THIS EVENING THROUGH THURSDAY MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS VTEC /O.NEW.KPDT.FZ.A.0002.241024T0600Z-241024T1600Z/ eventEndingTime 2024-10-24T16:00:00+00:00

Frost Advisory issued October 22 at 1:41PM PDT until October 23 at 8:00AM PDT by NWS Portland OR

October 22, 2024 - 1:41pm
* WHAT...Temperatures as low as 35 degrees, locally as low as 32 degrees, will result in frost formation. * WHERE...In Oregon, North Oregon Coast Range, North Oregon Coast Range Lowlands, and Upper Hood River Valley. In Washington, South Washington Cascade Foothills. * WHEN...For the first Frost Advisory, from midnight tonight to 8 AM PDT Wednesday. For the second Frost Advisory, from midnight Wednesday Night to 8 AM PDT Thursday. * IMPACTS...Frost could harm sensitive outdoor vegetation. Sensitive outdoor plants may be killed if left uncovered. Frost Advisory 2024-10-22T13:41:00-07:00 2024-10-22T13:41:00-07:00 2024-10-23T00:00:00-07:00 2024-10-23T08:15:00-07:00 Actual Alert Met Expected Minor Likely North Oregon Coast Range Lowlands; North Oregon Coast Range; Upper Hood River Valley; South Washington Cascade Foothills SAME 041057 SAME 041007 SAME 041041 SAME 041067 SAME 041071 SAME 041009 SAME 041027 SAME 053011 SAME 053015 SAME 053059 UGC ORZ104 UGC ORZ106 UGC ORZ121 UGC WAZ208 AWIPSidentifier NPWPQR WMOidentifier WWUS76 KPQR 222041 NWSheadline FROST ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 8 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... ...FROST ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY NIGHT TO 8 AM PDT THURSDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS VTEC /O.NEW.KPQR.FR.Y.0011.241023T0700Z-241023T1500Z/ eventEndingTime 2024-10-23T15:00:00+00:00

Frost Advisory issued October 22 at 1:41PM PDT until October 24 at 8:00AM PDT by NWS Portland OR

October 22, 2024 - 1:41pm
* WHAT...Temperatures as low as 35 degrees, locally as low as 32 degrees, will result in frost formation. * WHERE...In Oregon, North Oregon Coast Range, North Oregon Coast Range Lowlands, and Upper Hood River Valley. In Washington, South Washington Cascade Foothills. * WHEN...For the first Frost Advisory, from midnight tonight to 8 AM PDT Wednesday. For the second Frost Advisory, from midnight Wednesday Night to 8 AM PDT Thursday. * IMPACTS...Frost could harm sensitive outdoor vegetation. Sensitive outdoor plants may be killed if left uncovered. Frost Advisory 2024-10-22T13:41:00-07:00 2024-10-22T13:41:00-07:00 2024-10-24T00:00:00-07:00 2024-10-23T08:15:00-07:00 Actual Alert Met Expected Minor Likely North Oregon Coast Range Lowlands; North Oregon Coast Range; Upper Hood River Valley; South Washington Cascade Foothills SAME 041057 SAME 041007 SAME 041041 SAME 041067 SAME 041071 SAME 041009 SAME 041027 SAME 053011 SAME 053015 SAME 053059 UGC ORZ104 UGC ORZ106 UGC ORZ121 UGC WAZ208 AWIPSidentifier NPWPQR WMOidentifier WWUS76 KPQR 222041 NWSheadline FROST ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 8 AM PDT WEDNESDAY... ...FROST ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY NIGHT TO 8 AM PDT THURSDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS VTEC /O.NEW.KPQR.FR.Y.0012.241024T0700Z-241024T1500Z/ eventEndingTime 2024-10-24T15:00:00+00:00

Frost Advisory issued October 22 at 1:41PM PDT until October 24 at 8:00AM PDT by NWS Portland OR

October 22, 2024 - 1:41pm
* WHAT...Temperatures as low as 35 degrees, locally as low as 32 degrees, will result in frost formation. * WHERE...Central and Southern Willamette Valley, Foothills of the Northern and Central Oregon Cascades, Central Oregon Coast Range Lowlands, Central Oregon Coast Range, Tualatin Valley, Willapa Hills, Cowlitz County Lowlands, and North Clark County Lowlands. * WHEN...From midnight Wednesday Night to 8 AM PDT Thursday. * IMPACTS...Frost could harm sensitive outdoor vegetation. Sensitive outdoor plants may be killed if left uncovered. Frost Advisory 2024-10-22T13:41:00-07:00 2024-10-22T13:41:00-07:00 2024-10-24T00:00:00-07:00 2024-10-23T08:15:00-07:00 Actual Alert Met Expected Minor Likely Central Oregon Coast Range Lowlands; Central Oregon Coast Range; Tualatin Valley; West Central Willamette Valley; East Central Willamette Valley; Benton County Lowlands; Linn County Lowlands; Lane County Lowlands; Clackamas County Cascade Foothills; Cascade Foothills of Marion and Linn Counties; Lane County Cascade Foothills; Willapa Hills; Cowlitz County Lowlands; North Clark County Lowlands SAME 041039 SAME 041041 SAME 041003 SAME 041053 SAME 041067 SAME 041051 SAME 041005 SAME 041071 SAME 041047 SAME 041043 SAME 053049 SAME 053069 SAME 053015 SAME 053011 UGC ORZ105 UGC ORZ107 UGC ORZ109 UGC ORZ114 UGC ORZ115 UGC ORZ116 UGC ORZ117 UGC ORZ118 UGC ORZ123 UGC ORZ124 UGC ORZ125 UGC WAZ203 UGC WAZ204 UGC WAZ205 AWIPSidentifier NPWPQR WMOidentifier WWUS76 KPQR 222041 NWSheadline FROST ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY NIGHT TO 8 AM PDT THURSDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS VTEC /O.NEW.KPQR.FR.Y.0012.241024T0700Z-241024T1500Z/ eventEndingTime 2024-10-24T15:00:00+00:00

Freeze Watch issued October 22 at 4:08AM PDT until October 24 at 8:00AM PDT by NWS Seattle WA

October 22, 2024 - 4:08am
* WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 30 possible. * WHERE...Hood Canal Area, East Puget Sound Lowlands, Lower Chehalis Valley Area, and Southwest Interior. * WHEN...From late tonight through Thursday morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. Freeze Watch 2024-10-22T04:08:00-07:00 2024-10-22T04:08:00-07:00 2024-10-23T00:00:00-07:00 2024-10-22T16:00:00-07:00 Actual Update Met Future Severe Possible Southwest Interior; Hood Canal Area; Lower Chehalis Valley Area; East Puget Sound Lowlands SAME 053041 SAME 053067 SAME 053031 SAME 053035 SAME 053045 SAME 053027 SAME 053033 SAME 053053 SAME 053061 UGC WAZ504 UGC WAZ511 UGC WAZ512 UGC WAZ555 AWIPSidentifier NPWSEW WMOidentifier WWUS76 KSEW 221108 NWSheadline FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT THROUGH THURSDAY MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS VTEC /O.CON.KSEW.FZ.A.0001.241023T0700Z-241024T1500Z/ eventEndingTime 2024-10-24T15:00:00+00:00

Freeze Watch issued October 21 at 2:46PM PDT until October 24 at 8:00AM PDT by NWS Seattle WA

October 21, 2024 - 2:46pm
* WHAT...Early morning sub-freezing temperatures as low as 30 possible. * WHERE...Hood Canal Area, East Puget Sound Lowlands, Lower Chehalis Valley Area, and Southwest Interior. * WHEN...From late Tuesday night through Thursday morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...There is a 50-70% chance of temperatures dipping below 32 degrees early Wednesday morning, and again on Thursday morning. Freeze Watch 2024-10-21T14:46:00-07:00 2024-10-21T14:46:00-07:00 2024-10-23T00:00:00-07:00 2024-10-22T05:00:00-07:00 Actual Alert Met Future Severe Possible Southwest Interior; Hood Canal Area; Lower Chehalis Valley Area; East Puget Sound Lowlands SAME 053041 SAME 053067 SAME 053031 SAME 053035 SAME 053045 SAME 053027 SAME 053033 SAME 053053 SAME 053061 UGC WAZ504 UGC WAZ511 UGC WAZ512 UGC WAZ555 AWIPSidentifier NPWSEW WMOidentifier WWUS76 KSEW 212146 NWSheadline FREEZE WATCH IN EFFECT FROM LATE TUESDAY NIGHT THROUGH THURSDAY MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS VTEC /O.NEW.KSEW.FZ.A.0001.241023T0700Z-241024T1500Z/ eventEndingTime 2024-10-24T15:00:00+00:00

Wind Advisory issued October 20 at 11:21AM PDT until October 20 at 2:00PM PDT by NWS Seattle WA

October 20, 2024 - 11:21am
* WHAT...South winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. * WHERE...North Coast. * WHEN...Until 2 PM PDT this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds will be strongest along the water. Wind Advisory 2024-10-20T11:21:00-07:00 2024-10-20T11:21:00-07:00 2024-10-20T11:21:00-07:00 2024-10-20T14:00:00-07:00 Actual Update Met Expected Moderate Likely North Coast SAME 053009 SAME 053031 UGC WAZ516 AWIPSidentifier NPWSEW WMOidentifier WWUS76 KSEW 201821 NWSheadline WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM PDT THIS AFTERNOON BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS VTEC /O.CON.KSEW.WI.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-241020T2100Z/ eventEndingTime 2024-10-20T21:00:00+00:00 expiredReferences,urn:oid:,2024-10-19T15:00:00-07:00

Wind Advisory issued October 20 at 11:21AM PDT until October 20 at 4:00PM PDT by NWS Seattle WA

October 20, 2024 - 11:21am
* WHAT...South winds 15 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Admiralty Inlet Area, San Juan County, Western Skagit County, and Western Whatcom County. * WHEN...Until 4 PM PDT this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds will be strongest along the water. Wind Advisory 2024-10-20T11:21:00-07:00 2024-10-20T11:21:00-07:00 2024-10-20T11:21:00-07:00 2024-10-20T16:00:00-07:00 Actual Update Met Expected Moderate Likely San Juan County; Western Whatcom County; Western Skagit County; Admiralty Inlet Area SAME 053055 SAME 053073 SAME 053057 SAME 053029 SAME 053031 UGC WAZ001 UGC WAZ503 UGC WAZ506 UGC WAZ510 AWIPSidentifier NPWSEW WMOidentifier WWUS76 KSEW 201821 NWSheadline WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM PDT THIS AFTERNOON BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS VTEC /O.CON.KSEW.WI.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-241020T2300Z/ eventEndingTime 2024-10-20T23:00:00+00:00 expiredReferences,urn:oid:,2024-10-19T15:00:00-07:00

Coastal Flood Advisory issued October 20 at 4:39AM PDT until October 20 at 6:00PM PDT by NWS Seattle WA

October 20, 2024 - 4:39am
* WHAT...Minor coastal flooding expected. Inundation of around 2 feet above ground level is possible along shorelines and low- lying coastal areas. * WHERE...North Coast and Central Coast zones. * WHEN...From noon today to 6 PM PDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Minor coastal flooding due to tidal overflow is expected around high tide. This may lead to flooding of parking lots, parks, and roads, with only isolated road closures expected. Coastal Flood Advisory 2024-10-20T04:39:00-07:00 2024-10-20T04:39:00-07:00 2024-10-20T12:00:00-07:00 2024-10-20T18:00:00-07:00 Actual Update Met Expected Minor Likely North Coast; Central Coast SAME 053009 SAME 053031 SAME 053027 UGC WAZ516 UGC WAZ517 AWIPSidentifier CFWSEW WMOidentifier WHUS46 KSEW 201139 AAA NWSheadline COASTAL FLOOD ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO 6 PM PDT THIS EVENING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS VTEC /O.CON.KSEW.CF.Y.0007.241020T1900Z-241021T0100Z/ eventEndingTime 2024-10-21T01:00:00+00:00

Wind Advisory issued October 20 at 2:46AM PDT until October 20 at 2:00PM PDT by NWS Seattle WA

October 20, 2024 - 2:46am
* WHAT...South winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. * WHERE...North Coast. * WHEN...Until 2 PM PDT this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Wind Advisory 2024-10-20T02:46:00-07:00 2024-10-20T02:46:00-07:00 2024-10-20T05:00:00-07:00 2024-10-20T14:00:00-07:00 Actual Update Met Expected Moderate Likely North Coast SAME 053009 SAME 053031 UGC WAZ516 AWIPSidentifier NPWSEW WMOidentifier WWUS76 KSEW 200946 NWSheadline WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM PDT THIS AFTERNOON BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS VTEC /O.CON.KSEW.WI.Y.0013.241020T1200Z-241020T2100Z/ eventEndingTime 2024-10-20T21:00:00+00:00

Wind Advisory issued October 20 at 2:46AM PDT until October 20 at 4:00PM PDT by NWS Seattle WA

October 20, 2024 - 2:46am
* WHAT...South winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. * WHERE...Admiralty Inlet Area, San Juan County, Western Skagit County, and Western Whatcom County. * WHEN...From 9 AM this morning to 4 PM PDT this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Wind Advisory 2024-10-20T02:46:00-07:00 2024-10-20T02:46:00-07:00 2024-10-20T09:00:00-07:00 2024-10-20T14:00:00-07:00 Actual Update Met Expected Moderate Likely San Juan County; Western Whatcom County; Western Skagit County; Admiralty Inlet Area SAME 053055 SAME 053073 SAME 053057 SAME 053029 SAME 053031 UGC WAZ001 UGC WAZ503 UGC WAZ506 UGC WAZ510 AWIPSidentifier NPWSEW WMOidentifier WWUS76 KSEW 200946 NWSheadline WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 4 PM PDT THIS AFTERNOON BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS VTEC /O.CON.KSEW.WI.Y.0013.241020T1600Z-241020T2300Z/ eventEndingTime 2024-10-20T23:00:00+00:00

Flood Warning issued October 19 at 11:04PM PDT until October 20 at 10:23AM PDT by NWS Seattle WA

October 19, 2024 - 11:04pm
...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in Washington... Bogachiel River Near La Push affecting Clallam County. .Moderate to heavy rainfall is continuing across the northern Olympic Peninsula this evening, which has lead to the Bogachiel River near La Push rising into minor flood stage. The rain will continue through much of the overnight hours into tomorrow morning. * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring. * WHERE...Bogachiel River near La Push. * WHEN...Until late tomorrow morning. * IMPACTS...At 37.0 feet, the Bogachiel River will cause flooding of State Highway 110 near the Bogachiel bridge, closing the road. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 10:30 PM PDT Saturday the stage was 38.0 feet. - Flood stage is 37.0 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 10:30 PM PDT Saturday was 38.0 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage early Sunday morning and continue falling below 30 feet by early Monday. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 37.1 feet on 12/10/2004. - Flood Warning 2024-10-19T23:04:00-07:00 2024-10-19T23:04:00-07:00 2024-10-19T23:04:00-07:00 2024-10-20T10:30:00-07:00 Actual Update Met Immediate Severe Observed Clallam, WA 47.89,-124.4 47.89,-124.53 47.89,-124.63 47.95,-124.67 47.96,-124.55 47.9799999,-124.43 47.89,-124.4 SAME 053009 UGC WAC009 AWIPSidentifier FLSSEW WMOidentifier WGUS86 KSEW 200604 NWSheadline FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL LATE TOMORROW MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.EXT.KSEW.FL.W.0010.000000T0000Z-241020T1723Z/ eventEndingTime 2024-10-20T17:23:00+00:00

Hydrologic Outlook issued October 19 at 10:59PM PDT by NWS Seattle WA

October 19, 2024 - 10:59pm
ESFSEW Expect periods of moderate to heavy rainfall continue into Sunday as an atmospheric river remains in place over the region. This will maintain an elevated threat for urban and small stream flooding due to excessive rainfall. Expect rises in small streams. Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas is possible. Ponding of water over roadways and in urban areas is possible. Sharp rises will continue on the Skokomish River in Mason County as well, with the river likely reaching around 15.5 feet early Sunday. Please monitor the latest river forecasts from the National Weather Service for additional information. Hydrologic Outlook 2024-10-19T22:59:00-07:00 2024-10-19T22:59:00-07:00 2024-10-19T22:59:00-07:00 2024-10-20T12:00:00-07:00 Actual Alert Met Future Unknown Possible Mason, WA SAME 053045 UGC WAC045 AWIPSidentifier ESFSEW WMOidentifier FGUS76 KSEW 200559 NWSheadline PERIODS OF MODERATE TO HEAVY RAINFALL THROUGH THE WEEKEND BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS

Hydrologic Outlook issued October 19 at 10:59PM PDT by NWS Seattle WA

October 19, 2024 - 10:59pm
ESFSEW Expect periods of moderate to heavy rainfall into Sunday with an Atmospheric River over the region. There is an elevated threat for urban and small stream flooding due to excessive rainfall. Expect rises in small streams. Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas is possible. Ponding of water over roadways and in urban areas is possible. For Clallam County, the Hydrologic Outlook (ESF) has been replaced by a Flood Watch. Please monitor the latest river forecasts from the National Weather Service for additional information. Hydrologic Outlook 2024-10-19T22:59:00-07:00 2024-10-19T22:59:00-07:00 2024-10-19T22:59:00-07:00 2024-10-20T17:00:00-07:00 Actual Alert Met Future Unknown Possible Clallam, WA; Jefferson, WA; Skagit, WA; Whatcom, WA SAME 053009 SAME 053031 SAME 053057 SAME 053073 UGC WAC009 UGC WAC031 UGC WAC057 UGC WAC073 AWIPSidentifier ESFSEW WMOidentifier FGUS76 KSEW 200559 RRA NWSheadline PERIODS OF MODERATE TO HEAVY RAINFALL THROUGH THE WEEKEND BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS

Flood Warning issued October 19 at 7:54PM PDT until October 20 at 5:00AM PDT by NWS Seattle WA

October 19, 2024 - 7:54pm
...The National Weather Service in Seattle WA has issued a Flood Warning for the following rivers in Washington... Bogachiel River Near La Push affecting Clallam County. .Moderate to heavy rainfall is continuing across the northern Olympic Peninsula this evening, which has lead to the Bogachiel River near La Push rising into minor flood stage. The rain will continue through much of the overnight hours into tomorrow morning. * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring. * WHERE...Bogachiel River near La Push. * WHEN...From this evening to early Sunday morning. * IMPACTS...At 37.0 feet, the Bogachiel River will cause flooding of State Highway 110 near the Bogachiel bridge...closing the road. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 7:30 PM PDT Saturday the stage was 37.3 feet. - Flood stage is 37.0 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 7:30 PM PDT Saturday was 37.3 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage early Sunday morning and continue falling to 30.0 feet Monday afternoon. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 37.1 feet on 12/10/2004. - Flood Warning 2024-10-19T19:54:00-07:00 2024-10-19T19:54:00-07:00 2024-10-19T19:54:00-07:00 2024-10-20T04:00:00-07:00 Actual Alert Met Expected Severe Likely Clallam, WA 47.89,-124.4 47.89,-124.53 47.89,-124.63 47.95,-124.67 47.96,-124.55 47.9799999,-124.43 47.89,-124.4 SAME 053009 UGC WAC009 AWIPSidentifier FLWSEW WMOidentifier WGUS46 KSEW 200254 NWSheadline FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT FROM THIS EVENING TO EARLY SUNDAY MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.NEW.KSEW.FL.W.0010.241020T0254Z-241020T1200Z/ eventEndingTime 2024-10-20T12:00:00+00:00

Flood Watch issued October 19 at 5:13PM PDT until October 20 at 8:00AM PDT by NWS Seattle WA

October 19, 2024 - 5:13pm
Heavy rain associated with an atmospheric river has been impacting the northern Olympic Peninsula. The bulk of the rain will shift slightly north overnight, but will likely continue to bring rain to the area before the cold front moves through tomorrow morning. * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall is possible. * WHERE...A portion of northwest Washington, including the following county, Clallam. The Bogachiel River near La Push has risen rapidly and will likely reach action stage this evening based on flow in upstream gauges. The Bogachiel River may reach minor flood stage early tonight. * WHEN...Through Sunday morning. * IMPACTS...Excessive runoff may result in flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - Heavy rain is ongoing across the northern Olympic Peninsula, leading to rapid rises on area streams and Bogachiel River. - Flood Watch 2024-10-19T17:13:00-07:00 2024-10-19T17:13:00-07:00 2024-10-19T17:13:00-07:00 2024-10-20T06:15:00-07:00 Actual Alert Met Future Severe Possible Clallam, WA SAME 053009 UGC WAC009 AWIPSidentifier FFASEW WMOidentifier WGUS66 KSEW 200013 NWSheadline FLOOD WATCH IN EFFECT THROUGH SUNDAY MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.NEW.KSEW.FA.A.0008.241020T0013Z-241020T1500Z/ eventEndingTime 2024-10-20T15:00:00+00:00

Hydrologic Outlook issued October 19 at 3:32PM PDT by NWS Seattle WA

October 19, 2024 - 3:32pm
ESFSEW Expect periods of moderate to heavy rainfall into Sunday with an Atmospheric River over the region. There is an elevated threat for urban and small stream flooding due to excessive rainfall. Expect rises in small streams. Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas is possible. Ponding of water over roadways and in urban areas is possible. Please monitor the latest river forecasts from the National Weather Service for additional information. Hydrologic Outlook 2024-10-19T15:32:00-07:00 2024-10-19T15:32:00-07:00 2024-10-19T15:32:00-07:00 2024-10-20T17:00:00-07:00 Actual Alert Met Future Unknown Possible Clallam, WA; Jefferson, WA; Skagit, WA; Whatcom, WA SAME 053009 SAME 053031 SAME 053057 SAME 053073 UGC WAC009 UGC WAC031 UGC WAC057 UGC WAC073 AWIPSidentifier ESFSEW WMOidentifier FGUS76 KSEW 192232 NWSheadline PERIODS OF MODERATE TO HEAVY RAINFALL THROUGH THE WEEKEND BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS

Wind Advisory issued October 19 at 3:00PM PDT until October 20 at 2:00PM PDT by NWS Seattle WA

October 19, 2024 - 3:00pm
* WHAT...South winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. * WHERE...North Coast. * WHEN...From 5 AM to 2 PM PDT Sunday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds will be strongest along the water. Wind Advisory 2024-10-19T15:00:00-07:00 2024-10-19T15:00:00-07:00 2024-10-20T05:00:00-07:00 2024-10-20T05:00:00-07:00 Actual Alert Met Expected Moderate Likely North Coast SAME 053009 SAME 053031 UGC WAZ516 AWIPSidentifier NPWSEW WMOidentifier WWUS76 KSEW 192200 NWSheadline WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 5 AM TO 2 PM PDT SUNDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS VTEC /O.NEW.KSEW.WI.Y.0013.241020T1200Z-241020T2100Z/ eventEndingTime 2024-10-20T21:00:00+00:00

Wind Advisory issued October 19 at 3:00PM PDT until October 20 at 4:00PM PDT by NWS Seattle WA

October 19, 2024 - 3:00pm
* WHAT...South winds 15 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. * WHERE...Admiralty Inlet Area, San Juan County, Western Skagit County, and Western Whatcom County. * WHEN...From 9 AM to 4 PM PDT Sunday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds will be strongest along the water. Wind Advisory 2024-10-19T15:00:00-07:00 2024-10-19T15:00:00-07:00 2024-10-20T09:00:00-07:00 2024-10-20T05:00:00-07:00 Actual Alert Met Expected Moderate Likely San Juan County; Western Whatcom County; Western Skagit County; Admiralty Inlet Area SAME 053055 SAME 053073 SAME 053057 SAME 053029 SAME 053031 UGC WAZ001 UGC WAZ503 UGC WAZ506 UGC WAZ510 AWIPSidentifier NPWSEW WMOidentifier WWUS76 KSEW 192200 NWSheadline WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM TO 4 PM PDT SUNDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS VTEC /O.NEW.KSEW.WI.Y.0013.241020T1600Z-241020T2300Z/ eventEndingTime 2024-10-20T23:00:00+00:00
