Publications Library

Found 1216 results
Lambrou N, Kolden C, Loukaitou-Sideris A, Anjum E, Acey C. Social drivers of vulnerability to wildfire disasters: A review of the literature. Landscape and Urban Planning. 2023;237. Available at: icon Social drivers of vulnerability to wildfire disasters- A review of the literature.pdf (2.46 MB)
Harvey BJ, Buonanduci MS, Turner MG. Spatial interactions among short-interval fires reshape forest landscapes. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 2023;32(4).
Greenler SM, Dunn CJ, Johnston JD, et al. Too hot, too cold, or just right: Can wildfire restore dry forests of the interior Pacific Northwest?. Plos One. 2023;18(2).PDF icon journal.pone_.0281927.pdf (3.46 MB)
Jung CGyo, Keyser AR, Remy CC, et al. Topographic information improves simulated patterns of post-fire conifer regeneration in the southwest United States. Global Change Biology . 2023.
Chuvieco E, Yebra M, Martino S, et al. Towards an Integrated Approach to Wildfire Risk Assessment: When, Where, What and How May the Landscapes Burn. Fire. 2023;6.PDF icon fire-06-00215-v2.pdf (9.73 MB)
Bernal AA, Kane JM, Knapp EE, Zald HSJ. Tree resistance to drought and bark beetle-associated mortality following thinning and prescribed fire treatments. Forest Ecology and Management. 2023;530. Available at: icon Tree resistance to drought and bark beetle-associated mortality following thinning and prescribed fire treatments.pdf (7.81 MB)
Billings M, Carroll M, Paveglio T. Unprotected lands: A case study of a wildland-urban interface community in “No-Man's land”. Journal of Environmental Management. 2023;330.
Fillmore SD, Paveglio TB. Use of the Wildland Fire Decision Support System (WFDSS) for full suppression and managed fires within the Southwestern Region of the US Forest Service . International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2023.PDF icon Fillmore et al_2023 Use of WFDSS for full suppression and managed fires in SW region of USFS.pdf (866.04 KB)
Krueger ES, Levi MR, Achieng KO, et al. Using soil moisture information to better understand and predict wildfire danger: a review of recent developments and outstanding questions. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2023;32(2).PDF icon WF22056.pdf (3.84 MB)
Paveglio TB, Edgeley CM. Variable Support and Opposition to Fuels Treatments for Wildfire Risk Reduction: Melding Frameworks for Local Context and Collaborative Potential . Journal of Forestry. 2023.PDF icon Variable Support and Opposition to Fuels Treatments for Wildfire Risk Reduction- Melding Frameworks for Local Context and Collaborative Potential.pdf (1.17 MB)
Fertel HM, Collins BM, Lydersen JM, Stephens SL. Vegetation type change in California’s Northern Bay Area: A comparison of contemporary and historical aerial imagery. Forest Ecology and Management. 2023;542.
Ritter SM, Hoffman CM, Battaglia MA, Linn R, Mell WE. Vertical and Horizontal Crown Fuel Continuity Influences Group-Scale Ignition and Fuel Consumption. Fire. 2023;6(8).PDF icon fire-06-00321.pdf (2.34 MB)
Hoecker TJ, Parks SA, Krosby M, Dobrowski SZ. Widespread exposure to altered fire regimes under 2 °C warming is projected to transform conifer forests of the Western United States. Nature. 2023;4(295).PDF icon s43247-023-00954-8.pdf (5.38 MB)
Barnard DM, Green TR, Mankin KR, et al. Wildfire and climate change amplify knowledge gaps linking mountain source-water systems and agricultural water supply in the western United States. Agricultural Water Management. 2023;286.PDF icon Wildfire and climate change amplify knowledge gaps linking mountain source-water systems and agricultural water supply in the western United States.pdf (1.41 MB)
Brodie EG, Stewart JAE, Winsemius S, et al. Wildfire facilitates upslope advance in a shade-intolerant but not a shade-tolerant conifer. Ecological Applications. 2023.PDF icon Ecological Applications - 2023 - Brodie - Wildfire facilitates upslope advance in a shade%E2%80%90intolerant but not a-2.pdf (6.48 MB)
Taccaliti F, Marzano R, Bell TL, Lingua E. Wildland–Urban Interface: Definition and Physical Fire Risk Mitigation Measures, a Systematic Review. Fire. 2023;6(9). Available at: icon fire-06-00343.pdf (1.68 MB)
