Outreach Resources

Subject Title Resource Type Organization
Community Preparedness Ready, Set, Go! National Video, Spanish Edition Video Multiple organizations
Restoration Central Oregon's Fire-Adapted Forests and the need for Dry Forest Restoration Brochure Multiple organizations
Prescribed Fire What happens on the day-of a prescribed fire? Video Deschutes Collaborative
Smoke How to use a respirator Infographic EPA
Smoke Reduce health risks in areas with wildfire smoke Infographic EPA
Wildfire Risk Assessment Tools Oregon Wildfire Risk Explorer Tools & Instructions Institute for Natural Resources, et al.
K-12 Youth and Youth FireWorks Curriculum Curriculum US Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station
Smoke Wildfire Smoke Website Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Smoke Smokey Skies and Your Health: The Air Quality Index Video Ashland Chamber of Commerce
Smoke Washington Smoke Information Website Coordinated effort - city, county, tribal, state and federal agencies
