Publications Library

Found 1216 results
Churchill DJ. The ICO Approach to Quantifying and Restoring Forest Spatial Pattern: Implementation Guide. Version 3.0. (Jeronimo SMA, ed.). Vashon: Stewardship Forestry and Science, Vashon, Washington, USA.; 2016.PDF icon ICO-Manager-Guide-version-3-1.pdf (6.1 MB)
R Martin A. Ignition patterns influence fire severity and plant communities in Pacific Northwest, USA, prairies Hamman ST, ed. Fire Ecology. 2016;12(1). Available at:
Kreye JK. The impact of aging on laboratory fire behaviour in masticated shrub fuelbeds of California and Oregon, USA Varner MJ, ed. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2016;Online early.
Abatzoglou JT. Impact of anthropogenic climate change on wildfire across western US forests Williams PA, ed. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2016;113(42).
Mann ML, Batllori E, Moritz MA, et al. Incorporating Anthropogenic Influences into Fire Probability Models: Effects of Human Activity and Climate Change on Fire Activity in California. PLOS One. 2016.
Westerling ALeRoy. Increasing western US forest wildfire activity: sensitivity to changes in the timing of spring. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. 2016;371.
Johnston JD. Influence of fire disturbance and biophysical heterogeneity on pre-settlement ponderosa pine and mixed conifer forests Bailey JD, ed. Ecosphere. 2016;7(11).
Schoennagel TL. Insights from wildfire science: a resource for fire policy discussions. (Morgan P, ed.).; 2016:9 p. Available at:
Drury SA. The interagency fuels treatment decision support system: Functionality for fuels treatment planning Rauscher M, ed. Fire Ecology. 2016;12(1). Available at:
Champ PA. Is seeing believing? Perceptions of wildfire risk over time Brenkert-Smith H, ed. Risk Analysis. 2016;36(4).
Roos CI. Living on a flammable planet: interdisciplinary, cross-scalar and varied cultural lessons, prospects and challenges Scott AC, ed. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 2016;371(1696).
Price OF. Local and regional smoke impacts from prescribed fires Horsey B, ed. Natural Hazards and Earth System Services. 2016;16.
Boisramé G. Managed wildfire effects on forest resilience and water in the Sierra Nevada Thompson S, ed. Ecosystems. 2016.
Vogeler JC. Mapping post-fire habitat characteristics through the fusion of remote sensing tools Yang Z, ed. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2016;173.
Jones GM. Megafires: an emerging threat to old-forest species Gutiérrez RJ, ed. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2016;14(6).
Service NPark. National Climate Change Interpretation and Education Strategy. Washington, DC: National Park Service; 2016:20 p. Available at:
Preisler HK. Near-term probabilistic forecast of significant wildfire events for the Western United States Riley KL, ed. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2016;Online early.
Consortium NWFire Scien. NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? A Fire Adapted Community.; 2016.PDF icon FIREFACTS_FAC.pdf (806.43 KB)
Consortium NFire Scien. NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? BAER.; 2016.PDF icon BAER.pdf (644.25 KB)
Consortium NFire Scien. NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? CWPP.; 2016.PDF icon FireFacts_CWPP.pdf (842.5 KB)
Consortium NWFire Scien. NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? Fire Triangle.; 2016.PDF icon FIREFACTS_Triangles.pdf (727.6 KB)
Consortium NWFire Scien. NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? Fuel Moisture Content.; 2016.PDF icon FuelMoistureContent.pdf (584.42 KB)
Consortium NFire Scien. NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? IMET.; 2016.PDF icon FIREFACTS_IMET.pdf (629.4 KB)
Consortium NWFire Scien. NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? Incident Command System.; 2016.PDF icon FIREFACTS_IncidentCommandSystem.pdf (574.64 KB)
Consortium NFire Scien. NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? Natural Range of Variability.; 2016.PDF icon FIREFACTS NRV.pdf (640.59 KB)
