Publications Library
Fire behaviour and smoke modelling: model improvement and measurement needs for next-generation smoke research and forecasting systems International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2019;28(8).
. Fire, CO2, and climate effects on modeled vegetation and carbon dynamics in western Oregon and Washington PloS One. 2019;14(1).
. Fire deficits have increased drought‐sensitivity in dry conifer forests; fire frequency and tree‐ring carbon isotope evidence from Central Oregon Global Change Biology. 2019.
. Forest Service fire management and the elusiveness of change Fire Ecology. 2019;15.
. Four-fold increase in solar forcing on snow in western U.S. burned forests since 1999 Nature Communications. 2019;10. Available at:
. Fuel Characteristic Classification System (FCCS) field sampling and fuelbed development guide. ( ). Pacific Northwest Research Station; 2019:77. Available at:
. Getting back to fire suméŝ: exploring a multi-disciplinary approach to incorporating traditional knowledge into fuels treatments Fire Ecology. 2019;15.
. Historical patterns of fire severity and forest structure and composition in a landscape structured by frequent large fires: Pumice Plateau ecoregion, Oregon, USA Landscape Ecology. 2019.
. Increasing trends in high-severity fire in the southwestern USA from 1984 to 2015 Forest Ecology and Management. 2019;433.
. Influence of fire refugia spatial pattern on post-fire forest recovery in Oregon’s Blue Mountains Landscape Ecology. 2019. Available at:
. Integrating Subjective and Objective Dimensions of Resilience in Fire-Prone Landscapes BioScience. 2019;69(5).
. Making the Transition from Science Delivery to Knowledge Coproduction in Boundary Spanning: A Case Study of the Alaska Fire Science Consortium AMS. 2019;Online.
. The missing fire: quantifying human exclusion of wildfire in Pacific Northwest forests, USA Ecosphere. 2019;10(4).
. Mixed-severity wildfire and habitat of an old-forest obligate Ecosphere. 2019;e02696.
. A multi-century history of fire regimes along a transect of mixed-conifer forests in central Oregon, U.S.A Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 2019;49. Available at:
. Near-future forest vulnerability to drought and fire varies across the western United States Global Change Biology. 2019;25(1).
. NWFSC Fire Facts: What are? Parts of a Wildfire.; 2019.
Parts of a Fire.pdf (583.09 KB)
NWFSC Fire Facts: What are? Types of Fire.; 2019.
Types of Fire.pdf (817.81 KB)
NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? Wildfire Smoke.; 2019.
Wildfire Smoke.pdf (622.56 KB)
NWFSC Research Brief #19 - Adjusting the lenses of past, present and future to bring into focus the role of frequent fire in dry forests .; 2019.
NWFSC_RB19_Adjusting the focus.pdf (1.39 MB)
NWFSC Research Brief #20 - Covering Wildfires: Media Emphasis and Silence.; 2019.
NWFSC_RB20_MediaCoverage.pdf (1.48 MB)
NWFSC Research Brief #21 - Understanding climate and human impacts on historical fire regimes in the PNW.; 2019.
NWFSC_RB21_Historical Regimes.pdf (1.33 MB)
Out of the Ashes: Ecological Resilience to Extreme Wildfire, Prescribed Burns, and Indigenous Burning in Ecosystems frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 2019.
Eisenberg_etal_2019_OutOfTheAshes.pdf (4.24 MB)
Policy tools to address scale mismatches: insights from U.S. forest governance Ecology and Society. 2019;24(1).
. Post-fire management affects species composition but not Douglas-fir regeneration in the Klamath Mountains Forest Ecology and Management. 2019;432.