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Prioritizing science efforts to inform decision making on public lands
Wildland–Urban Interface: Definition and Physical Fire Risk Mitigation Measures, a Systematic Review
Downwind Fire and Smoke Detection during a Controlled Burn—Analyzing the Feasibility and Robustness of Several Downwind Wildfire Sensing Modalities through Real World Applications
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Show only items where
.Baggett, L
.F.Trainor, S
.G.Sovern, S
.Keefe, R
A, Neda K. Kasraee
A.Anthony, Molly
A.Cochrane, Mark
A.Williams, Christopher
Aanderud, Zachary
Abad-González, Luisa
Abatzoglou, John T
Abatzoglou, John
Abatzoglou, John T.
Abatzoglou, John
Abatzoglou, J. T.
Abatzoglou, J.T.
Abella, Scott R
Abrahamson, Ilana
Abramoff, Rose Z.
Abrams, Jesse B.
Abrams, Jesse
Abrams, J.
Absher, James D
Abt, Karen L
Acevedo, William
Acey, Charisma
Achieng, Kevin O.
Achtemeier, G.
Acker, S.
Adam, Jennifer C
Adam, Brittany A
Adams, Henry D.
Adams, Theodore
Adams, M.D.O.
Adams, M.D.
Adams, Mark D.O.
Adams, M.A.
Addington, Robert N
Addington, R.N.
Addington, Robert N.
Adetona, Anna M.
Adetona, Olorunfemi
Adlam, Christopher
Affleck, David
Affleck, David L R
Affleck, David L.R.
Affleck, D.
Aftergood, Olivia
Agarwal, Puneet
Agee, James K
Agee, J K
Agee, J. K.
Ager, Alan
Ager, Alan A
Ager, Alan A.
Ager, A.
Ager, A.A.
AghaKouchak, Amir
Agne, Michelle C.
Agne, Michelle C
Agne, M.C.
Agnew, Robert J.
Agriculture, U.S. Department
Agriculture, United States Dep
Ahlström, A.
Airey-Lauvaux, Catherine
Aitken, Sally N
Ajami, Newsha K.
Akafuah, Nelson K
al., Berigan et
al., Blades et
al., Buma et
al., et
Alba, Christina
Albers, Heidi J
Albores, I.S.
Alcasena, Fermin J.
Aldworth, Tyler
Alessi, Gianna M.
Alexander, John D
Alexander, Martin E
Alexandre, Patricia M
Alexandre, P.M.
Alleau, Y.
Allen, I.
Allen, Craig D.
Allen, Craig D.
Allen, Craig D
Allen, C.D.
Allison, R S
Almendariz, Diana
Altenhofen, Jon
Alton, Steven K
Alvarado, E.
Alvarado, Ernesto
Alvarado, Ernesto C.
Alvarez-Ruiz, Lola
Amodeo, Michael
Amraoui, M.
Anacker, B L
Anaya, Matthew A
Anderegg, William R. L.
Anderegg, William R. L.
Anderson, John W
Anderson, C.L.
Anderson, Scott R
Anderson, Bret A.
Anderson, Axel
Anderson, Nathaniel
Anderson, John
Anderson, Georgiana Brooke
Anderson-Teixeira, K.J.
Andreae, Meinrat O.
Andreu, A.G.
Andrews, Caitlin A.
Andrews, Patricia L
Andrews, P.L.
Andrus, R.A.
Andrus, Robert A.
Aney, William C
Angerer, Jay P.
Anjum, Erica
Antos, Joseph A
Antos, Joseph A
Aplet, Gregory H.
Aplet, Greg
Aplet, Gregory H
Aplet, G.
Apostol, Kent G.
Aragon, A.
Arianoutsou, Margarita
Arienzo, M.M
Arispe, Sergio A.
Arkle, Robert S
Arkle, R.S.
Armatas, Christopher A
Armenteras, Dolors
Armstrong, Glen W
Arp, Christopher D
Arrogante-Funes, Fatima
Asarian, J.E.
Asbjornsen, Heidi
Ascher, Timothy J
Ash, Andrew
Aslan, Clare E.
Asner, G.P.
Association, Western Governors'
Atchley, Adam L.
Aubin, Isabelle
Auch, Roger F
Auerbach, S.
Augustine, Skye
Aukema, Juliann
Aurell, Johanna
Austin, Elena
Avery, Robert B
Aylen, Jonathan
Azuma, David
Azwell, Thomas
B.Cupples, Jacqueline
Bacciu, Valentina
Bachelet, Dominique M.
Bachelet, D.
Bachelet, D
Bachelet, Dominique
Badgley, Grayson
Baer, Adam D
Baggett, Scott
Baggett, L.S.
Bahoman, G.N.
Baig, Jamila
Bailey, J.D.
Bailey, John D.
Bailey, John D
Bailey, Joseph K.
Bailey, J.
Bailey, John
Baisan, C.H.
Bakaloudis, Dimitrios
Baker, William L.
Baker, K.R.
Baker, Stephen
Baker, Terrell T
Baker, William L
Baker, W.L.
Bakker, J.D.
Bakker, J D
Bakker, Jonathan D.
Balch, Jennifer K.
Balch, J.K.
Balch, J. K.
Balch, Jennifer K
Ballagh, M
Balmes, J.R.
Balog, Cameron S
Banach, Catherine A.
Banerjee, Tirtha
Banwell, Erin M
Bar-Massada, Avi
Barbato, Michele
Barber, Quinn E.
Barber, Michael E
Barbero, R
Barboni, T.
Barker, J.S.
Barker, Jason S
Barnard, David M.
Barnes, Rebecca T.
Barrett, Steve
Barrett, Tara M.
Barrett, Stephen W
Barros, A.M.G.
Barros, A.M.G.
Barros, Ana
Barth, Christopher M.
Barth, Christopher M
Barth, Christopher M
Bartlein, Patrick J
Bartuszevige, Anne M
Bartuszevige, A.
Bassett, Steven
Bates, Jon D
Bates, Jon D.
Bates, Jonathan D
Bates, J.D.
Batllori, Enric
Battaglia, Mike A
Battaglia, Mike A
Battaglia, Mike
Battaglia, M A
Battles, John J.
Batzer, Evan E.
Bauer, Matt
Bauer, Mark
Baumgartner, Jill
Baustian, J J
Baxter, Colden V
Bayham, J.
Bayham, Jude
Baylis, Patrick
Baylog, K.
Bean, Rachel
Beardmore, Tannis
Bearman, C.
Beaulieu, Jean
Beck, Jeffrey L.
Beckendorf, K L
Becker, Kendall M.L.
Beckman, Liam M
Beechie, T.J.
Beedlow, P.A.
Beedlow, Peter A.
Beeton, Tyler A.
Beever, Erik A
Beezley, Jonathan
Behan, J.
Beissinger, S R
Bela, Megan M.
Belavenutti, Pedro
Belcher, Claire M
Belcher, Claire M.
Belcher, C.M.
Beldin, Sarah I
Bell, T.L.
Bell, M.L.
Bell, D.M.
Bell, David M.
Bell, Michelle L.
Bell, Tina L.
Belnap, Jayne
Belongia, Megan F.
Belongie, Cole
Belote, R.T.
Belote, Travis
Belote, Travis R
Belval, Erin
Belval, E.J.
Benda, Lee E.
Bendix, Jacob
Bengston, David N
Bennett, M.
Bennett, Max
Bentz, Barbara
Bentz, Barbara J
Benzeroual, T
Berck, Peter
Berger, C.
Berger, Carrie
Bergeron, Yves
Berghaus, Roy D
Berigan, William J
Berkelhammer, Max
Berman, Melinda T.
Bernal, Alexis A.
Berrens, Robert P.
Berry, Sandra
Beyers, Jan L
Bian, Xindi
Biber, Eric
Bigelow, Seth W
Billings, Mark
Billings, Mark C.
Billmire, Michael
Birch, Joseph D.
Bird, Douglas W.
Bird, Rebecca Bliege
Bird, Benjamin J.
Bishop, Kevin
Bisson, Peter A
Bixby, Rebecca J.
Bixler, Patrick
Bixler, Audrey
Bjarke, Nels R.
Black, Anne
Blades, Jarod
Blades, Jarod J
Blades, Jarod J
Bladon, K.D.
Bladon, Kevin D
Bladon, Kevin D.
Blanco, Juan A.
Blank, Robert R.
Blankenship, Kori
Blankinship, Joseph C.
Blatner, Keith A
Block, William M.
Blomberg, Erik J.
Blonder, Benjamin
Blumstein, Daniel T.
Boag, Angela E
Board, David I.
Board, David
Boerner, Ralph E J
Bohner, Jurgen
Bohrer, Gil
Boisramé, Gabrielle
Boisramé, Gabrielle F. S.
Boland, Justin
Boll, Jan
Bolte, J.P.
Bolte, John
Bolte, John P.
Bolten, John D.
Bond, M.L.
Bone, C.
Bone, Christopher
Booker, Fitzgerald L
Boon, Sarah
Borah, Rittick
Borgias, D.
Bormann, Bernard
Bormann, Bernard T
Boschetti, Luigi
Bosher, Lee
Bouchard, Michelle A
Boucher, Jonathan
Boulanger, Yan
Bourbonnais, Mathieu L.
Boustras, Georgios
Boutin, Marion
Bovbjerg, Viktor E.
Bowman, David M.J.S.
Bowman, David MJS
Bowring, Simon P.K.
Boychuk, Den
Boyd, Jennifer M
Boyd, C.S.
Boyd, Chad S
Boyd, Chad S.
Braaten, J.D.
Bradford, John B.
Bradford, John. B.
Bradley, Ashley M.
Bradley, B.A.
Bradley, Curtis M.
Bradley, Bethany A
Bradshaw, Larry
Bradstock, Ross
Bradstock, Ross A
Bradstock, R.A.
Bradstock, Ross A
Bramel, Jody
Bramwell, L
Bravo, Mercedes A.
Braziunas, K.H.
Braziunas, Kristin H.
Brenkert, Hannah
Brenkert-Smith, H.
Brenkert-Smith, Hannah
Brennan, Teresa J
Brenner, Greg
Breshears, David D.
Breslow, Bradley P
Brewer, Nolan W
Brewer, P.A.
Briggs, Kevin
Bright, Benjamin C
Bright, B.C.
Bright, Benjamin C
Briles, Christy E
Brodie, Emily G.
Brooks, M.L.
Brooks, Matthew
Brooks, Matthew L.
Brooks, Matthew L
Brotons, L
Brown, P.M.
Brown, Lee E.
Brown, Peter M.
Brown, Tim
Brown, Robert E.
Brown, Timothy
Brown, Martin J
Brown, Timothy J.
Brown, Sara
Brown, Timothy J
Brown, P. M.
Brown, Peter M
Brown, Kendrick J
Brown, Laura E.
Brown, Remington
Browne, Mark J.
Broyles, George
Brubaker, Linda B.
Brunson, Mark
Brunson, Mark W.
Bryant, Colleen
Buchholz, R.R.
Buenning, Nikolaus
Bugaric, Marin
Bukovsky, Melissa
Bull, Evelyn L
Buma, Brian J.
Buonanduci, Michele S.
Buonopane, Michelle
Buotte, P.C.
Burcsu, Theresa
Burke, Marshall
Burke, M.
Burkey, Kent O
Burkle, L.A.
Burnett, Ryan D
Burnett, Jack T.
Burney, Jennifer A.
Burton, Timothy
Busby, Sebastian
Busby, Sebastian U.
Busby, Gwenlyn
Buscarnera, Giuseppe
Busse, Matt
Busse, Matt D
Butler, Bret W
Butler, Bret W
Butler, B.W.
Butry, David T
Bybee, Jordan
Byrne, J.
C.Olsen, Andrew
Cabiddu, S.
Caggiano, Michael
Caggiano, Michael D.
Caggiano, Mike
Cahl, Douglas
Cai, Michael
Caldwell, P.V.
Caldwell, Peter V
Caldwell, Bruce A
Caligiuri, Pete
Calkin, David
Calkin, David E
Calkin, David E.
Calkin, Dave E
Calkin, D.E.
Calkins, Stephen J.
Call, A.
Callis, Isabella
Calvin, W.M.
Calviño-Cancela, María
Cambron, Trevor W.
Campbell, M.J.
Campbell, John L.
Campbell, John L
Campbell, Elizabeth M
Campbell, J L
Cane, J.H.
Canfield, J.
Cannon, J.B.
Cannon, Jeffery B
Cansler, Alina C
Cansler, C.Alina
Cansler, C.A.
Cansler, Alina
Cansler, Alina
Caprio, Anthony C.
Carlson, J.D.
Carlson, J. D.
Carlson, Amanda R.
Carmona, Nancy
Carr, M A
Carrasco, Jaime
Carroll, Matthew C.
Carroll, Matthew
Carroll, Matthew S.
Carroll, M.S.
Carroll, Matthew S
Carter, Sarah K
Carter, S.K.
Cartwright, Jennifer M.
Carver, Steve J
Casals, Pere
Casamassa, Glann
Casazza, Michael L.
Cascio, WE
Cascio, W.E.
Case, M.
Case, Michael J.
Case, Michael J
Castelli, Mauro
Caton, Sara E.
Cattau, Megan E.
Caughlin, Trevor
Cavanaugh, Alexander
Cavanaugh, A.
Cayan, Daniel
Center, Watershed
Cerano, Julián
Chaloner, William G.
Chambers, Chris
Chambers, Marin E
Chambers, Jeanne C.
Champ, Patricia
Champ, Patricia A
Champ, Patricia A
Champ, Patricia A.
Chan, W.R.
Chang, Heesol
Chapman, Teresa
Chapman, Teresa B.
Chapman, Teresa B
Charmantier, Anne
Charnley, S.
Charnley, Susan
Chas-Amil, María L.
Chastagner, Gary A
Chavardès, Raphaël D.
Chaveste, Melissa
Chegwidden, Oriana S.
Chellman, N.
Chen, Jiaxin
Chen, Hall
Cheng, Tony
Cheng, Antony S
Cheng, Lei
Cheng, A.S.
Cherkauer, Keith A
Chhin, S.
Chiang, Constance
Childs, Marissa L.
Chipman, Melissa L.
Chishtie, Farrukh
Chmutina, Ksenia
Choi, Christopher Tsz Hin
Chong, Geneva W.
Chong, Ngee-Sing
Chong, G.
Christianson, A
Christianson, Amy Cardinal
Christianson, Amy
Christman, Laine
Chrysafis, Irene
Chung, Woodam
Chung, Woodham
Churchill, D.J.
Churchill, Derek J
Churchill, Derek
Churchill, D.J.
Churchill, Derek J.
Chuvieco, Emilio
Chwalek, Patrick
Ciais, Philippe
Cibils, Andres F
Cirhigiri, L.
Cisneros, R
Cisneros, R.
Clair, S.B. St.
Clark, Rachel
Clark, James S
Clark, E.S.
Clark, J.A.
Clark, Julian
Clark, Benjamin
Clay, Keith
Cleetus, Rachel
Clements, Craig B
Clements, Craig B
Clementz, Mark T
Cleveland, H
Cline, Steven P.
Cline, Nathan L
Cline, S.P.
Coalition, Fire Adapted Communities
Coalition, Western Forestry L
Coates, Peter S.
Coats, Robert N.
Coble, Ashley A.
Cochrane, Mark A
Coe, Kirsten K
Cohen, Warren B.
Cohen, Jack D
Cohen, Warren B
Cohen, Jack
Cohen, Jack D.
Cohen, Warren
Cohen, Jack D
Cohn, Gregory M.
Cohn, Gregory M
Colavito, Melanie M.
Colavito, M.M
Collingwood, A.
Collins, B.M.
Collins, Brandon M
Collins, L.
Collins, B.M
Collins, B. M.
Collins, Brandon M
Collins, Brandon
Colombaroli, Daniele
Colombo, Stephen J
Comas, S J
Comas, Louise H.
Comeleo, R.L.
Comeleo, Randy L.
Committee, NWCG Wildland Urban Interface Mitigation
Condon, Lea A.
Congalton, Russell G
Conklin, David R
Conner, Mike
Conner, Mike
Connolly, Rachel
Consortium, Northwest Fire Scien
Consortium, NW Fire Scien
Contezac, Jonathan
Contreras, Marco
Coogan, Sean C. P.
Cook, Maxwell C
Cook, Maxwell C.
Cook, Benjamin I.
Cook, Steve
Coop, Johnathan D.
Coop, J.D.
Coop, Jonathan D.
Cooper, David J
Cooper, Scott D.
Coops, Nicholas C
Coops, Nicholas C.
Copes-Gerbitz, Kelsey
Copes‑Gerbitz, Kelsey
Coppoletta, Michelle
Cordner, Alissa
Corsini, N.
Cotton-Gagnon, Anne
Coughlan, M.R.
Coughlan, Michael R.
Coughlan, M.
Council, Governor's Wildfire E
Council, National Science an
County, Deschutes
Coutu, Jemina
Cova, Gina
Cova, Thomas J
Covich, A.P.
Covington, W.W
Cowan, Ariel D.
Cowan, Ariel D
Cowdery, S.G.
Cowdery, Seth G.
Craig, G
Cram, Douglas S
Creech, M N
Creed, Irena F.
Creighton, J.
Creighton, Janean
Creutzburg, Megan
Creutzburg, Megan K
Crim, Sarah
Crimmins, Michael A
Crimmins, Michael
Crimmins, M.A.
Cromack, Kermit
Crook, Leann
Crotteau, Justin S
Crouse, Joseph E
Crowley, Christian
Crowley, Mark
Cruz, Miguel G
Csiszar, Ivan
Cullen, Alison
Cullenward, Danny
Cunnin, Emma
Cunningham, Sean
Curtis, Allan
Curtis, A
Cvijanovic, Ivana
Cyphers, L.
Cyr, Dominic
D'Antonio, Carla
D'Antonio, Carla M
D.Maestas, Jeremy
Dadashi, Sepideh
dafd, afdasf
Dahl, Kristina A
Dahlgreen, Matthew C
Dahm, Clifford N.
Dailey, Scott N.
Dailey, Scott N
Dalenberg, Douglas
Dalhgreen, M.C.
Daniels, Lori D.
Daniels, Steven E
Daniels, L. D.
Danneyrolles, Victor
Darbyshire, Robyn L
Darbyshire, Robyn
Das, Adrian J.
David, A.T.
Davies, Kirk W.
Davies, G M
Davies, K.W.
Davies, Kirk W
Davis, Steven J.
Davis, Raymond J.
Davis, Braniff
Davis, Raymond J
Davis, Kimberley T
Davis, E.J.
Davis, R.J.
Davis, Raymond
Davis, Emily Jane
Davis, Kimberley T.
Davy, Josh S
Dawes, M A
Day, Michelle
Day, Michelle A.
Day, Michelle A
Day, M.A.
Day, M.
De Cáceres, Miquel
de la Barra, Felipe
Deak, Alison
Dearing, Denise
DeCrappeo, N.
Dedrick, Allison G.
DeJonge, Kendall C.
DellaSala, Dominick A
DellaSala, Dominick A.
DellaSala, D.A.
DeLory, T.J.
DeLuca, T.H.
DeLuca, Thomas H.
Demeo, Thomas
DeMeo, T.
DeMeo, Tom
Denis, Lise A St.
Denis, Lise A. St.
Dennison, Philip E.
Dennison, Philip E
Dennison, P.E.
DeRose, Justin R
Derr, Kelly M.
Deser, Clara
Dettweiler-Robinson, E
DeVaney, Leif A
Devlin, D.
Diabo, David A.
Diamond, Sarah E
Dias, Susana
Diaz, John M
Diaz-Sanchez, D
Dick, Brian L
Dickinson, Matthew B.
Dickinson, Yvette
Dickinson, Matthew B
Dickinson, Katherine
Dickinson, Matthew B
Dickson-Hoyle, Sarah
Dietterich, Thomas
Dietz, Matthew S
Diffenbaugh, Noah S.
Dillingham, Colin P.
Dillon, Gregory K
Dillon, G.K.
Dilts, Thomas E
Dimon, Joshua
Ding, Ke
Ding, Aijun
DiTomaso, Joseph M
Dittrich, Ruth
Dizney, Laurie
Doane, Dustin
Dobrowski, Solomon Z.
Dobrowski, S.Z.
Dobrowski, Solomon Z
Dobson, Stephen F
Dodge, J.M.
Dodson, Erich K.
Dodson, Erich K
Doerr, Stefan H
Doescher, Paul S.
Doescher, Paul S
Doherty, Tim S.
Doherty, Owen M.
Doherty, Kevin E.
Doig, T
Dolanc, Christopher R.
Dolfi, Emmalee
Domingo, F
Dominici, F.
Dominici, Francesca
Domitrovich, Joe
Domke, Grant M
Donato, D C
Donato, Daniel C.
Donato, D.C.
Donato, Daniel C
Dong, Chunyu
Donley, E E
Donovan, Colleen
Donovan, Geoffrey H
Dorigo, Wouter A
Dorman, Sandra C.
Dove, N.C.
Downing, William M.
Downing, W.M.
Downs, J
Driscoll, Anne
Driscoll, D A
Drobyshev, Igor
Droske, Christine A.
Drury, S.A
Drury, Stacy A.
Drury, Stacy A
Duane, Andrea
Ducey, Mark J
Dudley, Jonathan G
Dudley, Jonathan G.
Duff, Thomas J.
Dugger, Katie M
Dumroese, Kasten
Dunham, Jason B
Dunn, Christopher J.
Dunn, C.J.
Dunn, Christopher J
Dunn, Robert R
Dunwiddie, P W
Dunwiddie, P.W.
Dunwiddlie, P.W.
Duran, Sandra M.
Dutta, Prabal
Dvorak, Jon E
Dwire, Kathleen
Dwire, Kathleen A.
Dwire, K.A.
Dwire, Kathleen A
Dye, Alex W.
D’Evelyn, Savannah M.
Earles, Mason J
Ebbeck, Vicki
Ebel, Brian A
Eberhardt, E.
Ebisu, Keita
Ebisu, K.
Eby, Lisa A
Eckert, M.
Economics, Headwaters
Ecosystem Workforce Program
Edgeley, Catrin M.
Edgeley, C.
Edgeley, C.M.
Edgeley, Catrin M
Edmonds, Robert L.
Eftychidis, George
Egan, Joel M
Eggett, Dennis L
Eglitis, A.
Eidenshink, Jeff
Eidenshink, J
Eisenberg, C.
Ekwurzel, Brenda
Eldridge, J D
Elia, M.
Elkie, Philip C
Elliott, Catherine
Ellison, Autumn
Ellison, A.
Ellison, Aaron M
Ellsworth, L.M.
Ellsworth, Lisa M
Elsner, Marketa M
Emelko, Monica B
Emelko, Monica B.
Emery, Sarah M
Emmons, L.K.
Endress, Bryan A
Endress, Bryan A.
Endsley, Arthur K
Engle, David M.
English, Justin D
Engstrom, Daniel R
Enquist, Carolyn A. F.
Enright, Neal J
Enstice, N.
Enzer, Maia J
Epanchin-Niell, Rebecca S.
Erickson, Karen
Erickson, Tyler
Esch, Evan
Escobedo, Francisco J.
Eskelson, Bianca N.I.
Espy, Leigh D
Essen, Maureen
Estes, B.L.
Estes, Becky L
Evans, Alexander M.
Evans, Samuel G.
Evans, Daniel
Evans, A.
Evans, J
Evans, Alexander M
Everett, R.G.
Everett, R.
Evers, Louisa
Evers, C.R.
Evers, Cody R
Evers, Cody
Evers, C.
Evers, Cody R.
Ewell, Carol
Ewell, Carol M
Ex, Seth A.
Eyes, S.A.
Fairbanks, Rich
Falk, Donald A
Falk, Donald A
Falk, D.A.
Falk, Lilia C
Falk, Lilia C
Falke, Jeffrey A.
Falke, Jeffery A
Fang, Fang
Fargione, Joseph E
Farris, Calvin A.
Farzan, Shahla
Fassnacht, Steven R.
Fay, P A
Fecko, RM
Fellows, Aaron W.
Fernald, Alexander G
Fernandez-Going, B M
Ferrier, Simon
Ferschweiler, K
Ferschweiler, K.
Ferster, Colin J
Fertel, Hannah M.
Fettig, Christopher J.
Fettig, C.J.
Fettig, Christopher J
Fiegener, R.
Field, Christopher B
Field, Christopher B.
Filip, Gregory M
Fillmore, Stephen D.
Finch, Deborah M
Findley, Angela J
Finkral, A J
Finnegan, Noah J.
Finney, M.A.
Finney, Mark A
Finney, Mark A
Finney, Mark A.
Fischer, Paul W.
Fischer, A.P.
Fischer, Alexandra Paige
Fischer, J
Fischer, Paige
Fischer, Paige A
Fischer, Paige A
Fischer, P.
Fischer, Erica C.
Fish, J.A.
Fisher, Rosie A.
Fishler, Hillary K.
Fisk, W.J.
Fites-Kaufman, Josephine A
Fitzgerald, S.A.
Fitzgerald, Stephen A.
Fitzgerald, Stephen
Fitzgerald, Stephen A
Fitzgerald, S.
Flannigan, Mike
Flannigan, Mike D.
Flatley, William T
Fleishman, Erica
Flerchinger, Gerald N.
Fletcher, Ian J.
Fletcher, Michael-Shawn
Flint, Alan L.
Flint, Alan
Flint, Lorraine E.
Flint, Lorriane
Flitcroft, Rebecca L
Flitcroft, Rebecca L.
Flores, David
Flores, Nicholas
Flory, Luke
Flower, Aquila
Flowers, Aquila
Fontaine, Joseph B
Fontaine, Joseph B.
Force, The Rangeland
Force, Jo Ellen
Ford, B.
Ford, P.
Foreman, Brady Z
Forney, Andra
Fornwalt, Paula J
Fornwalt, P.J.
Fornwalt, Paula J.
Forrestel, A.B.
Forthofer, Jason A
Forthofer, Jason M
Forthofer, Jason M
Foster, Alison C
Foundation, National Forest
Foundation, American Forest
Fox, Douglas G.
Fox, Rebekah L
Fox, D.G.
Francis, Emily J.
Franco, Fabiano
Franco-Vizcaino, E.
Franklin, Jerry F.
Franklin, Jerry F
Franklin, J. F.
Franklin, J F
Franklin, C.M.A.
Franklin, J.F.
Franklin, J.F.
Frazier, T.G.
Frederick, Stacey Sargent
Freeborn, P.H.
Freeborn, Patrick H
Freeborn, Patrick H.
Freeborn, Patrick
Freeman, Jeremy
Freeman, Neil
Frelich, Lee E
French, Nancy H F
Freund, Kathryn A
Frid, Leonardo
Fried, Jeremy S.
Fried, Jeremy S
Fried, J.S.
Fried, Jeremy
Fry, Danny L
Fry, Danny L.
Fry, D.L.
Fryer, Gregory K
Fu, Congbin
Fuhlendorf, Samuel D.
Fule, Peter Z
Fulé, Peter Z
Fule, P Z
Fule, Peter
Fulé, Peter Z.
Fulé, P. Z.
Funck, James W
Furniss, Michael J
Furniss, T.J.
Furniss, Tucker J.
Fusco, Emily J
G, Matthew J.
Gaboriau, Dorian M.
Gagnon, Aaron
Gaines, L.J.
Gaines, William L
Gaither, James C
Galbraith, S.M.
Gallagher, Claire V
Gang, Joshua E.
Ganio, Lisa M
Gannon, Benjamin M.
Ganz, David J
Garbe, P.
García-Martínez, Eduardo D.
Garcia-Menendez, Fernando
Gardner, Robert H.
Garfin, Dana Rose
Gargulinski, Emily M.
Garnett, Stephen T.
Gassaway, Linn
Gatziolis, Demetrios
Gauthier, Sylvie
Gavin, Daniel G
Gavin, Daniel G.
Gear, Jacob
Gearhart, A.
Geary, William L.
Gebert, Krita
Gehring, Catherine A.
George, Colleen
Gergel, D.R.
Germino, Matthew J
Gerrard, Ross
Gershunov, Alexander
Gharun, M.
Giam, Xingli
Gibble, Katie
Giberson-Day, J.
Giesen, T W
Giga, Sabir I.
Gilbert, Megan A
Gilbertson-Day, Julie W
Gilbertson-Day, Julie
Gilbertson-Day, Julie W.
Gilchrist, Joe
Gill, S.J.
Gill, Malcolm A
Gill, Richard A
Gill, Samantha J.
Giorgis, Melisa A.
Giovando, Jeremy
Girardin, Martin P.
Gitas, Ioannis Z.
Glassman, Sydney I.
Gleason, Sean M.
Gleason, K.E.
Gleim, Elizabeth R
Goeking, Sara A.
Goff, Gabriel S.
Goldammer, Johann G.
Goldstein, Dyllan
Golladay, S.W.
Gollner, Michael J
Gollner, Michael J.
Gómez-Giménez, Marta
Goode, Ron W.
Goodrick, Scott L
Goodrick, S.
Goodrick, Scott L.
Gordon, Ryan
Gorham, Daniel J.
Gorham, Daniel J
Gotelli, Nicholas J
Gould, Carlos F.
Gould, Gregory K
Gould, Timothy
Goulden, Michael L.
Goulette, Nick
Grace, James B
Graham, Russell
Graham, Russell T
Gravemier, R.
Graw, Richard L.
Gray, Andrew N.
Gray, S.A.
Gray, Benjamin
Gray, Andrew N
Gray, A.N.
Gray, Andrew
Gray, Andrew
Gray, Robert W.
Grayson, L.M.
Grayston, Sue J
Green, Timothy R.
Greene, D.F.
Greenler, Skye M.
Gregg, R.M.
Gregory, M.J.
Gregory, Matthew J
Gregory, Matthew J.
Greiner, Michelle
Greiner, Michelle
Grenfell, Isaac C
Grenfell, Isaac C.
Gresswell, Robert E.
Gresswell, RE
Griffith, Glenn E
Grigg, L.D.
Grimm, Kerry E.
Grosse, Guido
Group, National Wildfire C
Group, the Fire and M
Grumstrup, Torben P.
Gucker, Corey
Guenet, Bertrand
Guichard, Francoise
Guiterman, Christopher H.
Gullett, Brian K.
Gurrieri, J.T.
Gutiérrez, RJ
Haas, Jessica R.
Haby, T.
Haby, Travis S
Hagedorn, F
Hagen, Christian A.
Hagerman, Shannon M.
Hagmann, R.K.
Hagmann, Keala
Hagmann, K.
Haire, Emily R.
Haire, S.L.
Haire, Sandra L.
Hakes, Raquel S.P.
Halek, Martin
Hall, Troy E.
Hall, Troy E
Hall, Troy
Hall, S A
Hall, A.
Hall, John A
Hallar, A.Gannet
Hallema, Dennis W
Hallema, D.W.
Hallett, Douglas J
Halofsky, Joshua S
Halofsky, J.S.
Halofsky, Jessica
Halofsky, Jessica E
Halofsky, Joshua S.
Halofsky, Jessica E
Halofsky, J.E.
Halpern, Charlies B
Halpern, Charles B
Halpern, C.B.
Hamerlynck, E P
Hamilton, Lawrence C
Hamilton, Booz Allen
Hamilton, Matt
Hamilton, Matthew
Hamman, Joseph J.
Hamman, Sarah T
Hammer, Roger
Hammer, Roger B
Hammer, Roger B
Hammer, R.B.
Han, Sang-Kyun
Han, Han-Sup
Hanberry, Brice B.
Hand, Michael S.
Hand, M.
Hand, Michael S
Hand, M.S.
Handmer, John
Handwerger, Alexander L.
Hannigan, J.W.
Hansen, Winslow D.
Hansen, Katie J
Hansen, W.D.
Hansen, Andrew
Hanson, C.T.
Hanson, Chad T
Hanson, Chad T.
Hao, Wei Min
Hardigg, Karen
Hardy, Colin C
Hargrove, William W
Harley, G.L.
Harley, Grant L.
Harmel, Daren
Harrington, Constance A
Harris, Lucas B.
Harris, Lucas
Harris, Phil P
Harris, L.
Harrison, Sarah C.
Harrison, Susan
Harrison, S P
Harrod, Richy J.
Harrod, Richy J
Hart, B.T.N.
Hart, Sarah J
Hart, Sarah J.
Hartsough, Bruce R
Hartter, Joel
Harvey, Brian J
Harvey, B.J.
Harvey, Brian J.
Harwood, Thomas D
Haskell, Coleen
Haslem, Angie
Hatten, J.A.
Haufler, J.
Haugo, Ryan D
Haugo, Ryan D.
Haugo, R.
Haugo, Ryan
Haugo, R.D.
Hawbaker, T.J.
Hawbaker, Todd J.
Hayes, Jane L
Hayes, Daniel J
Hayhoe, Katharine
Haynes, Hylton
Haynes, H.J.G.
He, Jiayang
He, Tianhua
Heath, Linda S
Hebertson, Elizabeth G
Hedayati, Faraz
Hedwall, Shaula J.
Heft-Neal, Sam
Heil, L.J.
Heilman, Warren
Heinsch, FA
Heinsch, Faith Ann
Heinselman, Miron L
Heller, Paul L
Helmers, D.P
Helmers, David
Helmers, David P
Hemes, Kyle S.
Hemstrom, Miles A
Henderson, Sarah B.
Henne, Paul D.
Henson, P.
Herniter, Ira A.
Herrera, Sixto
Herrick, Jeffrey E
Herron, Christopher M
Hersey, Charles
Hessburg, Paul F
Hessburg, Paul F.
Hessburg, P.F.
Hessburg, Paul
Hester, M W
Heward, Heather
Heyerdahl, Emily K
Heyerdahl, E.K.
Heyerdahl, Emily K
Hibbs, David
Hibbs, D.
Hicke, Jeffrey A.
Hicke, Jeffrey A
Hicke, Jeffrey A
Hicke, Jeffrey A.
Hiebert, Sienna
Hiebert, S.
Hiers, J.K.
Hiers, John Kevin
Hiers, Kevin
Hiers, Kevin
Hiers, Kevin
Higgins, Anna M
Higgins, Lorie L
Higuera, Philip E
Higuera, P.E.
Higuera, Philip E.
Hill, K.C.
Hill, Avery P.
Hinkley, E.
Hino, Miyuki
Hirsch, Christopher
Hoagland, Rod
Hobbie, S.E.
Hobbs, R.J.
Hockenberry, Heath E.
Hoe, M.S.
Hoecker, Tyler J.
Hoffman, Mark
Hoffman, C.M.
Hoffman, Chad M
Hoffman, Kira M.
Hoffman, C.M
Hoffman, Chad
Hoffman, Chad M
Hoffman, Chad H
Hoffmann, William A
Hohmann, Matthew G
Holden, Z.A.
Holden, Zachary A
Holden, Zachary
Holden, Zachary A
Hollingsworth, L.T.
Holmberg, Joe
Holsinger, Lisa
Holsinger, Lisa M.
Holsinger, L.M.
Holsinger, Lisa M
Holz, A.
Holz, Andres
Homann, Peter S
Honig, Kristen A
Hood, Sharon
Hood, Sharon
Hood, S.M.
Hood, Sharon M.
Hood, Sharon M
Hook, Simon J
Hoover, Amber N
Hope, Graeme D
Hopkins, Sean
Horns, Joshua J
Horsey, Bronwyn
Horton, Daniel E.
Housman, David C
Houtman, Rachael
Houtman, R.M.
Howard, Stephen
Howard, Stephen M
Hrinkevich, K.H.
Hryniw, Natalia
Hsieh, Ho
Hu, Shuijin
Hu, Feng Sheng
Huang, Xin
Huang, Chengquan
Huang, ShihMing
Huang, Ching-Hsuan
Hubbard, R M
Hubbert, Ken R.
Hubbert, Ken R
Huber, Cindy M.
Huber, C.M.
Huber-Stearns, Heidi
Huber-Stearns, H.
Huber-Stearns, H.R.
Huber-Stearns, Heidi R.
Hubert, Mali M.
Huckaby, Laurie S
Hudak, Andrew T
Hudak, Andrew T.
Hudak, A.T.
Hudak, Andrew T
Hudec, Jessica L
Hudiburg, T.W.
Hudson, Tip
Huey, G.
Huff, Mark H
Huffman, D.W.
Huffman, Mary R.
Huffman, David W
Hugh, Sonia
Hulet, April
Hulse, David W.
Hummel, Susan
Hungate, Bruce A.
Hungate, Bruce A
Hunter, D A
Hunter, Molly E
Hunter, Molly E.
Hunter, M.E.
Hunter, Molly
Hurteau, M. D.
Hurteau, Matthew D
Hurteau, Matthew D.
Huso, Manuela
Hutto, R.L.
Hutto, Richard L.
Hutto, Richard L
Hwang, Jooyeon
Hyde, Kevin
Hyde, Joshua C
Hyer, Edward J.
Ibarra, Marco A. Rocha
Ingalsbee, T.
Ingalsbee, Timothy
Iniguez, Jose M.
Iniguez, J.M.
Institute, Oregon Forest Resources
Isaacson, Kristofer
Isaak, Daniel
Iskowitz, Candace
Ivanova, Svetlana
Iverson, Louis R
Jackson, Breeanne K
Jackson, Robert B
Jacobs, Ruth
Jacobs, Derric
Jaffe, Melissa R.
Jain, Theresa B
Jain, Piyush
Jain, Theresa B.
Jain, T.
Jain, Theresa
Jakes, Pamela J
Jakubiak, Agnieszka
James, J J
Jang, Woongsoon
Jankowski, Caroline
Jenkins, M.E.
Jenkins, Liza
Jenkins, Mary Ann
Jenkins, Jeffrey S
Jenkins, Michael J
Jennings, Tara N
Jennings, Tara N.
Jennings, Michael
Jennings, S
Jensen, D.
Jensen, Scott
Jerabkova, Lucie
Jerez, Sonia
Jeronimo, S.M.A.
Jeronimo, Sean.M.A.
Jetter, A.J.
Jeu, Richard A M
Jia, Wanqi
Jiang, Ningbo
Jiang, Yuhan
Jiang, Xiaoyan
Jimenez, Daniel
Jin, Virginia L
Jin, Yufang
Johnson, Dale W.
Johnson, Morris
Johnson, Timoth J
Johnson, Morris C
Johnson, G.
Johnson, Timothy J.
Johnson, Megan M.
Johnson, Daniel M
Johnson, Dustin D.
Johnson, M.G.
Johnson, D.
Johnson, K.N.
Johnson, M.D.
Johnson, Mark G
Johnson, Daniel M.
Johnson, Dale W
Johnson, Bart R
Johnson, Morris C.
Johnson, M.C.
Johnson, Gary W.
Johnson, Bart R.
Johnson, DW
Johnston, J.
Johnston, Lynn M.
Johnston, J.D.
Johnston, James D.
Johnston, Joshua M.
Johnston, Fay H.
Johnston, James D
Johnston, Kevin M
Johnston, Daniel
Johnstone, Jill F
Joint Fire Science Program
Jolly, Chris J.
Jolly, Matthew
Jolly, W.M.
Jolly, M.W.
Jolly, Matt
Jolly, Matt W
Jonas, Jayne L.
Jonas, Jayne L
Jones, K.L.
Jones, Greg
Jones, Benjamin M
Jones, Melanie D
Jones, Rachel
Jones, Matthew W.
Jones, K.W.
Jones, Gavin M.
Jones, Gavin M
Jones, Benjamin A.
Jonko, Alex K.
Jose, Esther
Joseph, Maxwell B.
Joyce, Linda A
Jr., Cromack K
Juang, Caroline S.
Juang, C. S.
Jung, Jihoon
Jung, Chang Gyo
Jurko, Natasha
K.Creutzburg, Megan
Kaczynski, Kristen M
Kadantsev, Evgeny
Kagan, James S.
Kahn, Rafi F.A.
Kaib, Mark
Kalashnikov, Dmitri A.
Kaledin, Anatoly
Kalies, Elizabeth L
Kampf, S.K.
Kampf, Stephanie K.
Kane, V.R.
Kane, Jeffrey M
Kane, Van R.
Kane, Jeffrey M.
Kane, Van
Kane, Jonathan T.
Kane, J.T.
Karasmanaki, Evangelia
Karau, Eva C
Karteris, Apostolos
Kasner, Edward J.
Katuwal, H.
Kauffman, Boone
Kauffman, J.B.
Kaufmann, Merrill R
Kean, J.W.
Keane, Robert E
Keane, John
Keane, Robert E
Keane, R.E.
Kearns, Edward J.
Kearsley, Michael
Kee, Destin
Keeley, J.E.
Keeley, Jon E
Keeley, Jon E
Keeling, Eric G.
Keeton, William S
Keifer, MaryBeth
Keim, Barry D
Kelley, Jason
Kellogg, Lara-Karena B
Kellogg, B.S.
Kellogg, Bryce S.
Kelly, Erin C
Kelly, Erin N.
Kelly, Luke T.
Kelly, LT
Kelly, E.C.
Kelly, Ryan
Kelly, Jeffrey W
Kelp, Makoto M.
Kelsey, R.G.
Kelsey, Rick G.
Kelt, Douglas A
Kemp, Kerry B.
Kemp, Kerry B
Kemp, K.B.
Kennedy, Robert E
Kennedy, Maureen C.
Kennedy, Eric B.
Kennedy, Maureen
Kennedy, Robert F
Kennedy, Maureen C
Kennedy, M.C.
Kennedy, Patricia L
Kennedy, P.L.
Kennedy, R.E.
Kent, J.J.
Kent, Larissa L Yocom
Kent, Larissa Yocom
Kerhoulas, Lucy P.
Kerns, B.K.
Kerns, Becky K
Kerns, B.
Kerns, Becky K.
Kerns, B.K
Kertis, Jane
Kertis, J.
Kessenich, Lee
Ketchpaw, Alexander R.
Kettle, N.P.
Keyes, Christopher R
Keyser, Alisa R.
Keyser, A.R.
Khalyani, A.H.
Khan, Shahid Nawaz
Kiel, Nathan G.
Kieta, K. A.
Kilkenny, Francis F.
Kim, John B.
Kim, Yeon-Su
Kim, J.
Kirkman, Katherine
Kirschner, Judith A.
Kitchen, Stanley G.
Kitchen, Stanley G
Kitzberger, T.
Klausmeier, Christopher A
Kleinman, Michael T.
Kleinman, M.T.
Klene, Anna E
Klepzig, K.D.
Klimaszewski-Patterson, Anna
Kline, Jeffrey D
Kline, Jeffrey D
Kline, Jeffery D
Klooster, A.
Klos, Zion
Kluber, Laurel A.
Knapp, Melanie
Knapp, Eric E
Knapp, E.E.
Knapp, Eric E.
Knick, Steven T.
Knutti, Reto
Kobziar, Leda N.
Koch, Elers
Koch, Frank H
Koch, Jennifer
Koch, George W
Koch, George W.
Koch, Greg
Kochanski, Adam K
Kochanski, A.
Kocher, S.
Kokkoris, Ioannis P.
Kolden, C.A.
Kolden, C. A.
Kolden, Crystal A
Kolden, Crystal
Kolden, Crystal A.
Konar, Avishek
Konings, Alexandra G.
Koo, M S
Kooistra, Chad
Kooistra, C.
Koontz, Michael J.
Kopper, Karen E
Korb, J.E.
Koster, Oliver
Kowalski, A S
Koziol, Benjamin
Kramer, Marc
Kramer, Amber L.
Kramer, H.A.
Krasilovsky, E.
Krasnow, Kevin D.
Krawchuk, M.A.
Krawchuk, Meg A
Krawchuk, Meg A.
Kreider, Mark R.
Kreitler, J.
Kreitler, Jason
Kreitler, Jason.
Kremens, Robert L.
Kremens, Robert J.
Krenz, Jennifer E.
Kreye, Jesse K
Kreye, Jesse K
Kristen, Shive
Krofcheck, Daniel
Kroger, Travis
Krosby, Meade
Krueger, Erik S.
Krueger, Kurt
Kruger, Linda
Krull, Candace
Kruuk, Loeske E B
Kulakowski, Dominik
Kumagai, Yoshitaka
Kurth, L.
Kuusela, Olli-Pekka
Kyser, Guy B
L.Peterson, David
L.Stephens, Scott
Lacey, F.
Laflower, Danelle M.
Lafortezza, R.
Lai, Kelvin
Lake, Frank K
Lake, F.K.
Lake, Frank K.
Lake, Frank Kanawha
Laluk, Nicholas C.
Lamb, Brain
Lambert, Mallory S
Lambrou, Nicole
Lamont, Byron B
Lan, Yung-Hsiang
Landres, Peter
Lane, Jeffrey E
Lannom, Karen O
Laraichi, M.O.
Lareau, Neil P
Larkin, Narasimhan K.
Larkin, Narasimhan K
larkin, Narasimhan K
Larkin, Narasimhan
Larkin, N.K.
Larsen, Christopher F
Larsen, A.E.
Larson, A.J.
Larson, Andrew J
Larson, Andrew J.
Larson, Timothy
Lassman, W.
Latif, Quresh S
Latimer, A M
Latimer, Andrew M.
Latimer, Andrew M
Laughlin, Madison M.
Laughlin, D.C.
Laushman, Katherine M.
Lautenberger, Chris
Laverty, Sean
Lavezzo, Tami L
Law, B.E.
Lawrence, David M.
Leary, James JK
Leavell, D.
Leavell, Daniel
Leduc, Caleb
LeDuc, Stephen D
Lee, Christine
Lee, Christopher A
Lee, Calvin K. F.
Lee, Henry
Legge, Sarah
Lehmkuhl, John
Lehmkuhl, John F
Leingang, Jodi
Lentile, Leigh B.
Leonard, Justin
Leone, V.
LeQuire, Elise
Lerch, Alison
LeRoy, Sarah R.
Leschak, Pam
Lesmeister, D.B.
Lettenmaier, D.P.
Lettenmaier, Dennis P.
Levi, Matthew R.
Levin, Simon A
Levin, Michael L
Levine, C. R.
Levine, Carrie R.
Levis, S.
Lewis, Sarah A
Lewis, Sarah A.
Ley, Christian
Li, Xiang
Li, Liqiao
Li, Zheng
Li, Yingru
Li, Dapeng
Li, Chuxuan
Li, Jessica
Li, Zhuangjie
Liang, Shuang
Lichstein, Jeremy W.
Licker, Rachel
Likens, G.E.
Lim, Sim L
Lin, John C.
Lindberg, K.
Lindenmayer, David
Lindrooth, Estelle J.
Lindsay, A.A.
Lingua, Emanuele
Link, Steven O
Link, Eric D.
Link, Timothy E.
Linley, Grant D.
Linn, R.R.
Linn, Rodman
Linn, Rodman R
Linn, Rodman R.
Lisón, Fulgencio
Litt, A.
Littell, Jeremy S
Littell, Jeremy S
Litton, Creighton M
Liu, Mingliang
Liu, Y.
Liu, Yisi
Liu, J.C.
Liu, Yongqiang
Liu, Rongsong
Liu, Tianjia
Liu, Xiaoxi
Liu, Jingyi
Liu, Z.
Liu, Jia Coco
Liu, Lin
Liu, Jonathan
Livneh, Ben
Loehman, Rachel A.
Loehman, R.A.
Loehman, Rachel
Loehman, Rachel A
Loeuille, Nicolas
Loevner, J.
Long, Jonathan W
Long, Elisabeth
Long, Jonathan W.
Long, James N
Long, J.W.
Long, C.J.
Long, Colin J
Lopes, Diogo
Loudermilk, Louise E
Loukaitou-Sideris, Anastasia
Lovtang, Sara C P
Low, Kathryn E.
Lowe, S.E.
Lowrey, Laura
Lucas, Donald D.
Lucash, Melissa S.
Lucash, Melissa S
Lucash, M.S.
Luce, Charles H
Luce, C.
Luce, C
Luce, C.H.
Luce, Charles
Lueck, Dean
Luo, Lifeng
Luoma, D.L.
Lutz, James A.
Lutz, James A.
Lutz, J.A.
Lutz, James A
Lutz, James A
Lydersen, Jamie M
Lydersen, J.M.
Lydersen, Jamie M
Lydersen, Jamie
Lyon, Katie M
Lyon, Katie M.
Lyons-Tinsley, Christina
Macalady, Alison K
Macalady, Alison K.
MacArthur, Nathan
Macdonald, S.E.
MacDonald, Ryan J.
MacDonald, Lee H.
MacDonald, Glen
MacDonald, L.H.
MacFarland, Kate
MacGregor, D.G.
MacGregor, Donald G
MacGregor, Donald G.
Mach, Katharine J.
Machado, Manuel A.
Mack, Erika Cohen
Mack, Michelle C
Mackay, C.E.
Mackenzie, Mark
Mackey, Brendan
MacLean, Heather L
Madsen, Rachel
Madsen, R.S.
Maezumi, Yoshi
Maghirang, R.
Magi, Brian I.
Mahaluf, Rodrigo
Mahoney, Ron
Mahood, Adam L
Mahood, Adam L.
Maier, Carolin
Main, Marty
Malison, Rachel L
Malison, Rachel L
Mallia, Derek V.
Mallinis, Giorgos
Mallon, Angela
Malone, Sparkle L
Mamun, Abdullah Al
Mandel, Jan
Maneta, M.
Mangold, Jane
Mankin, Kyle R.
Mankin, Justin S.
Manley, Patricia
Mann, Michael L.
Manzello, Samuel L.
Manzello, Samuel L
Maranghides, Alexander
Marcey, T.
Margolis, Ellis Q.
Marineau, M D
Maris, Fotis
Markert, Kel
Markus, Amy
Marlier, Miriam E.
Marlon, Jennifer R
Marsh, Christopher
Marsha, Amy L.
Marshall, John
Marshall, Adrienne M.
Martens, Amanda M.
Martin, K.L.
Martin, Adam
Martin, Katherine L
Martin, Deborah A
Martinez, Deniss J.
Martínez-Navarro, José M.
Martino, Simone
Martinson, Erik J
Martinuzzi, Sebastian
Martinuzzi, Sebastián
Marzano, Raffaella
Masek, Jeffrey G.
Masri, Shahir
Masters, R. E.
Masuda, Yuta J.
Matchett, J.R.
Mathews, Darcy L.
Matonis, Megan S.
Matosziuk, L.M.
Matthews, Stephen N
MattJolly, W.
Mattson, Kim
Mauro, Nicholas
Maxwell, Charles J.
Maxwell, J.D.
Maxwell, Charles
Mazza, R.
McAllister, Sara S
McAllister, Sara S
McAllister, Sara S
McAlpine, R S
McBride, Brooke B
McCaffrey, S.
McCaffrey, S.
McCaffrey, Sarah M
McCaffrey, Sarah M
McCaffrey, S.M.
McCaffrey, Sarah
McCaffrey, S
McCall, Laine E
McCallum, Stuart
McCarley, Ryan
McCauley, Lisa A.
McCauley, Lisa
McClenny, Beth
McClure, Crystal D.
McClure, Meredith
McConnell, J.R.
McCormack, Phillipa C.
McCoy, Neil
McCullough, I.M.
McCune, Myrica
McDaniel, Josh
McDaniel, Michele F.
McDanold, Jenna S.
McDermott, Shana
McDonald, Andre G
McDonald, Jan
McDowell, Nate
McDowell, Nate G
McEvoy, Andrew
McEvoy, Andy
McFadzen, M.
McFarlane, Bonita
McFarlane, B
McFarlane, Bonita L
McFayden, Colin B.
McGarvie, S.
McGaughey, Bob
McGee, Tara
McGee, T
McGee, Tara K
McGinnis, Seth
McGlinchy, Joseph
McGregor, Sean
McGregor, Kirsty F
McGuire, L.A.
McHugh, Charles W
McHugh, Chuck
McIntyre, K.B.
McIver, James D
McIver, James
McIver, James D
McKay, Donaraye
McKechnie, Jon
McKenna, Elizabeth
McKenney, Daniel W
McKenzie, Donald
McKenzie, Donald
McKinley, Randy
McKinney, Shawn T.
McKinnon, Karen A.
McLain, R.J.
McLennan, J.
McLeod, Robin
Mclver, J.D.
McMahon, Andrea
McMaster, Melissa A
McMillin, J.D.
McMorrow, Julia
McNabb, John W.
McNulty, Michelle
McNulty, Steve
McNulty, S.G.
McNyset, Kristina M.
McNyset, Kristina M
McPherson, Brice A.
McVay, J.L.
McWethy, D.
McWethy, D.B.
Meador, A.J. Sanchez
Meador, Andrew J. Sánche
Meador, A. J. Sanchez
Mealey, Stephen P
Mearns, Linda
Meddens, Arjan JH
Meddens, A.J.H.
Meentemeyer, Ross K
Meerpoel-Pietri, K.
Meier, Gretchen
Meigs, Garrett W
Meigs, G.W.
Meigs, Garrett W.
Meiman, Paul J
Meineke, Jennifer K
Meinzer, Frederick C
Meldrum, James R.
Meldrum, James R
Meldrum, James R
Mell, William E.
Mell, William
Mell, W
Mellen-McLean, Kim
Mellmann-Brown, S.
Melvin, Mark A
Melvin, Mark A.
Menakis, J
Mendelssohn, I A
Mendez, Sandra Rodriquez
Merner, Delta
Merriam, K.E.
Merriam, K
Merschel, Andrew
Merschel, Andrew G
Merschel, A.G.
Merschel, Andrew G.
Merten, Eric C
Messier, Christian
Metcalf, A.L.
Metlen, Kerry L
Metlen, Kerry
Metlen, K.L.
Metlen, Kerry L.
Metz, Margaret R
Meurisse, Robert T
Meyer, Marc D.
Meyer, M D
Meyer, Kristen E
Michell, Herman J.
Mickley, Loretta J.
Mickley, L.J.
Middleton, Beth Rose
Miesel, Jessica R.
Mietkiewicz, N.
Mileti, Dennis
Millar, Constance I
Millar, Constance I
Miller, M.E.
Miller, Richard E
Miller, L.W.
Miller, Jay D.
Miller, Eric
Miller, Brett Alan
Miller, J.D.
Miller, Jay D
Miller, Watkins W
Miller, Jesse E. D.
Miller, Carol L.
Miller, Mary Ellen
Miller, C.
Miller, WW
Miller, Colton W.
Miller, Lynn
Miller, Carol
Miller, C.L.
Miller, Rebecca K.
Miller, Richard F.
Miller, R.A.
Millington, James D. A.
Milner, A
Mindar, Dan
Miranda, Ana I.
Miranda, Alejandro
Mitchell, L. R.
Mitsopoulos, Ioannis
Mittelstaedt, Gillian
Mockrin, Miranda H.
Mockrin, Miranda H
Mockrin, Miranda H
Mockrin, Miranda H.
Mockrin, M.
Mockrin, M.H.
Mohoric, Shawne
Moldenke, A.R.
Molina, Juan R.
Monleon, Vicente J.
Monroe, Martha C
Montaño, Citlali Cortés
Montgomery, Claire
Moody, Valerie
Moody, John A
Moore, M.M
Moore, Randy
Moote, Ann
Mora, Claudia I
Moran, C J
Morandini, F.
Moreira, Bruno
Morelli, Toni Lyn
Morgan, Penelope
Morgan, P.
Morgan, Penny
Morisette, Jeffrey T.
Moritz, C
Moritz, Max A.
Moritz, Max A
Moritz, M. A.
Moritz, M.A.
Morris, Lesley R.
Morris, L A
Morris, Dave
Morris, Jenna E.
Morrissette, Brett A
Morrissette, Brett
Moseley, Kendra
Moseley, C.
Moseley, Cassandra
Moskal, Monika
Mosurinjohn, N.A.
Mouillot, Florent
Mowery, Molly
Moy, Marshell
Mueller, E.R.
Mulik, Kranti
Mulvey, Robin L
Munson, Seth M.
Murie, Jan O
Murphy, J.P.
Murphy, Daniel
Murray, Jessica
Myer, Gwyneth
Myers, Tanya L.
Młynarczyk, Magdalena
Naeher, Luke P.
Naficy, Cameron E.
Nafus, Aleta M
Nagy, Chelsea
Naiman, R J
Naiman, R.J.
Navarro, K.M.
Naylor, Bridgett J.
Naylor, Bridgett J
Neger, Christoph
Neidermeier, Alex
Neilson, Ronald P
Nelson, C.R.
Nelson, Cara R.
Nelson, Cara R
Nelson, Zachary J
Nemens, D.G.
Nesmith, Jonathan C. B.
Network, Fire Learning
Newingham, Beth A.
Newingham, Beth A
Nichols, C.
Nichols, Lauren M
Nicholson, A.E.
Nicolet, Tessa
Nicolsky, Dmitry J.
Nielsen, S.
Nielsen-Pincus, Max
Nielsen-Pincus, M.
Nijssen, B.
Nikolakis, William
Nikolov, Ned
Nimmo, Dale G.
Noble, Joe
Noble, Hunter
Nolan, Connor J.
Nolan, Rachael H.
Noonan-Wright, Erin K
Noonan-Wright, Erin
Noone, David
Norberg, Jon
Norheim, Robert A
Norman, Steve
Norman, Steven P
Norman, S.P.
North, Malcolm P
North, M P
North, Malcolm
North, Malcolm P
North, M. P.
Northwest, Sustainable
Nothdurft, Arne
Novosselov, Igor
Nowell, Branda
Nyman, Petter
Nystrom, K.
O'Brien, J.J.
O'Brien, Joseph J
O'Conner, C.D.
O'Connor, C.D.
O'Connor, Rory
O'Daniel, S.J.
O'Hara, Kevin
O'Laughlin, Jay
O'Neill, Gregory A
O'Neill, S.
Ochoa, Clara
Ochsner, Tyson E.
Odion, Dennis C
Odion, D.
Odion, D.C.
Oester, Paul T
Oliver, Marie
Oliver, M.
Oliveto, Julia A.
Olsen, C
Olsen, Christine S
Olsen, K.A.
Olsen, Christine
Olson, Diana L.
Olson, Robert L
Olson, D.R.
Olson, Annette M
Omi, Philip N
Oneil, Elaine E
Oom, Duarte
Ortega, I.
Ortiz, M.J. Lopez
Ortiz-Partida, Pablo
Orysiak, Joanna
Ott, Jeffrey E.
Ottmar, Roger
Ottmar, R.D.
Ottmar, Roger D.
Ottmar, R.
Ottmar, Roger D
Ouzennou, Hakim
Overby, Steve
Owen, Suzanne M.
Owens, P. N.
Oyler, J.W.
O’Connor, Casey
O’Connor, Christopher D.
Pabst, Kari
Page, Wesley G
Page, W.G.
Page-Dumroese, Deborah S
Pais, Cristobal
Palace, Michael W
Palacios, David
Palaiologou, P.
Palarea-Albaladejo, Javier
Palik, Brian J
Palsa, Emily
Pampanoni, Valerio
Pan, Yude
Panunto, M.H.
Papeş, Monica
Parisien, Marc-Andre
Parisien, Marc-André
Paritsis, J.
Park, J.
Parker, B.
Parker, Bob
Parks, Catherine G
Parks, Sean A
Parks, S.A.
Parks, Sean A.
Parr, C.L.
Parr, Catherine L.
Parsons, Russel A
Parsons, R.
Parsons, Russell
Parsons, Russell A.
Parsons, Russell A
Paschke, Mark W
Paschke, Mark W.
Paschke, M
Pass, James
Patel-Weynand, Toral
Patterson, David A
Pau, Mathilde
Pauling, H.E.
Paulson, A. K.
Pausas, J.G.
Pausas, Juli G.
Paveglio, Travis
Paveglio, Travis B
Paveglio, T.B.
Paveglio, Travis B.
Pavlovic, Nathan R.
Pederson, Gregory T
Pedlar, John H
Peeler, Jamie L.
Peeler, Jamie L
Peery, Zachariah
Pelini, Shannon L
Pellant, Mike
Pellegrini, A.F.A.
Pelletier, Flavie
Pelz, K A
Penaluna, Brooke E.
Peng, R.D.
Penman, Trent
Penman, T.D.
Penman, S.H.
Pennisi, Lisa
Perakis, S S
Perakis, Steven
Perera, Ajith H
Perkins, Oliver
Perkins, Judy L.
Perleberg, Andy
Pernthaler, Jakob
Perren, JoAnna M.
Perry, David A
Perry, G.L.W.
Perry, George LW
Peter, Fule
Peters, Matthew P
Peters, M.D.J.
Peterson, David W.
Peterson, Birgit
Peterson, Janice
Peterson, Chris J
Peterson, David W
Peterson, David A.
Peterson, David L
Peterson, D.W.
Peterson, Ebba K.
Peterson, D.L.
Peterson, Vanelle F
Petticrew, E. L.
Pettinari, Lucrecia
Pfaff, A.H.
Pfister, G.
Phillips, Carly A
Phillips, Adam S
Phipps, J.
Piccarello, M.
Pickering, Michael
Picotte, Joshua J.
Piec, Robert
Pierce, Andrew D.
Pierce, J.R.
Pieri, A.
Pierson, Frederick B.
Pierson, Frederick B
Pietruszka, Bradley
Pietruszka, Bradley M.
Pilliod, D.S.
Pilliod, David S
Pilliod, David S.
Pimont, F.
Pingree, Melissa R A
Pingree, M.R.A.
Pinto, Paulo
Piqué, Míriam
Plantinga, Andrew J.
Platt, Emily
Plawecki, Rachel
Podschwit, Harry
Polinko, A.
Polivka, Karl
Polley, H W
Polley, Wayne H
Pomeroy, Alaina
Ponisio, L.C.
Poole, G.C.
Poon, L.F.
Popovič, Aleš
Porse, Erik C.
Porter, Teresita M.
Porter, Jeremy R.
Porter, Mark
Portier, Jeanne
Posch, Thomas
Possell, M.
Potter, Brian E
Potter, Brian
Potter, Kenneth N
Potter, Brian E
Potter, Brian E.
Potts, J.B.
Poudel, Krishna
Pouliot, G
Pourmohammadi, Pariya
Povak, Nicholas A.
Povak, N.A.
Povak, Nicholas A
Power, M.J.
Power, Mitchell J
Prasad, Anantha M
Prato, Tony
Preisler, Haiganoush K.
Preisler, H.K.
Preisler, Haiganoush K
Prendeville, H.R.
Prentice, Karen L
Prescott, Cindy E
Prestemon, Jeff
Price, Owen Francis
Price, Owen
Price, O.F.
Price, Jodi N.
Price, Owen F.
Prichard, Susan J.
Prichard, S.J.
Prichard, Susan J
Prichard, Susan
Prisley, Stephen
Prochazka, Brian G.
Progar, Robert A
Progar, R.A.
Program, UO Ecosystem Workforce
Prosekov, Alexander
Pulido-Chavez, Fabiola
Punchard, Darrin
Punches, John
Putman, Breanna J.
Pyke, David A
Pyke, David A.
Pyšek, Petr
Quaempts, E.J.
Quarles, Stephen L.
Quarles, Stephen
Queen, Lloyd P
Quinn-Davidson, Lenya N.
Quirke, D.
R.Crist, Michele
R.Vora, Nicholas
R.Williams, Daniel
Rabung, Emily
Radeloff, V.C.
Radeloff, Volker C.
Radeloff, Volker C
Radeloff, V C
Radeloff, Volker C
Radosevich, Steven R
Raffa, Kenneth F.
Raffa, Kenneth
Rahn, Thom
Ramirez, Carlos
Rammer, W.
Ramsey, I.
Randerson, James T
Rao, Krishna
Raphael, Martin G
Raposo, J.R.
Rapp, Claire
Rappold, A.G.
Rappold, AG
Rasker, Ray
Rasker, R.
Rau, Amanda
Rau, Benjamin M
Rausch, Joseph H.
Rauscher, Michael
Rauscher, Sara A.
Ravensbergen, Sarah L.
Raymond, Crystal
Raymond, Crystal L
Reager, J.T.
Reardon, James
Redente, E F
Reeb‑Whitaker, Carolyn
Reed, Sasha C
Reed, Warren P
Reeves, Gordon H
Reeves, Gordon H.
Reger, Allison
Rego, Francisco C
Rego, Francisco
Regos, Adrián
Reich, Robin
Reich, B.J.
Reich, P.B.
Reilly, Matthew J
Reilly, M.J.
Reilly, Matthew J.
Reiner, Alicia L
Reiner, Alicia
Reinhardt, E.D.
Reinhardt, Timothy E.
Reinhardt, Elizabeth D
Reis, S.A.
Reis, Schyler A
Reisen, Fabienne
Reisner, Michael D
Reker, Ryan R
Remy, Cecile C.
Rengers, F.K.
Requena‐Mullor, Juan M.
Resources, Washington State Department Natural
Resources, Wallowa
Resources, Washington Department
Restaino, Joseph C
Reves, J
Reynier, W.
Reynolds, Keith M
Rhee, Hakjun
Rhoades, C C
Rhoades, Charles C.
Rhoades, Charles C
Rhodes, Alan
Ribe, Robert G.
Ricca, Mark A.
Ricco, G.
Richter, Franz
Ridder, Luke W.
Rideout, Douglas B
Rideout, Karen
Riebau, A.R.
Riebau, Allen R.
Rieck, Jon D
Riegel, Gregg M
Riegel, Gregg
Riegel, Gregg M.
Rieman, Bruce E
Rieman, Bruce
Riemann, Rachel
Rigden, Angela J.
Riley, Karin L
Riley, Karen L.
Riley, Jonathan P.
Rinella, M.J.
Rinella, M J
Ringeler, Andre
Ringler, Todd D.
Ringo, Chris
Ringo, C.
Ritchie, Martin W.
Ritchie, Euan G.
Ritter, Scott M.
Ritts, William D
Rivera-Huerta, Hiram
Rivers, J.W.
Rixen, C
Robb, Joseph R
Roberts, Lance Jay
Roberts, Susan L.
Roberts, S.L.
Robertsons, Guy C.
Robichaud, Peter R
Robichaud, Peter R.
Robinson, Jason
Robinson, Christopher T
Robles, Marcos D.
Robles, Marcos D
Rocca, M E
Roccaforte, John P
Roccaforte, John P.
Rochefort, Regina M
Rodell, M.
Rodman, Kyle C.
Rogan, John
Rogeau, Marie-Pierre
Rogers, Brendan M.
Rogers, Paul C
Rogers, Brendan M
Rollins, Kimberly
Roloff, Gary J
Romanovsky, Vladimir E.
Romme, William H
Romme, W H
Roos, Christopher I.
Root, Heather T.
Roper, Daniel
Rorig, Miriam
Rorig, M
Rorig, M.
Rosas-Paz, Leonardo Daniel
Ross, Russell Myers
Rossman, Allison K.
Rota, Christopher T
Rother, M.T.
Rothermel, Richard C
Roundy, Bruce A
Roundy, Bruce A.
Roundy, Darrell B
Rousseau, N.
Roy, David P
Rudeen, Carl
Rüdiger, Christoph
Ruffault, Julien
Rufty, Thomas W
Ruminski, M.
Rumpff, Libby
Runyon, Justin B
Rupp, D.E.
Rupp, David E
Rush, A C
Russell, Kane W.
Ruthford, Julia
Ryan, C.M.
Ryan, Thomas
Ryan, Kevin C
Ryan, B.
Ryan, Kevin
Ryan, M G
Saab, Victoria A.
Saab, Victoria A
Saah, David
Saavedra, F.A.
Saborowski, Joachim
Sachdeva, Sonya
Sachdeva, S.
Sadegh, M.
Safford, H.
Safford, H D
Safford, H. D.
Safford, H.D.
Safford, Hugh D
Safford, Hugh D.
Saide, Pablo E.
Saito, Kozo
Sala, Anna
Sala, Anna
Salcher, Michaela M
Salerno, Jonathan
Salis, Michele
Salis, M.
Salter, R.B.
Salter, Brion
Salwasser, Janine
Sample, Alaric V
Sample, Alaric
Sampson, Gabriel
San-Miguel, Jesus
Sánchez, José J.
Sanders, Nathan J
Sandquist, Jonathan E
Sanesi, G.
Sankey, J.B.
Sankey, Joel B
Sankey, Temuulen T
Santin, Cristina
Santo, Anna
Santo, Anna R.
Santoni, P.A.
Santos, Fernanda
Sapsis, David
Saros, Jasmine E
Sato, Chloe
Sayler, Kristi L
Schafer, Jennifer L
Scharf, Elizabeth A
Scharko, Nicole K.
Scheele, B C
Scheinerman, Naomi Yager K
Schelhas, John
Scheller, Robert M
Scheller, Robert M
Schiks, T J
Schimel, Dave
Schindler, Bruce
Schlemme, Claire
Schliep, Anna
Schmidt, Christopher C.
Schmidt, Andres
Schmitz, Oswald J
Schnell, Jordan L.
Schnepf, Chris
Schoenholtz, Stephen H
Schoennagel, T.
Schoennagel, Tania
Schoennagel, Tania L.
Schollaert, Claire L.
Schroeder, Todd A.
Schultz, Brad W.
Schultz, Courtney
Schultz, Courtney A.
Schultz, C.A.
Schultz, C.
Schumann, R.L.
Schupp, Eugene W.
Schwartz, Mark W.
Schwartz, Mark W
Schwartz, Eliana
Schweitzer, Jennifer A.
Schweizer, D.
Schweizer, D.W.
Schwilk, D.W.
Schwilk, Dylan W
Schwilk, Dylan W.
Scott, Andrew C.
Scott, Joe H.
Scott, J.H.
Scott, R L
Scranton, Samuel
Seager, Richard
Sears, Megan G.
Seavy, Nathaniel E
Sedano, Fernando
Sedjo, Roger
Sehrsweeney, Matt
Seidel, Chad
Seidl, R.
Seidl, Rupert
Seielstad, Carl A
Seielstad, Carl
Seielstad, Carl A.
Seipp, Kimberly Quesnel
Serra-Diaz, Josep M
Serrano-Ortiz, P
Service, USDA Forest
Service, National Park
Service, United States For
Sesnie, Steven E.
Sessions, John
Sessions, J.
Seto, Edmund
Seto, Daisuke
Shackelford, Nancy
Shanklin, Amber
Sharp, E
Sharp, Robert N
Sharp, Emily
Sharples, J.
Sharplin, G.
Shatford, J.P.A.
Shaw, David S
Shaw, David C.
Shaw, David C
Shaw, D.C.
Shaw, John D.
Shearer, A.W.
Sheehan, Timothy J.
Sheehan, T.
Sheehan, T
Shenoi, Erica Anne
Sherriff, Rosemary L
Shestak, Carol
Shestak, Carol J
Shew, David H
Shields, John R
Shindler, Bruce
Shindler, B
Shinneman, Douglas J
Shirai, Jeff
Shive, Kristen
Shive, K.L.
Shive, K.
Shively, Rebecca
Shlisky, Ayn
Shook, Steven R
Short, Karen C.
Short, Karen C
Shriver, Robert K.
Shu, Evelyn
Shultz, Courtney
Shuman, Jacquelyn K.
Sieg, Carolyn
Sieg, Carolyn H
Sieg, C.H.
Sieg, Carolyn H.
Sikes, Benjamin A.
Sikkink, P.
Sikkink, Pamela G
Silins, Uldis
Silva, F.R.y.
Simard, Suzanne W
Simeoni, Albert
Simes, R.
Simon, Benjamin
Simpson, Mike
Simpson, M.
Sindelar, Michael T
Singer, A.
Singh, Deepti
Singh, Abhinandan
Singh, Sukh
Singleton, Peter H
Singleton, Peter
Singleton, M.P.
Singleton, Peter H.
Sinkular, Emily
Sirca, Costantino
Six, Laura J.
Six, Diana L
Skálová, Hana
Skinner, C.N.
Skinner, Carl N
Skinner, Carl
Skinner, Carl N.
Skog, Kenneth E
Sleeter, Benjamin M
Sleeter, Rachel R
Slemmons, Krista E H
Slesak, Robert A
Sloggy, Matthew R.
Smenderovac, Emily
Smerdon, Jason E.
Smith, Annie
Smith, D.M.
Smith, D.
Smith, Jim
Smith, Alistair M.S.
Smith, Alistair MS
Smith, Edward B.
Smith, F W
Smith, Alistair M. S.
Smith, James L
Smith, Cathy
Smith, J.B.
Smith, J.E.
Smith, D.F.
Smith, Douglas F.
Smith, Alistair M.
Smith, Alistair
Smith, Jane E
Smith, Hollie
Smith, Jane Kapler
Smith, Edward
Smith, Holly
Smith, Jane E.
Smithwick, Erica AH
Snauer, Zachary
Snitker, Grant
Sofiev, Mikhail
Sohl, Terry L
Soja, Amber J.
Solomon, Robert
Solomon, Susan
Sonti, Nancy F
Sorensen, Christopher D
Soulard, Christopher E
Souza, Lara
Spanbauer, Trisha
Spano, Donatella
Sparks, Aaron M.
Sparks, Jed P
Sparks, Aaron M
Spector, June T.
Spence, John R.
Spencer, Andrew G.
Spies, T. A.
Spies, Thomas A
Spies, Thomas
Spies, Thomas A.
Spies, Tom
Spies, T.A.
Springer, Judith D.
Springer, Judith D
Sprinkle, James E.
Staley, D.M.
Stambaugh, Michael C.
Standohar-Alfano, Christine
Stanton, Alison
Stanturf, John A
Stasiewicz, A.M.
Stasiewicz, Amanda M.
Station, Pacific Northwest
Staver, Carla A
Stavrakoudis, Dimitris
Stavros, Natasha
Stavros, Natasha
Stavros, Natasha E
Stavros, Natasha
Ste-Marie, Catherine
Steblein, Paul F
Steel, Zachary L.
Steel, Ashley E
Steel, Z. L.
Steel, Ashley
Steelman, Toddi A
Steelman, Toddi
Steen-Adams, M.M
Steen-Adams, M.M.
Steen-Adams, Michelle M
Steen-Adams, Michelle M.
Stefanova, Ivanka
Stehman, Stephen V.
Stein, S M
Steiner, Allison L.
Stephens, S L
Stephens, Scott
Stephens, Scott L
Stephens, S. L.
Stephens, Scott L.
Stephenson, Nathan L.
Stephenson, Nathan L.
Stern, M.
Stern, Mark
Stevens, J T
Stevens, Jens T.
Stevens, Forrest R
Stevens, J.T.
Stevens, Jens T
Stevens-Rumann, C.
Stevens-Rumann, C.S.
Stevens-Rumann, Camille
Stevens-Rumann, Camille S.
Stewart, Joseph A. E.
Stewart, Susan I.
Stewart, Jane E.
Stewart, Susan L
Stewart, S.I.
Stewart, S I
Stewart, Susan I
Stidham, Melanie
Stidham, M.
Stidman, Melanie
Stigler, Matthieu
Still, Christopher J
Stine, Peter A
Stine, P.A.
Stine, Peter
Stocks, B.
Stoddard, Michael T
Stoddard, Michael T.
Stokes, Chris
Stone, Jeffrey R
Stone, Micheal
Stonesifer, C.S.
Stonesifer, Crystal S
Stoof, Cathelijne
Strahan, R.T.
Strahan, Robert T
Strand, E.K.
Strand, Eva
Strand, Eva K
Stratton, Rick
Stratton, R.
Stratton, Richard
Strom, B.A.
Strong, N.
Stumbaugh, M.R.
Sturtevant, Victoria
Sullivan, Mažeika S P
Sullivan, Alan P.
Sullivan, Erik A
Sulprizio, M.P.
Sulprizio, Melissa P.
Sulzman, Elizabeth W
Sulzman, Elizabeth W.
Sun, G.
Sun, Ge
Sutherland, Elaine K
Suzuki, Sayaka
Svejcar, T
Swain, Daniel L.
Swanson, M.E.
Swanson, Frederick J
Swanson, Mark E.
Swanson, A.
Swaty, Randy
Swetnam, Thomas W
Swetnam, T W
Swetnam, Thomas
Swim, SL
Switzer, Joshua M
Syphard, Alexandra D
Syphard, A.D.
Syphard, Alexandra D
Taber, Mary
Tabor, Dennis
Taccaliti, Flavio
Tague, Christina
Tague, Christina
Talhelm, Alan F.
Tan, Zhe-Min
Tane, Zachary
Tang, W.
Tang, Rong
Tang, Ying
Tarnay, Leland W
Tarver, Ryan D.
Taylor, Christopher M
Taylor, Michael H.
Taylor, Steve W.
Taylor, Robert V.
Taylor, Alan H.
Taylor, A.H.
Taylor, Alan H
Tedim, F.
Temesgen, H.
Temesgen, Hailemariam
Tempel, Douglas J
Temperli, Christian
Tepley, Alan J
Tepley, A.J.
Ter-Mikaelian, Michael T
Teske, Casey C
Teske, Casey
Teske, Casey
Tessum, Christopher W.
Thapa, Laura H.
Theodori, Maria
Thode, Andrea E
Thode, Andrea E.
Thode, A.E.
Thode, Andrea
Thomann, E.
Thomas, Alyssa S.
Thompson, Trevor AC
Thompson, Joel
Thompson, Matthew P.
Thompson, M.P.
Thompson, Sally
Thompson, Matthew P
Thompson, Matthew
Thompson, J.R.
Thompson, Mathew P.
Thompson, Kerry F.
Thonicke, Kirsten
Thornton, Philip
Tian, Xiaohui
Tichkowsky, Ian
Tihay-Felicelli, V.
Tillery, A.C.
Timberlake, T.J.
Tingley, M W
Tinkham, Wade T
Tinkham, Wade T.
Tipton, J.R.
Tirmenstein, D.
Today, Fire Management
Togtohyn, Chuluum
Toh, K.
Tolhurst, Kevin G.
Toman, E.
Toman, Eric
Tomkins, L
Tompkins, Ryan E.
Tonkyn, Russell G.
Topik, C.
Tortorelli, Claire M.
Tortorelli, Claire
Touza, Julia
Toya, Chris
Trant, Andrew J.
Trigueros, F.S.
Trippe, K.M.
Trouet, Valerie
Trugman, Anna T
Tsantopoulos, Georgios
Tseng, Yi-Chin
Tu, Cong
Tubbesing, C.L.
Turco, Marco
Turner, M G
Turner, Monica G.
Turner, Monica
Turner, Moica G
Turner, Monica G
Turner, David P
Twidwell, Dirac
Ulrich, Danielle E.M.
Underwood, Emily
Unsworth, Robert
Urban, Mark C
Urgenson, L.S.
Urza, Alexandra K.
Uzoh, Fabian C C
Vaidyanathan, A.
Vaillant, Nicole M
Vaillant, Nicole M.
Vaillant, N.M.
Vallejo, Ramon
Van Dorn, Jeff
van Mantgem, Phillip
van Mantgem, Phillip J.
van Niekerk, Dewald
Van Vuren, Dirk H
Vanderhoof, Melanie K.
Vane, E.
VanLeeuwen, Dawn M
Vanneschi, Leonardo
Varner, Morgan J
Varner, Johanna
Varner, J.M.
Varner, Morgan
Varner, Morgan
Varuolo-Clarke, Arianna M.
Vaske, J
Vavra, Martin
Vaz, Pedro G
Vázquez-Varela, Carmen
Veblen, Thomas T.
Veblen, Thomas
Veblen, T.T.
Veblen, Thomas T
Velea, Ramona
Vellend, Mark
Venier, Lisa
Venn, Tyron
Venn, Tyron J
Veraverbeke, Sander
Veraverbeke, Sander
Vernon, Michael J
Verschuyl, Jake
Viegas, Domingos
Viegas, Domingos Xavier
Viers, Joshua H.
Vihnanek, Robert E
Vilà-Vilardell, Lena
Villanueva-Díaz, José
Villarreal, Miguel L.
Vinyeta, Kirsten
Vizcarra, N.
Voelker, Steven
Voelker, Steven L
Vogel, Jason G.
Vogeler, J.C.
Vogeler, Jody C
Vogler, Kevin C
Vogler, Kevin
Vogler, Kevin C.
Volume 73, No. 4
Volume 73, No. 3
Vorster, Anthony G
Vose, J.M.
Vose, James M
Vose, James M.
Vraga, Emily K.
W.Allred, Brady
Wagenbrenner, Joseph W.
Wagner, Carolyn J.
Wagner, Carolyn
Wagner, Courtney Hammond
Wagner, Michael J.
Walding, N.G.
Waldron, Alex L
Wales, Barbara C
Walker, RF
Walker, Roger F
Walker, Nathan
Walker, R.B.
Walker, Gregg B
Walkus, Jennifer
Wall, Tamara
Wallenius, Tuomo
Waller, Eric K.
Walpole, E.H.
Walsh, Randall
Walsh, Megan K
Walter, Cara
Waltz, Amy E. M.
Waltz, A.E.M.
Wang, Jiali
Wang, Ningxin
Wang, Tongli
Wang, Haikun
Wang, Zilin
Wang, Silong
Wang, Y.
Ward, Eric J
Waring, K.M.
Waring, Kristen M
Waring, Richard H
Warren, Dana R
Warren, D.A.
Warziniack, Travis
Warziniack, Travis
Wasserma, Tzeidle N.
Watson, Alan E
Watson, Lauren M.
Way, Danielle A
Wayman, R.B.
Wear, D.N.
Weatherspoon, Phillip C
Webb, Geoffrey I.
Weeks, JonahMaria
Wei, Y.
Wei, Xiaohua
Weill, Joakim A.
Weill, Alexandra M.
Weintraub, Andrés
Weir, John R
Weisberg, Peter J
Weisberg, Peter J.
Weise, David R
Weise, David R.
Weiss, Shelby A.
Welch, Nathan
Wells, Adam G.
Wells, Gail
Welty, Justin L
Wen, Jeff
Wendel, K.L.
Wendel, Kendra L.
Wendel, Kendra L
Werth, Paul A
Wessman, Carol A.
Westerling, Anthony LeRoy
Westerling, A.L.
Westerling, LeRoy
Westerling, Anthony
Westlind, Douglas J.
Westlind, Doug
Westlind, D.J.
Weyermann, Dale
Wham, Brad P.
Wheatley, Melanie
Whelton, Andrew J.
White, Eric M
White, E.M.
White, Eric M.
White, Rachel
White, E.
Whitehair, Lionel
Whitlock, C.
Whitlock, Cathy L.
Whitman, E.
Whitman, Ellen
Whitman, Kara
Whitmore, Sheila A
Whittier, Thomas R.
Wibbenmeyer, Matthew
Wickham, Sara B.
Wiechmann, Morgan L
Wigtil, Gabriel
Wilkin, K.M
Wilkins, Joseph L.
Wilkins, Mike J.
Williams, Jason C
Williams, Park A
Williams, A. P.
Williams, Chris H. S.
Williams, Chris H.S.
Williams, Jason C.
Williams, Mark A.
Williams, H.T.P.
Williams, Richard J
Williams, Kristen J
Williams, J. N.
Williams, Mark A
Williams, M.A.
Williams, Daniel R
Williams, Christopher J.
Williamson, Craig E
Williamson, Grant J.
Williamson, Grant J
Williamson, Matthew A
Willms, J
Wills, Robin
Wilmot, Taylor Y.
Wilmsen, Carl
Wilson, A.
Wilson, C.
Wilson, Robyn S
Wilson, Pamela L
Wilson, Bradley
Wilson, Robyn
Wilson, R.S.
Wimberly, Michael C
Winder, Richard S
Winford, Eric M
Winford, Eric M.
Wing, Brian M.
Winkler, Julie
Winsemius, Sara
Winterkamp, J.
Winterkamp, Judith
Winters, Brian
Wintle, Brendan
Wipf, S
Wirth, Troy A
Wisdom, Michael J
Woinarski, John C. Z.
Wolf, Thilo
Wolf, Rebecca
Wolff, Nicholas H.
Wolfson, Barb Satink
Wolk, B.
Wollstein, Katherine L.
Wollstein, Katherine
Wolters, Erika Allen
Wonkka, Carissa L
Wood, Jonathan
Wood, Leah M.
Wood, R.
Wood, David L.
Woodruff, D.R.
Woodruff, David R.
Woodward, Kyle D.
Woodward, Brian
Woolford, Douglas G.
Woolley, Travis J.
Woolley, T.
Woolley, Travis
Worden, H.M.
Worley, Keith
Wotton, Mike
Wotton, B M
Wright, V.
Wright, Vita
Wright, Clinton S
Wright, Herbert E
Wright, David K
Wrobleski, D.W.
Wu, Jun
Wu, Qianhan
Wu, Ben
Wurtzebach, Z.
Wyborn, Carina
Wynecoop, M.D.
Xiang, Jianbang
Xie, Yingying
Xu, Chao
Xu, Xin
Xu, Hang
Xue, Lian
Yabsley, Michael J
yang, Jiann C
Yang, Jian
Yang, Zhiqiang
Yantosca, Robert M.
Ye, Xinxin
Yebra, Marta
Yedinak, Kara M
Yedinak, Kara
Yedinak, Kara M.
Yeh, Sonia
Yelenik, Stephanie
Yip, F.
Yocom, Larissa L
Yoder, Jonathan
Yohe, Gary
Yokelson, R.J.
Yonker, Nick
York, Robert A.
York, A.
Yost, Andrew
Young, Michelle
Young, Nicholas
Young, Kert R
Young, Dave
Young, Derek J.N.
Young, Jesse D.
Young, MK
Youngblood, Andrew
Yu, Wei
Yuan, Nanhsun
Yue, Xu
Yue, X.
Yung, Laurie
Zacher, J E
Zahara, Alex
Zaiats, Andrii
Zajic, B.
Zajkowski, Thomas J
Zald, Harold S.J.
Zald, Harold S J
Zald, Harold SJ
Zald, H.S.J.
Zanger, Chris
Zelikova, Tamara J
Zemtsova, Galina E
Zeppel, Melanie
Zhai, Jun
Zhang, Qiang
Zhang, Ling
Zhang, Zhiqiang
Zhang, J.
Zhang, Jianwei
Zhang, Huihui
Zhang, P.
Zhang, Mengliang
Zhang, Lu
Zhong, Shiyuan
Zhou, Lishi
Zhu, Z
Zhu, Zhiliang
Zhu, Liujun
Zhua, Yifang
Zhuang, Yizhou
Zhuang, Jun
Ziazi, Reza M.
Ziegler, Justin P.
Ziegler, J.
Ziegler, Justin Paul
Ziesler, Pamela S
Zimmerman, Tom
Zobrist, Kevin
Zuidema, Christopher
Zuspan, Aaron
Journal Article
Government Report
Book Chapter
Web project page
Conference Proceedings
Publication Keywords - - technical reports and journal articles
Publication Keywords - 10 AM Policy
Publication Keywords - 2020 fires
Publication Keywords - 2020 Labor Day fires
Publication Keywords - 2020 wildfires
Publication Keywords - 36 Pit Fire
Publication Keywords - 7-Day Significant Fire Potential Outlook
Publication Keywords - Abies grandis
Publication Keywords - Abies lowiana
Publication Keywords - Abiotic and biotic regulation
Publication Keywords - accelerated restoration
Publication Keywords - access to care
Publication Keywords - accessible fire history data
Publication Keywords - accountability
Publication Keywords - accumulate
Publication Keywords - accumulation
Publication Keywords - achievable future conditions
Publication Keywords - Actionable
Publication Keywords - active management
Publication Keywords - active-fire detections
Publication Keywords - actor collaboration
Publication Keywords - actor participation
Publication Keywords - adaptation
Publication Keywords - Adaptation
Publication Keywords - Adaptations
Publication Keywords - adaptive capacity
Publication Keywords - adaptive governance
Publication Keywords - adaptive management
Publication Keywords - Adaptive management and governance
Publication Keywords - address point data
Publication Keywords - Aerial Detection Survey
Publication Keywords - aerial photography
Publication Keywords - aerial suppression
Publication Keywords - aerosol optical thickness
Publication Keywords - agency
Publication Keywords - agent-based model
Publication Keywords - agent-based modeling
Publication Keywords - agent-based modeling; multiownership landscape; private corporate forestry; response diversity; state forestry; U.S. Forest Service
Publication Keywords - agricultural burning
Publication Keywords - air pathways
Publication Keywords - air pollution
Publication Keywords - air quality
Publication Keywords - air quality standards
Publication Keywords - Alaska
Publication Keywords - altered forests
Publication Keywords - alternative futures
Publication Keywords - American Indians
Publication Keywords - American Indians; communication; cross-jurisdiction; fuels reduction; wildland fire
Publication Keywords - ancestral state reconstruction
Publication Keywords - annotated bibliography
Publication Keywords - annual area burned
Publication Keywords - annual grass
Publication Keywords - antagonism
Publication Keywords - Antelope bitterbrush
Publication Keywords - Anthropocene
Publication Keywords - anthropogenic climate change
Publication Keywords - anthropogenic ignitions
Publication Keywords - anthropogenic wildfires
Publication Keywords - anticipatory governance
Publication Keywords - Arceuthobium
Publication Keywords - Arceuthobium spp.
Publication Keywords - archaeology
Publication Keywords - Arctic tundra
Publication Keywords - area burned
Publication Keywords - arid and semi-arid regions
Publication Keywords - aridification
Publication Keywords - Aridity
Publication Keywords - Aridity thresholds
Publication Keywords - Arizona
Publication Keywords - arrival time
Publication Keywords - arson wildfires
Publication Keywords - Artemisia
Publication Keywords - Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana; Bromus tectorum; Invasive grass; Rangelands
Publication Keywords - arthropod
Publication Keywords - Aspect
Publication Keywords - Aspen
Publication Keywords - aspen
Publication Keywords - assessment
Publication Keywords - atmospheric stability
Publication Keywords - attribution
Publication Keywords - back-trajectories
Publication Keywords - backing
Publication Keywords - backing fire
Publication Keywords - BAER
Publication Keywords - bark accumulation
Publication Keywords - bark beetles
Publication Keywords - Basal area increment
Publication Keywords - Bay Area
Publication Keywords - bees
Publication Keywords - Behavioral traits
Publication Keywords - benefits
Publication Keywords - benefits of prescribed fire
Publication Keywords - benefits-costs
Publication Keywords - BenMAP-CE
Publication Keywords - bibliographic review
Publication Keywords - bibliometric database
Publication Keywords - Big data
Publication Keywords - big sagebrush
Publication Keywords - Biochar production and costs
Publication Keywords - biochemical
Publication Keywords - biodiversity
Publication Keywords - Biogeochemistry
Publication Keywords - Biogeophysical
Publication Keywords - Biological distrubance agents
Publication Keywords - biomass
Publication Keywords - biomass allometries
Publication Keywords - biomass burning
Publication Keywords - biophysical
Publication Keywords - biophysical attributes
Publication Keywords - Biophysical regulations
Publication Keywords - biotic agents
Publication Keywords - biotic homogenization
Publication Keywords - Biscuit Fire
Publication Keywords - Black carbon
Publication Keywords - black carbon
Publication Keywords - Black stain root disease
Publication Keywords - Black-backed Woodpecker
Publication Keywords - Blue Mountain Ecoregion
Publication Keywords - Blue Mountains
Publication Keywords - Blue Mountains Forest Partners
Publication Keywords - Bole scorch
Publication Keywords - book
Publication Keywords - boosted regression
Publication Keywords - Boreal ecosystems
Publication Keywords - boreal forest
Publication Keywords - boreal forests
Publication Keywords - boundary organization
Publication Keywords - Boundary spanning
Publication Keywords - breakpoints
Publication Keywords - bridging organizations
Publication Keywords - British Columbia
Publication Keywords - British Columbia, Dendrochronology
Publication Keywords - Broadcast burning
Publication Keywords - Bromus tectorum
Publication Keywords - building
Publication Keywords - building construction
Publication Keywords - building detection
Publication Keywords - burn manager certification
Publication Keywords - burn mosaics
Publication Keywords - burn probability modelling
Publication Keywords - burn rates
Publication Keywords - burn severity
Publication Keywords - burned area
Publication Keywords - burned area emergency respons
Publication Keywords - Burned Area Emergency Response
Publication Keywords - burned area emergency response
Publication Keywords - burned area increases
Publication Keywords - Burning Index
Publication Keywords - Burning; Disturbance; Fire surrogates; Forest understory; Meta-analysis; Non-native understory vegetation; Fuels and Fuel Treatments; Thinning; Fire Effects and Fire Ecology
Publication Keywords - burnover
Publication Keywords - Bushfire
Publication Keywords - bushfires
Publication Keywords - butterflies
Publication Keywords - butterfly habitat
Publication Keywords - Byram’s intensity
Publication Keywords - C
Publication Keywords - California
Publication Keywords - California wildfires
Publication Keywords - California; USA
Publication Keywords - Callitropsis nootkatensis
Publication Keywords - CAM-chem
Publication Keywords - campground
Publication Keywords - Canada
Publication Keywords - Canopy cover
Publication Keywords - canopy fuel consumption
Publication Keywords - Capability
Publication Keywords - Capacity
Publication Keywords - carbon
Publication Keywords - carbon and nutrient cycling
Publication Keywords - Carbon and water cycling
Publication Keywords - carbon cycle
Publication Keywords - carbon isotope discrimination
Publication Keywords - carbon loss
Publication Keywords - Carbon monoxide
Publication Keywords - carbon sequestration
Publication Keywords - carbon storage
Publication Keywords - Carboniferous
Publication Keywords - Cardiovascular effects
Publication Keywords - Cascade Mountains
Publication Keywords - Cascade mountains
Publication Keywords - Cascade Range
Publication Keywords - case study
Publication Keywords - Case study
Publication Keywords - catastrophic fire
Publication Keywords - cattle grazing
Publication Keywords - CBI
Publication Keywords - Census tract exposure
Publication Keywords - Centrocercus urophasianus
Publication Keywords - certification program
Publication Keywords - CFLRP
Publication Keywords - change detection
Publication Keywords - change point analysis
Publication Keywords - char
Publication Keywords - charcoal
Publication Keywords - cheatgrass
Publication Keywords - citation analysis
Publication Keywords - classification errors
Publication Keywords - classification; multiple linear regression; ordinary kriging; regression kriging
Publication Keywords - climate
Publication Keywords - climate adaptation
Publication Keywords - climate change
Publication Keywords - climate change adaptation
Publication Keywords - Climate Change and Fire
Publication Keywords - climate change impact assessment
Publication Keywords - climate change; emergency fire management; earth system models; climate change model; fire behaviour model; fire detection; firefighting; fire forecasting; fire suppression; pyrogeography
Publication Keywords - climate impacts
Publication Keywords - Climate models; Land surface model; Atmosphere-land interaction; Land use; Vegetation-atmosphere interactions
Publication Keywords - Climate resilience
Publication Keywords - climate tolerance
Publication Keywords - climate trends
Publication Keywords - Climate warming
Publication Keywords - climate-limited fire regime
Publication Keywords - climatic influences
Publication Keywords - Climatic stress
Publication Keywords - cluster randomised control trial
Publication Keywords - co-management
Publication Keywords - Co-production
Publication Keywords - CO2
Publication Keywords - coarse filter
Publication Keywords - coarse woody debris
Publication Keywords - coast range
Publication Keywords - Cognitive maps
Publication Keywords - cohesive strategy
Publication Keywords - collaboration
Publication Keywords - collaborative
Publication Keywords - Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program (CFLRP)
Publication Keywords - collaborative forest restoration
Publication Keywords - collaborative governance
Publication Keywords - Collaborative partnerships
Publication Keywords - Collaborative Planning
Publication Keywords - collabortives
Publication Keywords - Collective action
Publication Keywords - collective action
Publication Keywords - Colorado Front Range
Publication Keywords - combustion
Publication Keywords - combustion kinetics
Publication Keywords - Command and control
Publication Keywords - Communicating about Fire
Publication Keywords - communication
Publication Keywords - communities
Publication Keywords - community
Publication Keywords - community capacity
Publication Keywords - community composition
Publication Keywords - community economic development
Publication Keywords - community exposure
Publication Keywords - community fire risk
Publication Keywords - community flood risk
Publication Keywords - community impacts
Publication Keywords - community preparedness
Publication Keywords - community recovery
Publication Keywords - community resilience
Publication Keywords - community risk
Publication Keywords - community risk reduction
Publication Keywords - Community risk reduction
Publication Keywords - community survey
Publication Keywords - community wildfire protection plan
Publication Keywords - competition
Publication Keywords - Complex adaptive systems
Publication Keywords - complexity
Publication Keywords - Composite Burn Index
Publication Keywords - compositional data analysis
Publication Keywords - computational fluid dynamics
Publication Keywords - computational text analysis
Publication Keywords - conditional inference trees
Publication Keywords - Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Publication Keywords - conflict
Publication Keywords - conifer
Publication Keywords - conifer forest
Publication Keywords - conifer forests
Publication Keywords - conifer mortality
Publication Keywords - conifer tree species
Publication Keywords - coniferous forests
Publication Keywords - conifers
Publication Keywords - connectivity
Publication Keywords - conservation
Publication Keywords - contained
Publication Keywords - contemporary aerial imagery
Publication Keywords - contemporary fire
Publication Keywords - contemporary fire regime
Publication Keywords - contractor
Publication Keywords - control
Publication Keywords - control capacity
Publication Keywords - controlled
Publication Keywords - controlled burn; prescribed burn; smoke; wildfire detection
Publication Keywords - convective heating
Publication Keywords - convergence
Publication Keywords - convolutional neural network
Publication Keywords - Cooperative federalism
Publication Keywords - cooperative forestry
Publication Keywords - Coordinated management
Publication Keywords - coproduction
Publication Keywords - cost of wildfire
Publication Keywords - cost-effectiveness
Publication Keywords - costs
Publication Keywords - coupled human and natural system
Publication Keywords - coupled social-ecological models
Publication Keywords - Cox models
Publication Keywords - Crop selection
Publication Keywords - cross boundary
Publication Keywords - Cross-boundary
Publication Keywords - cross-national analysis
Publication Keywords - cross-scale fire-climate relationships
Publication Keywords - crown fire; ecology; fire behavior; fuel hazard reduction; ponderosa pine; restoration; silviculture; Wildland Urban Interface Fire Dynamics Simulator; wildfire
Publication Keywords - cultural burning
Publication Keywords - cultural knowledge of fire ecology
Publication Keywords - Cultural theory (CT)
Publication Keywords - CWPP
Publication Keywords - cycle
Publication Keywords - data science
Publication Keywords - decay
Publication Keywords - decay-rate constant
Publication Keywords - Decision analysis
Publication Keywords - decision analysis
Publication Keywords - decision making
Publication Keywords - decision support
Publication Keywords - decision-making
Publication Keywords - decisions
Publication Keywords - decking sections
Publication Keywords - decline spiral
Publication Keywords - decomposition
Publication Keywords - deep learning ensembles
Publication Keywords - deep soil profile
Publication Keywords - Defend and grow the core
Publication Keywords - Defense
Publication Keywords - defensible space
Publication Keywords - defensive actions
Publication Keywords - Delay
Publication Keywords - delayed mortality
Publication Keywords - demographic aspects
Publication Keywords - dendrochronology
Publication Keywords - dendrochronology; fire scars; fire severity; postfire cohorts; severity index
Publication Keywords - Dendroctonus
Publication Keywords - Dendroctonus brevicomis
Publication Keywords - Dendroctonus ponderosae
Publication Keywords - Dendroctonus valens
Publication Keywords - dendroecology
Publication Keywords - departure
Publication Keywords - deposit
Publication Keywords - deposition
Publication Keywords - Deschutes National Forest
Publication Keywords - Desired conditions
Publication Keywords - detection
Publication Keywords - developed land
Publication Keywords - development
Publication Keywords - differenced Normalized Burn Ratio
Publication Keywords - differenced normalized burn ratio
Publication Keywords - disaster
Publication Keywords - disaster recovery
Publication Keywords - disaster relief
Publication Keywords - disaster resilience
Publication Keywords - Disaster Risk Management
Publication Keywords - Disjunct population
Publication Keywords - dispatch priority list
Publication Keywords - dispersal
Publication Keywords - dispersed camping
Publication Keywords - dispersion modeling
Publication Keywords - dispersion modelling
Publication Keywords - Dissolved organic matter
Publication Keywords - Distance to seed source
Publication Keywords - Distribution of Understory
Publication Keywords - distrubance
Publication Keywords - disturbance
Publication Keywords - Disturbance
Publication Keywords - disturbance ecology
Publication Keywords - disturbance interactions
Publication Keywords - disturbance refugia
Publication Keywords - disturbance regime
Publication Keywords - disturbance return interval
Publication Keywords - Disturbance-diversity relationships
Publication Keywords - disturbances
Publication Keywords - dNBR
Publication Keywords - dNDVI
Publication Keywords - Douglas fir
Publication Keywords - Douglas-fir
Publication Keywords - Downslope wind-driven fires
Publication Keywords - DRM
Publication Keywords - drone monitoring
Publication Keywords - drought
Publication Keywords - Drought impacts
Publication Keywords - Drought indices
Publication Keywords - drought resistance
Publication Keywords - dry conifer forests
Publication Keywords - dry east wind
Publication Keywords - dry forest
Publication Keywords - dry forest restoration
Publication Keywords - dry forest zone
Publication Keywords - dry forests
Publication Keywords - dryland fine-fuel
Publication Keywords - duration
Publication Keywords - dwarf mistletoe
Publication Keywords - dynamic global vegetation models
Publication Keywords - Early seral
Publication Keywords - early succession
Publication Keywords - early-seral
Publication Keywords - Eastern Cascades
Publication Keywords - eastern Oregon
Publication Keywords - eco-evolutionary dynamics
Publication Keywords - ecocultural
Publication Keywords - ecocultural resources
Publication Keywords - ecological change detection
Publication Keywords - Ecological disturbances
Publication Keywords - Ecological forecasting
Publication Keywords - ecological forestry
Publication Keywords - ecological function
Publication Keywords - ecological integrity
Publication Keywords - ecological processes
Publication Keywords - ecological reference conditions
Publication Keywords - ecological resilience
Publication Keywords - ecological restoration
Publication Keywords - ecological system
Publication Keywords - ecological transformation
Publication Keywords - ecology
Publication Keywords - economic feasibility
Publication Keywords - economic impacts of fire
Publication Keywords - economic recovery
Publication Keywords - economics
Publication Keywords - ecophysiological controls
Publication Keywords - ecophysiology
Publication Keywords - ecosystem integrity
Publication Keywords - ecosystem management
Publication Keywords - ecosystem resilience
Publication Keywords - ecosystem services
Publication Keywords - ecosystems services
Publication Keywords - ectomycorrhizal fungi
Publication Keywords - education
Publication Keywords - El Niño-Southern Oscillation
Publication Keywords - Elevation
Publication Keywords - Elliptical Transport
Publication Keywords - embers
Publication Keywords - emergency
Publication Keywords - emergency response
Publication Keywords - Emission
Publication Keywords - emission factors
Publication Keywords - emissions
Publication Keywords - Empirical, Fire behavior
Publication Keywords - endangered masked bobwhite quail
Publication Keywords - energy flux
Publication Keywords - energy release component
Publication Keywords - engagement
Publication Keywords - enhancer
Publication Keywords - entrapment
Publication Keywords - environment
Publication Keywords - environmental communication
Publication Keywords - environmental crisis; environmental policy; stakeholder participation; forest fires; biodiversity recovery; environmental governance; natural capital; ecosystem services
Publication Keywords - Environmental drivers
Publication Keywords - environmental governance
Publication Keywords - environmental hazards
Publication Keywords - environmental history
Publication Keywords - environmental justice
Publication Keywords - environmental justice technical reports and journal articles
Publication Keywords - Envision
Publication Keywords - Epidemiology
Publication Keywords - equity
Publication Keywords - equity; justice
Publication Keywords - erosion
Publication Keywords - estimation model
Publication Keywords - ethanol
Publication Keywords - ethics
Publication Keywords - European mistletoe
Publication Keywords - Evacuation
Publication Keywords - evacuation
Publication Keywords - EvapoTranspiration (PnET) extension
Publication Keywords - evolution
Publication Keywords - Evolutionary
Publication Keywords - EWP working paper
Publication Keywords - exotic annual grasses
Publication Keywords - exotics
Publication Keywords - expenditures
Publication Keywords - experiential learning
Publication Keywords - exponential random graph model (ERGM)
Publication Keywords - exposure
Publication Keywords - Exposure assessment
Publication Keywords - extension
Publication Keywords - extension publications and factsheets
Publication Keywords - Extreme events
Publication Keywords - extreme fire behavior
Publication Keywords - extreme fire behaviour
Publication Keywords - extreme value
Publication Keywords - extreme wildfire event (EWE)
Publication Keywords - extreme wildfires
Publication Keywords - extremes
Publication Keywords - exurban locations
Publication Keywords - Family forest owners
Publication Keywords - favourable weather
Publication Keywords - FBAT
Publication Keywords - FCCS
Publication Keywords - Federal agencies
Publication Keywords - federal air quality regulations
Publication Keywords - federal land management
Publication Keywords - feedback loop
Publication Keywords - Feedback loops
Publication Keywords - feedbacks
Publication Keywords - FEMA
Publication Keywords - FIA
Publication Keywords - field campaign
Publication Keywords - field methods
Publication Keywords - field tour
Publication Keywords - fine filter
Publication Keywords - fine fuel moisture
Publication Keywords - fine particulate matter
Publication Keywords - fire
Publication Keywords - Fire & Fuels Modeling
Publication Keywords - fire adaptation
Publication Keywords - fire adapted communities
Publication Keywords - fire alerts
Publication Keywords - Fire and Climate
Publication Keywords - Fire and Fire surrogate
Publication Keywords - fire and rangelands
Publication Keywords - fire apparatus
Publication Keywords - fire atlas
Publication Keywords - fire avoidance
Publication Keywords - fire behavior
Publication Keywords - fire behavior measurements
Publication Keywords - fire behavior model
Publication Keywords - fire behavior triangle
Publication Keywords - fire behavior; tree torching; crown fire initiation; ladder fuels; fuel continuity; canopy base height
Publication Keywords - fire behaviour
Publication Keywords - fire carbon cycle
Publication Keywords - Fire chronosequence
Publication Keywords - fire communication
Publication Keywords - Fire Communication & Education
Publication Keywords - fire damage
Publication Keywords - fire danger
Publication Keywords - fire danger rating
Publication Keywords - fire danger rating system
Publication Keywords - Fire departments
Publication Keywords - fire detection
Publication Keywords - fire detection hot spots
Publication Keywords - fire disasters
Publication Keywords - fire disturbances
Publication Keywords - Fire Ecology
Publication Keywords - Fire ecology
Publication Keywords - fire economics
Publication Keywords - fire economics and policy
Publication Keywords - fire effects
Publication Keywords - Fire Effects and Fire Ecology
Publication Keywords - fire emissions
Publication Keywords - fire environment
Publication Keywords - fire evacuation
Publication Keywords - fire event perimeter datasets
Publication Keywords - fire exclusion
Publication Keywords - fire extent
Publication Keywords - Fire Facts
Publication Keywords - fire fighters
Publication Keywords - fire frequency
Publication Keywords - fire growth
Publication Keywords - fire hazard
Publication Keywords - fire hazard mitigation
Publication Keywords - fire history
Publication Keywords - fire ignition
Publication Keywords - fire ignitions
Publication Keywords - fire intensity
Publication Keywords - fire interactions
Publication Keywords - Fire Learning Network
Publication Keywords - fire management
Publication Keywords - fire management plan
Publication Keywords - fire management planning
Publication Keywords - fire management plans
Publication Keywords - fire managers
Publication Keywords - fire modeling
Publication Keywords - fire monitoring
Publication Keywords - fire occurrence
Publication Keywords - fire planning
Publication Keywords - fire policy
Publication Keywords - fire prevention
Publication Keywords - fire probability
Publication Keywords - fire radiative power
Publication Keywords - fire reaction
Publication Keywords - fire refugia
Publication Keywords - fire regime
Publication Keywords - Fire regime
Publication Keywords - fire regimes
Publication Keywords - fire reintroduction
Publication Keywords - fire research
Publication Keywords - fire responder safety
Publication Keywords - fire response
Publication Keywords - fire return interval
Publication Keywords - fire risk
Publication Keywords - fire rotation period
Publication Keywords - fire run
Publication Keywords - fire safety
Publication Keywords - fire science
Publication Keywords - Fire Science Exchange
Publication Keywords - fire science exchange network
Publication Keywords - Fire service organizations
Publication Keywords - fire severity
Publication Keywords - Fire simulation
Publication Keywords - Fire simulation modeling
Publication Keywords - fire spread
Publication Keywords - fire spread behavior
Publication Keywords - fire starts
Publication Keywords - Fire Stewardship Workforce
Publication Keywords - fire suppression
Publication Keywords - Fire suppression planning
Publication Keywords - fire treatments
Publication Keywords - fire triangle
Publication Keywords - fire weather
Publication Keywords - fire-adapted communities
Publication Keywords - fire-adapted ecosystems
Publication Keywords - fire-adaptive communities
Publication Keywords - fire-atmosphere
Publication Keywords - fire-climate relationship
Publication Keywords - Fire-dependent ecosystems
Publication Keywords - Fire-fauna
Publication Keywords - fire-history study sites
Publication Keywords - fire-intolerant trees
Publication Keywords - fire-on-fire interaction
Publication Keywords - fire-prone forests
Publication Keywords - fire-season aridity
Publication Keywords - FireBGCv2
Publication Keywords - firebrand
Publication Keywords - firebreaks
Publication Keywords - Firefighter
Publication Keywords - firefighter fatalities
Publication Keywords - firefighter fitness
Publication Keywords - firefighter safety
Publication Keywords - Firefighters
Publication Keywords - firefighting
Publication Keywords - fireline intensity
Publication Keywords - firesheds
Publication Keywords - firesheds; wildland urban interface; community wildfire risk; wildland fuel management; wildfire transmission
Publication Keywords - firewise
Publication Keywords - First Foods
Publication Keywords - First Nations
Publication Keywords - Fish and amphibians
Publication Keywords - Fish and Wildlife Habitat
Publication Keywords - fixed effects
Publication Keywords - flame leaping
Publication Keywords - flame length
Publication Keywords - flame pulsation
Publication Keywords - flame residence
Publication Keywords - Flame retardant
Publication Keywords - flame spread
Publication Keywords - flame zone depth
Publication Keywords - flammability
Publication Keywords - Flammap
Publication Keywords - flanking fire
Publication Keywords - flatheaded fir borer
Publication Keywords - Floral resources
Publication Keywords - Florida
Publication Keywords - focal species
Publication Keywords - food security
Publication Keywords - forecast
Publication Keywords - Forecasting
Publication Keywords - forecasting significant fires
Publication Keywords - forest
Publication Keywords - Forest and conservation history
Publication Keywords - forest biology
Publication Keywords - forest carbon
Publication Keywords - Forest change
Publication Keywords - forest change
Publication Keywords - forest conservation
Publication Keywords - forest cover
Publication Keywords - forest decline
Publication Keywords - Forest development
Publication Keywords - forest disturbance
Publication Keywords - forest dynamics
Publication Keywords - forest ecology
Publication Keywords - Forest fire management
Publication Keywords - forest fires
Publication Keywords - Forest fuel management
Publication Keywords - forest gaps
Publication Keywords - forest governance
Publication Keywords - Forest governance
Publication Keywords - forest harvesting
Publication Keywords - forest health
Publication Keywords - forest inventory (FIA)
Publication Keywords - Forest Inventory and Analysis
Publication Keywords - forest inventory plots
Publication Keywords - forest landscape changes
Publication Keywords - forest landscape disturbance modeling
Publication Keywords - forest landscape restoration
Publication Keywords - forest loss
Publication Keywords - forest management
Publication Keywords - forest mulching
Publication Keywords - forest planning
Publication Keywords - forest policy
Publication Keywords - forest resilience
Publication Keywords - forest restoration
Publication Keywords - Forest Service Wildland Fire Research
Publication Keywords - forest species
Publication Keywords - forest structure
Publication Keywords - forest succession
Publication Keywords - forest sustainability
Publication Keywords - forest transformation
Publication Keywords - forest understory
Publication Keywords - Forested landscapes
Publication Keywords - forestry
Publication Keywords - forests
Publication Keywords - Forests Landscapes
Publication Keywords - formalized fire protection
Publication Keywords - fossil
Publication Keywords - fossil fuels
Publication Keywords - Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
Publication Keywords - Fractional cover of plant functional types
Publication Keywords - fragmentation
Publication Keywords - fragmentation housing growth urban sprawl urbanization wildfire
Publication Keywords - framework
Publication Keywords - Fraser Experimental Forest
Publication Keywords - frequent fire
Publication Keywords - frozen soil
Publication Keywords - FSim; surprise
Publication Keywords - FTIR
Publication Keywords - fuel
Publication Keywords - fuel break networks
Publication Keywords - fuel breaks
Publication Keywords - fuel characteristics
Publication Keywords - fuel decomposition
Publication Keywords - fuel dynamics
Publication Keywords - Fuel Fire Tools
Publication Keywords - fuel loadings
Publication Keywords - fuel management
Publication Keywords - Fuel management
Publication Keywords - Fuel management regimes
Publication Keywords - fuel management; forest restoration; soil disturbance; fire effects; burn severity; prescribed fire
Publication Keywords - fuel moisture
Publication Keywords - fuel moisture content
Publication Keywords - fuel properties
Publication Keywords - fuel reduction
Publication Keywords - fuel reduction treatments
Publication Keywords - fuel structure
Publication Keywords - fuel topography
Publication Keywords - fuel treatment
Publication Keywords - fuel treatment costs
Publication Keywords - fuel treatment effectiveness
Publication Keywords - fuel types
Publication Keywords - fuels
Publication Keywords - fuels and fuel treatment
Publication Keywords - fuels and fuel treatments
Publication Keywords - fuels management
Publication Keywords - fuels reduction
Publication Keywords - fuels treatment
Publication Keywords - fuels treatments
Publication Keywords - fuels-reduction treatments
Publication Keywords - Functional group
Publication Keywords - FVS
Publication Keywords - FVS-FFE
Publication Keywords - Gambel oak
Publication Keywords - Gap Analysis Program levels
Publication Keywords - gas chromatography/flame ionisation detector
Publication Keywords - gas composition
Publication Keywords - GC/FID
Publication Keywords - general additive model
Publication Keywords - generalized additive model
Publication Keywords - Generalized additive model (GAM)
Publication Keywords - GeoCBI
Publication Keywords - Georgia
Publication Keywords - GIS
Publication Keywords - global change
Publication Keywords - Global climate models
Publication Keywords - GOES-ABI
Publication Keywords - governance
Publication Keywords - Governance networks
Publication Keywords - grass-fire
Publication Keywords - grass-fire cycle
Publication Keywords - Grasslands
Publication Keywords - grasslands
Publication Keywords - grazing
Publication Keywords - grazing interactions
Publication Keywords - grazing management
Publication Keywords - grazing–fire interaction
Publication Keywords - Great Basin
Publication Keywords - Greater Yellowstone
Publication Keywords - Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
Publication Keywords - ground-level ozone
Publication Keywords - Groundwater-dependent ecosystems
Publication Keywords - Group selection
Publication Keywords - growth
Publication Keywords - growth response
Publication Keywords - habitat
Publication Keywords - habitat suitability modeling
Publication Keywords - hand piles
Publication Keywords - harvesting
Publication Keywords - Hayman Fire
Publication Keywords - hazard
Publication Keywords - hazard assessment
Publication Keywords - hazard response
Publication Keywords - hazardous fuels
Publication Keywords - hazards
Publication Keywords - HDBSCAN
Publication Keywords - heading
Publication Keywords - heading fire
Publication Keywords - health
Publication Keywords - health impacts
Publication Keywords - helix
Publication Keywords - herbaceous spatial distribution
Publication Keywords - heterogeneity
Publication Keywords - heterogeneity of biodiversity
Publication Keywords - heterogeneous fires
Publication Keywords - High Cascade Range
Publication Keywords - high reliability organisation
Publication Keywords - high severity
Publication Keywords - high-severity
Publication Keywords - high-severity fire
Publication Keywords - high-severity fire effects
Publication Keywords - high-severity fires
Publication Keywords - high-severity wildfire
Publication Keywords - HIGRAD/FIRETEC
Publication Keywords - historic fire
Publication Keywords - historical aerial imagery
Publication Keywords - historical conditions
Publication Keywords - historical ecosystem
Publication Keywords - historical fire regime
Publication Keywords - historical ignition patterns
Publication Keywords - historical range of variability
Publication Keywords - historical reference
Publication Keywords - historical regimes
Publication Keywords - home ignition zone
Publication Keywords - homeowner mitigation
Publication Keywords - hot spots
Publication Keywords - Housing
Publication Keywords - housing density
Publication Keywords - housing development
Publication Keywords - housing growth
Publication Keywords - HRV
Publication Keywords - huckleberry restoration
Publication Keywords - Human behavior
Publication Keywords - human dimensions
Publication Keywords - Human Dimensions of Fire
Publication Keywords - human disturbance
Publication Keywords - Human Factors of Firefighter
Publication Keywords - human health
Publication Keywords - human ignitions
Publication Keywords - human impacts
Publication Keywords - human influence
Publication Keywords - human influences
Publication Keywords - human-caused fires
Publication Keywords - Human-related causes
Publication Keywords - humidity dome
Publication Keywords - hybrid engines
Publication Keywords - hydrologic disturbance
Publication Keywords - hydrologic model
Publication Keywords - hydrology
Publication Keywords - hydrophobicity
Publication Keywords - HYSPLIT
Publication Keywords - ICO
Publication Keywords - Idaho
Publication Keywords - ignition
Publication Keywords - ignition source
Publication Keywords - ignition sources
Publication Keywords - ignitions
Publication Keywords - image sequence analysis
Publication Keywords - IMET
Publication Keywords - Immune response
Publication Keywords - impact
Publication Keywords - in situ
Publication Keywords - incident command
Publication Keywords - incident command system
Publication Keywords - incident management teams
Publication Keywords - Incident Meteorologists
Publication Keywords - Incident response
Publication Keywords - increased fire
Publication Keywords - independence
Publication Keywords - Indian burning
Publication Keywords - Indigenous
Publication Keywords - Indigenous burning
Publication Keywords - Indigenous ecological knowledge
Publication Keywords - Indigenous fire
Publication Keywords - Indigenous fire knowledge
Publication Keywords - Indigenous fire management
Publication Keywords - Indigenous fire stewardship
Publication Keywords - Indigenous fire use
Publication Keywords - Indigenous land management
Publication Keywords - indigenous peoples
Publication Keywords - Indigenous stewardship
Publication Keywords - indoor air quality
Publication Keywords - inequality
Publication Keywords - infiltration
Publication Keywords - inhibition
Publication Keywords - initial severity assessment
Publication Keywords - injury prevention
Publication Keywords - injury reporting
Publication Keywords - Inland Northwest
Publication Keywords - Inland Pacific
Publication Keywords - insect outbreak
Publication Keywords - insects
Publication Keywords - insects and fire
Publication Keywords - Institutional theory
Publication Keywords - institutions
Publication Keywords - instrumental variables method
Publication Keywords - intensifying wildfire activity
Publication Keywords - intensity
Publication Keywords - interacting disturbances
Publication Keywords - Interdisciplinary
Publication Keywords - interface fires
Publication Keywords - intermittency
Publication Keywords - intermix community
Publication Keywords - international collaboration
Publication Keywords - intervention
Publication Keywords - intervention analysis
Publication Keywords - Intervention model
Publication Keywords - interviews
Publication Keywords - introduction
Publication Keywords - invasive
Publication Keywords - Invasive annual grass
Publication Keywords - invasive species
Publication Keywords - invertebrates
Publication Keywords - Ips
Publication Keywords - Irrigation
Publication Keywords - jfsp fire science briefs and digests
Publication Keywords - job demands-resources theory
Publication Keywords - job stress
Publication Keywords - Joint Fire Science Program
Publication Keywords - Joint Fire Sciences Program
Publication Keywords - journal article
Publication Keywords - journal articles
Publication Keywords - Juniperus occidentalis subsp. occidentalis
Publication Keywords - kairomones
Publication Keywords - key informant survey
Publication Keywords - Klamath
Publication Keywords - Klamath Mountains
Publication Keywords - Klamath Mountains ecoregion
Publication Keywords - Klamath River Basin
Publication Keywords - Klamath-Siskiyou ecoregion
Publication Keywords - knowledge coproduction
Publication Keywords - knowledge exchange
Publication Keywords - knowledge gaps
Publication Keywords - knowledge transfer
Publication Keywords - Labor Day fires
Publication Keywords - labor/labour
Publication Keywords - Lake Tahoe West
Publication Keywords - land classes
Publication Keywords - land management
Publication Keywords - land management designations
Publication Keywords - land ownership
Publication Keywords - land systems
Publication Keywords - land use
Publication Keywords - land use planning
Publication Keywords - Land uses
Publication Keywords - landcape-level prescriptions
Publication Keywords - LANDFIRE Environmental Site Potential
Publication Keywords - LANDFIRE; mechanical treatment; prescribed fire; resiliency; wildfire hazard
Publication Keywords - LANDIS-II
Publication Keywords - Landsat
Publication Keywords - landsat imagery
Publication Keywords - landsat time series
Publication Keywords - Landsat TM
Publication Keywords - landscape
Publication Keywords - landscape attachment
Publication Keywords - landscape conditions
Publication Keywords - Landscape Disturbance Dynamics
Publication Keywords - landscape ecology
Publication Keywords - Landscape fire management
Publication Keywords - Landscape management
Publication Keywords - Landscape metrics
Publication Keywords - landscape modeling
Publication Keywords - landscape pattern
Publication Keywords - landscape realignment
Publication Keywords - landscape resilience
Publication Keywords - landscape resistance
Publication Keywords - landscape restoration
Publication Keywords - landscape scale prescribed fire
Publication Keywords - landscape simulation model
Publication Keywords - landscape stressors
Publication Keywords - Landscape structure
Publication Keywords - landscape transformation
Publication Keywords - landscape-scale management
Publication Keywords - landscaper
Publication Keywords - landscapes
Publication Keywords - large downed wood
Publication Keywords - large fire management
Publication Keywords - large fires
Publication Keywords - large wildfire smoke events
Publication Keywords - Large wildfires
Publication Keywords - large wildfires
Publication Keywords - Large wood
Publication Keywords - Las Conchas Fire
Publication Keywords - Latino/a/x
Publication Keywords - law enforcement
Publication Keywords - law reform
Publication Keywords - Leaf area
Publication Keywords - leaf litter
Publication Keywords - leaf water potential
Publication Keywords - learning
Publication Keywords - Least-cost optimization
Publication Keywords - lethal heat dosage
Publication Keywords - lidar
Publication Keywords - LiDAR
Publication Keywords - life safety
Publication Keywords - lightning
Publication Keywords - lightning-caused fires
Publication Keywords - line fires
Publication Keywords - linked disturbances
Publication Keywords - literature review
Publication Keywords - live fuel moisture
Publication Keywords - live fuel moisture content
Publication Keywords - live fuels
Publication Keywords - local fire departments
Publication Keywords - local fire knowledge
Publication Keywords - local planning
Publication Keywords - lodgepole pine
Publication Keywords - Lodgepole pine
Publication Keywords - log-ratio
Publication Keywords - logging
Publication Keywords - logging machine
Publication Keywords - logging; protected areas
Publication Keywords - logistic regression
Publication Keywords - Logistic regression
Publication Keywords - long term
Publication Keywords - long-term fire effects
Publication Keywords - Long-Term Soil Productivity study
Publication Keywords - Long-term trends
Publication Keywords - Low complexity model
Publication Keywords - Low-cost PM sensors
Publication Keywords - low-cost sensor
Publication Keywords - machine learning
Publication Keywords - machine productivity
Publication Keywords - machine rate
Publication Keywords - Macroinvertebrate
Publication Keywords - managed fire
Publication Keywords - managed forest
Publication Keywords - managed wildfire
Publication Keywords - management
Publication Keywords - management and climate change
Publication Keywords - Management Approaches
Publication Keywords - management regimes
Publication Keywords - management tradeoffs
Publication Keywords - Mapping
Publication Keywords - marbled murrelet
Publication Keywords - mass movement
Publication Keywords - mature jack pine
Publication Keywords - MaxEnt
Publication Keywords - Mazama eruption
Publication Keywords - meadow
Publication Keywords - meadow restoration
Publication Keywords - mechanical mastication
Publication Keywords - mechanical thinning
Publication Keywords - mechanistic model
Publication Keywords - media
Publication Keywords - media coverage
Publication Keywords - Mediterranean forests
Publication Keywords - Mediterranean-type subalpine forest
Publication Keywords - mega fires
Publication Keywords - mega-fire
Publication Keywords - megafire
Publication Keywords - mental models
Publication Keywords - meta-analysis
Publication Keywords - meta-study
Publication Keywords - meteorological conditions
Publication Keywords - meteorological data
Publication Keywords - micrometerology
Publication Keywords - minimum travel time
Publication Keywords - mitigation
Publication Keywords - mitigation actions
Publication Keywords - mixed conifer
Publication Keywords - mixed conifer management
Publication Keywords - Mixed conifer plantation
Publication Keywords - mixed integer program
Publication Keywords - mixed-conifer
Publication Keywords - mixed-conifer forest
Publication Keywords - mixed-conifer forests
Publication Keywords - mixed-conifer management
Publication Keywords - mixed-severity fire
Publication Keywords - Mixed-severity fire
Publication Keywords - mixed-severity fire regime
Publication Keywords - mixed-severity fire regimes
Publication Keywords - mixed‐conifer forest
Publication Keywords - model validation
Publication Keywords - modeling
Publication Keywords - Modeling
Publication Keywords - Modeling Classification errors
Publication Keywords - modelling
Publication Keywords - moderate-severity fire
Publication Keywords - modern fire regimes
Publication Keywords - MODIS
Publication Keywords - moist forests
Publication Keywords - moist mixed conifer forest
Publication Keywords - moisture
Publication Keywords - monitoring
Publication Keywords - monitoring animals
Publication Keywords - Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity (MTBS)
Publication Keywords - Montana
Publication Keywords - montane
Publication Keywords - montane forests
Publication Keywords - montane species
Publication Keywords - Morchella
Publication Keywords - mortality models
Publication Keywords - mountain pine beetle
Publication Keywords - MPB
Publication Keywords - MTBS
Publication Keywords - Mule deer habitat
Publication Keywords - multi-dimensional fire regimes
Publication Keywords - Multi-level governance
Publication Keywords - Multi-objective management
Publication Keywords - multi-objective optimization
Publication Keywords - multi-owner landscape
Publication Keywords - Multi-pollutant mixtures of fire smoke
Publication Keywords - multi-scale spatial patterns
Publication Keywords - multijurisdictional landscapes
Publication Keywords - multiownership landscape
Publication Keywords - NA-CORDEX
Publication Keywords - National Cohesive Strategy
Publication Keywords - national forest
Publication Keywords - native bunchgrass
Publication Keywords - natural disasters
Publication Keywords - natural distrubance
Publication Keywords - natural hazard assessments
Publication Keywords - natural range of variability
Publication Keywords - Natural regeneration
Publication Keywords - naturalrange of variation (NRV)
Publication Keywords - nature-based climate solutions
Publication Keywords - NBR
Publication Keywords - NDVI
Publication Keywords - Nechako River Basin
Publication Keywords - needs assessment
Publication Keywords - NEPA
Publication Keywords - net benefits
Publication Keywords - network analysis
Publication Keywords - New Mexico
Publication Keywords - New South Wales
Publication Keywords - news media
Publication Keywords - NEX-DCP30
Publication Keywords - night-time temperatures
Publication Keywords - Nighttime fire activity
Publication Keywords - Nighttime persistence
Publication Keywords - Nighttime proportion
Publication Keywords - NIROPS
Publication Keywords - nitrogen
Publication Keywords - Nitrogen cycling
Publication Keywords - NOAA-20
Publication Keywords - non-governmental organisation
Publication Keywords - non-native plants
Publication Keywords - non-profit organisation
Publication Keywords - non-steady state
Publication Keywords - Non-timber forest products
Publication Keywords - nonindustrial private forest owners
Publication Keywords - North Africa grass
Publication Keywords - North America
Publication Keywords - northeastern Washington
Publication Keywords - northern spotted owl
Publication Keywords - Northwest
Publication Keywords - Northwest Forest Plan
Publication Keywords - Northwest United States
Publication Keywords - northwestern United States
Publication Keywords - NRV
Publication Keywords - nrv
Publication Keywords - Nutrients
Publication Keywords - nutrients
Publication Keywords - NWFSC Activity Reports
Publication Keywords - Occupational and environmental health
Publication Keywords - occupational injury
Publication Keywords - odor
Publication Keywords - old forest
Publication Keywords - old growth
Publication Keywords - old trees
Publication Keywords - old-growth associated species
Publication Keywords - online tool
Publication Keywords - operational decision support
Publication Keywords - Operational research models
Publication Keywords - operations research
Publication Keywords - Optimization modeling
Publication Keywords - Oregon
Publication Keywords - Oregon 2020 fires
Publication Keywords - Oregon Coast Range
Publication Keywords - Oregon white oak
Publication Keywords - Organic matter removal
Publication Keywords - organisational culture
Publication Keywords - organisational learning
Publication Keywords - oriented strand board
Publication Keywords - oriented strand board (OSB)
Publication Keywords - outdoor recreation
Publication Keywords - overland flow
Publication Keywords - overstory
Publication Keywords - Ozone
Publication Keywords - Pacific Northwest
Publication Keywords - pacific northwest
Publication Keywords - Pacific Northwest Buncgrass Prairie
Publication Keywords - palaeoecological history
Publication Keywords - Palmer Drought Severity Index
Publication Keywords - palouse praire
Publication Keywords - Palouse Prairie
Publication Keywords - Pandemic
Publication Keywords - Paradigm shift
Publication Keywords - Paradise
Publication Keywords - parasitic plant
Publication Keywords - participatory geographic information systems
Publication Keywords - participatory landscape planning
Publication Keywords - participatory research
Publication Keywords - particulate matter
Publication Keywords - Particulate Matter
Publication Keywords - particulates
Publication Keywords - Partnerships
Publication Keywords - partnerships
Publication Keywords - parts of a wildfire
Publication Keywords - passive management
Publication Keywords - pastoral burning
Publication Keywords - pathogens
Publication Keywords - Payments for ecosystem services
Publication Keywords - percentage contained
Publication Keywords - Performance measurement
Publication Keywords - Periphyton
Publication Keywords - permafrost
Publication Keywords - Permian
Publication Keywords - personal protective equipment
Publication Keywords - Phaenops drummondi
Publication Keywords - phase space
Publication Keywords - phases
Publication Keywords - Photosynthesis
Publication Keywords - physics-based modeling
Publication Keywords - Phytophthora ramorum; Sudden oak death; Coast live oak; Surface fuels; California
Publication Keywords - pile burning
Publication Keywords - pile cover
Publication Keywords - Pine butterfly
Publication Keywords - Pinus albicaulis
Publication Keywords - Pinus contorta
Publication Keywords - Pinus contorta var. murrayana
Publication Keywords - Pinus lambertiana
Publication Keywords - Pinus palustris
Publication Keywords - Pinus ponderosa
Publication Keywords - Pinus ponderosa Lawson & C. Lawson
Publication Keywords - placed-based
Publication Keywords - planning
Publication Keywords - plant community
Publication Keywords - plant diversity
Publication Keywords - plant establishment
Publication Keywords - plant–climate interactions
Publication Keywords - plant–fungal interactions
Publication Keywords - PM 2.5
Publication Keywords - PM exposure
Publication Keywords - PM2.5
Publication Keywords - PNW
Publication Keywords - pole creek fire
Publication Keywords - policy
Publication Keywords - Policy change
Publication Keywords - policy design
Publication Keywords - policy implementation
Publication Keywords - Pollinator declines
Publication Keywords - pollinators
Publication Keywords - polycentric governance
Publication Keywords - polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Publication Keywords - polyethylene
Publication Keywords - Ponderosa pine
Publication Keywords - ponderosa pine
Publication Keywords - ponderosa pine savanna
Publication Keywords - porous media
Publication Keywords - post wildfire
Publication Keywords - post-fire
Publication Keywords - post-fire flood risk
Publication Keywords - Post-fire forest management
Publication Keywords - post-fire forest recovery
Publication Keywords - post-fire impacts
Publication Keywords - post-fire logging
Publication Keywords - post-fire logging; salvage logging
Publication Keywords - Post-fire Management
Publication Keywords - post-fire management
Publication Keywords - post-fire recovery
Publication Keywords - post-fire regeneration
Publication Keywords - post-fire salvage
Publication Keywords - post-fire tree mortality
Publication Keywords - post-wildfire
Publication Keywords - post-wildfire contamination
Publication Keywords - post-wildfire reforestation
Publication Keywords - postfire debris flow
Publication Keywords - postfire hydrology
Publication Keywords - Postfire logging
Publication Keywords - postfire recruitment
Publication Keywords - postfire regeneration
Publication Keywords - Postglacial vegetation
Publication Keywords - postifre management
Publication Keywords - PPE
Publication Keywords - pre-emption
Publication Keywords - pre-fire planning
Publication Keywords - pre-fire vegetation condition
Publication Keywords - pre-settlement
Publication Keywords - Pre-settlement fuels
Publication Keywords - precommercial thinning
Publication Keywords - prediction
Publication Keywords - predictive model
Publication Keywords - Predictive Services
Publication Keywords - Preparation
Publication Keywords - preparedness
Publication Keywords - prescribed burn
Publication Keywords - Prescribed burn. technical reports and journal articles
Publication Keywords - prescribed burning
Publication Keywords - prescribed burns
Publication Keywords - prescribed fire
Publication Keywords - Prescribed fire
Publication Keywords - prescribed fire interactions
Publication Keywords - Prescribed Fire-use treatments
Publication Keywords - prescribed natural fire
Publication Keywords - Prescribed thinning and fire
Publication Keywords - primary attraction
Publication Keywords - priorities
Publication Keywords - prioritisation
Publication Keywords - prioritization
Publication Keywords - priority effects
Publication Keywords - PRISM
Publication Keywords - private engine dispatch
Publication Keywords - private forest landowners
Publication Keywords - private land
Publication Keywords - private land burning
Publication Keywords - Private landowners
Publication Keywords - private lands
Publication Keywords - probability
Publication Keywords - Process-based modeling
Publication Keywords - Production Possibility Frontiers
Publication Keywords - productivity
Publication Keywords - professional engineer
Publication Keywords - property-level
Publication Keywords - Pruning
Publication Keywords - Pseudotsuga menziesii
Publication Keywords - Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco
Publication Keywords - psychological capital
Publication Keywords - psychosocial intervention
Publication Keywords - psychosocial work environment
Publication Keywords - public acceptability
Publication Keywords - public communication
Publication Keywords - public engagement
Publication Keywords - public health
Publication Keywords - public land management
Publication Keywords - public lands
Publication Keywords - Public lands management
Publication Keywords - public perception
Publication Keywords - public perceptions of fire and smoke
Publication Keywords - public understanding
Publication Keywords - Purshia tridentata
Publication Keywords - Pyrocene
Publication Keywords - pyrodiversity
Publication Keywords - Pyrogenic carbon
Publication Keywords - Pyrogenic organic matter
Publication Keywords - Pyrosilviculture
Publication Keywords - qualitative
Publication Keywords - Quercus garryana
Publication Keywords - random forests
Publication Keywords - rangeland
Publication Keywords - rangeland fire protection associations
Publication Keywords - Rangelands
Publication Keywords - RAWS
Publication Keywords - RdNBR
Publication Keywords - Re-burn hypothesis
Publication Keywords - re-entry burning
Publication Keywords - Rebuilding Regulations
Publication Keywords - reburn
Publication Keywords - reburned forest landscapes
Publication Keywords - reburns
Publication Keywords - reciprocity
Publication Keywords - Recovery after fire
Publication Keywords - recovery organizations
Publication Keywords - recreation activities
Publication Keywords - recursive partitioning
Publication Keywords - red flag warning
Publication Keywords - reduce fire severity
Publication Keywords - reference conditions
Publication Keywords - referencemodels
Publication Keywords - reforestation
Publication Keywords - refugia
Publication Keywords - Refugia
Publication Keywords - regeneration
Publication Keywords - regional climate modelling
Publication Keywords - regional forest dynamics
Publication Keywords - regional haze
Publication Keywords - regional scale
Publication Keywords - relative differenced normalized burn ratio
Publication Keywords - relative differenced normalized burn ratio (RdNBR)
Publication Keywords - relative risk assessment
Publication Keywords - Relativized differenced Normalized Burn Ratio
Publication Keywords - remnant large trees
Publication Keywords - remote sensing
Publication Keywords - reptile
Publication Keywords - research brief
Publication Keywords - research frameworks
Publication Keywords - Reservoir
Publication Keywords - resident income levels
Publication Keywords - Residential development
Publication Keywords - resilience
Publication Keywords - resiliency
Publication Keywords - resilient rivers
Publication Keywords - Resin ducts
Publication Keywords - resource demand
Publication Keywords - resource management
Publication Keywords - resource ordering
Publication Keywords - respect
Publication Keywords - respiratory
Publication Keywords - respiratory effects
Publication Keywords - Respiratory infection
Publication Keywords - Responder exposure
Publication Keywords - responsibility
Publication Keywords - resprouting
Publication Keywords - restoration
Publication Keywords - restoration and hazardous fuel reduction
Publication Keywords - restoration assessment
Publication Keywords - Restoration economics
Publication Keywords - restoration goals
Publication Keywords - Restoration logging
Publication Keywords - Restoration objectives
Publication Keywords - restoration prioritization
Publication Keywords - restoration tradeoffs
Publication Keywords - retention harvest
Publication Keywords - review
Publication Keywords - RFPA
Publication Keywords - RH bubble
Publication Keywords - Rim Fire
Publication Keywords - riparian
Publication Keywords - Riparian areas
Publication Keywords - Riparian coarse wood
Publication Keywords - Riparian mortality
Publication Keywords - risk
Publication Keywords - Risk
Publication Keywords - risk analysis
Publication Keywords - risk assessment
Publication Keywords - risk assessment and analysis
Publication Keywords - risk assessment; danger; exposure; vulnerability; risk reduction; risk adaptation; FirEUrisk
Publication Keywords - risk communication
Publication Keywords - risk communication; messages; public health; information dissemination
Publication Keywords - risk gap
Publication Keywords - risk governance
Publication Keywords - risk management
Publication Keywords - risk mitigation
Publication Keywords - risk perception
Publication Keywords - Risk perception
Publication Keywords - risk reduction
Publication Keywords - risk transmission
Publication Keywords - rivers and streams
Publication Keywords - RMRS-GTR
Publication Keywords - Rocky Mountain forests
Publication Keywords - Rocky Mountains
Publication Keywords - runoff
Publication Keywords - rural communities
Publication Keywords - Rx
Publication Keywords - sacred values
Publication Keywords - safety
Publication Keywords - sage-grouse
Publication Keywords - sage-grouse habitat
Publication Keywords - sagebrush
Publication Keywords - sagebrush fuels
Publication Keywords - Sagebrush steppe
Publication Keywords - sagebrush fire regime
Publication Keywords - sagebrush-steppe
Publication Keywords - salvage
Publication Keywords - salvage harvest
Publication Keywords - salvage logging
Publication Keywords - sandpile model
Publication Keywords - saprobic fungi
Publication Keywords - SARS-CoV-2
Publication Keywords - satellite data
Publication Keywords - satellites
Publication Keywords - Savannas
Publication Keywords - scabland
Publication Keywords - scale
Publication Keywords - scale mismatch
Publication Keywords - Scale mismatch
Publication Keywords - scale mismatches
Publication Keywords - scale-matching
Publication Keywords - Scaling
Publication Keywords - scanning electron microscope
Publication Keywords - scanning electron microscope (SEM)
Publication Keywords - Scenario planning
Publication Keywords - Schultz Fire
Publication Keywords - science
Publication Keywords - science needs
Publication Keywords - science use
Publication Keywords - Scott guidelines
Publication Keywords - season of burn
Publication Keywords - seasonal fluctuations
Publication Keywords - seasonality
Publication Keywords - Secretarial Order 3336
Publication Keywords - Sediment
Publication Keywords - sediment erosion
Publication Keywords - seed availability
Publication Keywords - seed dispersal
Publication Keywords - seedling establishment
Publication Keywords - seedling recruitment
Publication Keywords - seedling regeneration
Publication Keywords - self-organised criticality
Publication Keywords - self-regulation
Publication Keywords - Semi-arid forests
Publication Keywords - Seral state
Publication Keywords - serotiny
Publication Keywords - severe fire
Publication Keywords - Severe Fire Danger Index
Publication Keywords - severe fires
Publication Keywords - severity
Publication Keywords - severity patterns
Publication Keywords - Shade tolerance
Publication Keywords - shaded fuel breaks
Publication Keywords - shared responsibility
Publication Keywords - shared wildfire governance
Publication Keywords - shrub-steppe
Publication Keywords - Sierra Nevada
Publication Keywords - Sierra San Pedro Martir
Publication Keywords - sigmoid distribution
Publication Keywords - silvicultural methods
Publication Keywords - Simple Smoke Screening Tool
Publication Keywords - Simulation
Publication Keywords - simulations
Publication Keywords - simultaneous fire
Publication Keywords - site preparation
Publication Keywords - Small wins
Publication Keywords - Small woodland owners
Publication Keywords - smoke
Publication Keywords - Smoke & Populations
Publication Keywords - smoke and air quality
Publication Keywords - Smoke Emissions
Publication Keywords - smoke exposure
Publication Keywords - smoke impacts
Publication Keywords - smoke management
Publication Keywords - smoke plume and drainage
Publication Keywords - smoke-weather
Publication Keywords - smouldering
Publication Keywords - smouldering combustion
Publication Keywords - snag dynamics
Publication Keywords - snags
Publication Keywords - Snow
Publication Keywords - Snow ablation
Publication Keywords - snow melt
Publication Keywords - Snow water equivalence
Publication Keywords - social and community impacts of fire
Publication Keywords - Social and ecological resilience
Publication Keywords - social and ecological systems
Publication Keywords - social capital
Publication Keywords - social cohesion
Publication Keywords - social complexity
Publication Keywords - social diversity
Publication Keywords - social ecological systems
Publication Keywords - Social exchange theory
Publication Keywords - social interactions
Publication Keywords - social learning
Publication Keywords - social media
Publication Keywords - social network analysis
Publication Keywords - Social Science
Publication Keywords - social vulnerability
Publication Keywords - Social vulnerability
Publication Keywords - social-ecological
Publication Keywords - social-ecological restoration
Publication Keywords - social-ecological systems
Publication Keywords - social-ecological traps
Publication Keywords - social–ecological systems
Publication Keywords - Societal impacts
Publication Keywords - socioecological pathology
Publication Keywords - socioecological systems
Publication Keywords - socioeconomic
Publication Keywords - socioeconomic conditions
Publication Keywords - socioeconomic impacts
Publication Keywords - Socioeconomic values
Publication Keywords - soil
Publication Keywords - soil bacteria
Publication Keywords - soil biodiversity
Publication Keywords - soil burn severity
Publication Keywords - soil carbon
Publication Keywords - soil carbon model
Publication Keywords - Soil compaction
Publication Keywords - soil fungi
Publication Keywords - soil heating
Publication Keywords - soil moisture
Publication Keywords - soil mositure
Publication Keywords - soil nutrients
Publication Keywords - Soil organic matter
Publication Keywords - soil pollutants
Publication Keywords - soil productivity; Western larch forest; regeneration dynamics; ecosystem ecology; carbon storage; biomass harvesting
Publication Keywords - soil temperature
Publication Keywords - soils
Publication Keywords - soils and woody debris
Publication Keywords - songbirds
Publication Keywords - source apportionment
Publication Keywords - southeastern US
Publication Keywords - southern Arizona
Publication Keywords - southern Blue Mountains
Publication Keywords - Southwest
Publication Keywords - southwest USA
Publication Keywords - southwestern Oregon
Publication Keywords - southwestern United States
Publication Keywords - southwestern US
Publication Keywords - Spain
Publication Keywords - Spatial
Publication Keywords - spatial analysis
Publication Keywords - spatial analysis; fuels and fuel treatments; Soil carbon; Soil nitrogen; Biomass; Stratified sampling; Bushfires; prescribed burning; Landsat 8
Publication Keywords - spatial heterogeneity
Publication Keywords - spatial optimization
Publication Keywords - Spatial pattern
Publication Keywords - spatial patterns
Publication Keywords - spatial resilience
Publication Keywords - Spatial strategy
Publication Keywords - spatial-dynamic resources
Publication Keywords - Species diversity
Publication Keywords - species of conservation concern
Publication Keywords - Species richness
Publication Keywords - species’ interactions
Publication Keywords - spectral index
Publication Keywords - SPEI
Publication Keywords - sprawl
Publication Keywords - Springs Wetlands
Publication Keywords - spruce beetle
Publication Keywords - stakeholder
Publication Keywords - stakeholder collaboration
Publication Keywords - stand density
Publication Keywords - stand replacing fires
Publication Keywords - stand replacing patches
Publication Keywords - Stand structure
Publication Keywords - Stand structure after treatments
Publication Keywords - Stand-replacing fire
Publication Keywords - stand-replacing fire effects
Publication Keywords - stand-replacing fire regime
Publication Keywords - stand-replacing fires
Publication Keywords - State forestry agency
Publication Keywords - state of fire
Publication Keywords - state-and-transition model
Publication Keywords - statistical modelling
Publication Keywords - stewardship
Publication Keywords - stomatal conductance
Publication Keywords - Strategic Forest health Plan
Publication Keywords - strategic mitigation planning
Publication Keywords - stream ecology
Publication Keywords - Stream ecosystem response
Publication Keywords - stream temperature
Publication Keywords - streamflow
Publication Keywords - Structural complexity
Publication Keywords - structure
Publication Keywords - structure point data
Publication Keywords - structure protection
Publication Keywords - sturctural break
Publication Keywords - subalpine conifer forest
Publication Keywords - subalpine forest
Publication Keywords - succession
Publication Keywords - successional stages
Publication Keywords - summer wildfires
Publication Keywords - Suomi-NPP
Publication Keywords - super-fog
Publication Keywords - suppression
Publication Keywords - suppression effectiveness
Publication Keywords - suppression effort
Publication Keywords - Suppression expenditures
Publication Keywords - suppression resource effectiveness
Publication Keywords - suppression resources
Publication Keywords - surface fuels
Publication Keywords - surface woody fuels
Publication Keywords - survival analysis
Publication Keywords - suspended sediment
Publication Keywords - SWET
Publication Keywords - swiss needle cast
Publication Keywords - symposium proceedings
Publication Keywords - synergism
Publication Keywords - syntheses
Publication Keywords - synthesis
Publication Keywords - systematic evidence-based review
Publication Keywords - systematic literature review
Publication Keywords - Systemic management
Publication Keywords - systems thinking
Publication Keywords - tactical athlete
Publication Keywords - techincal reports and journal articles
Publication Keywords - technical articles and journal articles
Publication Keywords - technical report and journal articles
Publication Keywords - technical reports and journal articles
Publication Keywords - technical transfer
Publication Keywords - Technology transfer
Publication Keywords - TEK
Publication Keywords - Temperature
Publication Keywords - terrain
Publication Keywords - terrestrial ecosystems
Publication Keywords - thematic synthesis
Publication Keywords - thermokarst
Publication Keywords - thermophilization
Publication Keywords - thermophoretic sampling
Publication Keywords - thermoplastic
Publication Keywords - thinning
Publication Keywords - Threshold behavior
Publication Keywords - Timber harvest
Publication Keywords - timber slash
Publication Keywords - time series analysis
Publication Keywords - topography
Publication Keywords - toxicity mechanism
Publication Keywords - traditional ecological knowledge
Publication Keywords - traditional fire knowledge
Publication Keywords - traditional knowledge
Publication Keywords - training program
Publication Keywords - traits
Publication Keywords - transboundary
Publication Keywords - transdisciplinary
Publication Keywords - Transformation
Publication Keywords - transportation planning
Publication Keywords - travel efficiency
Publication Keywords - Treatment design
Publication Keywords - treatment effectiveness
Publication Keywords - Treatment effectiveness
Publication Keywords - Treatment placement
Publication Keywords - tree canopy structure
Publication Keywords - tree cohort records
Publication Keywords - tree crown
Publication Keywords - tree encroachment
Publication Keywords - tree morphology
Publication Keywords - tree mortality
Publication Keywords - tree physiology
Publication Keywords - tree regeneration
Publication Keywords - Tree vigor
Publication Keywords - tree-rings
Publication Keywords - tribal environmental management
Publication Keywords - tribal forests
Publication Keywords - Tribal Nations
Publication Keywords - tribal rights
Publication Keywords - trust
Publication Keywords - Tsuga heterophylla
Publication Keywords - Turnbull
Publication Keywords - types of fire
Publication Keywords - U.S. Endangered Species Act
Publication Keywords - U.S. fire management
Publication Keywords - unburned islands
Publication Keywords - uncertainty
Publication Keywords - uncontrolled burning
Publication Keywords - understory
Publication Keywords - understory composition
Publication Keywords - understory plant communities
Publication Keywords - understory response
Publication Keywords - understory vegetation
Publication Keywords - United States
Publication Keywords - unmanned aerial vehicles
Publication Keywords - unnecessary exposure
Publication Keywords - unprotected lands
Publication Keywords - unsupervised machine learning
Publication Keywords - untrammeled
Publication Keywords - uppression
Publication Keywords - urbanisation
Publication Keywords - urbanization
Publication Keywords - US Forest Service
Publication Keywords - US Northern Rocky Mountains
Publication Keywords - US Pacific Northwest
Publication Keywords - USDA Forest Service
Publication Keywords - USFS
Publication Keywords - value of information
Publication Keywords - values
Publication Keywords - vapour pressure deficit
Publication Keywords - Variability
Publication Keywords - variable density thinning
Publication Keywords - vegetation
Publication Keywords - vegetation climate mismatch
Publication Keywords - vegetation control
Publication Keywords - vegetation dryness
Publication Keywords - vegetation dynamics model
Publication Keywords - vegetation fire
Publication Keywords - vegetation management
Publication Keywords - Vegetation map
Publication Keywords - vegetation mapping
Publication Keywords - vegetation moisture
Publication Keywords - vegetation recovery
Publication Keywords - Vegetation structure
Publication Keywords - vegetation transition
Publication Keywords - vegetation transitions
Publication Keywords - vegetative fire
Publication Keywords - vegetative strata
Publication Keywords - VIIRS
Publication Keywords - Viscum album
Publication Keywords - VOC
Publication Keywords - volcanic eruptions
Publication Keywords - VSmoke
Publication Keywords - vulnerability
Publication Keywords - vulnerability assessment
Publication Keywords - vulnerability reduction
Publication Keywords - vulnerable populations
Publication Keywords - Washington
Publication Keywords - Washington State
Publication Keywords - water
Publication Keywords - water chemistry
Publication Keywords - Water deficit
Publication Keywords - water infrastructure
Publication Keywords - water pollutants
Publication Keywords - water quality
Publication Keywords - water resilience
Publication Keywords - water temperature
Publication Keywords - water-limited ecosystems
Publication Keywords - Water-use efficiency
Publication Keywords - watershed
Publication Keywords - Watershed partnerships
Publication Keywords - Watershed services
Publication Keywords - watershed vegetation
Publication Keywords - watersheds
Publication Keywords - weather
Publication Keywords - web GIS
Publication Keywords - well-being
Publication Keywords - West Coast
Publication Keywords - western aridity
Publication Keywords - western Cascades
Publication Keywords - Western dry forests
Publication Keywords - western governors' association
Publication Keywords - western United States
Publication Keywords - Western United States
Publication Keywords - western US
Publication Keywords - Western US
Publication Keywords - western USA
Publication Keywords - Western USA
Publication Keywords - western Washington
Publication Keywords - WFDS
Publication Keywords - WFDSS
Publication Keywords - wildcrafting
Publication Keywords - wilderness
Publication Keywords - wilderness fire
Publication Keywords - wildfire
Publication Keywords - Wildfire
Publication Keywords - wildfire adaptation
Publication Keywords - wildfire and water
Publication Keywords - wildfire causes
Publication Keywords - wildfire communication
Publication Keywords - wildfire crisis
Publication Keywords - Wildfire Crisis Strategy
Publication Keywords - wildfire danger index
Publication Keywords - wildfire danger rating systems
Publication Keywords - wildfire destruction
Publication Keywords - wildfire disaster
Publication Keywords - wildfire dispatch
Publication Keywords - Wildfire emissions
Publication Keywords - Wildfire experienceDemographics
Publication Keywords - wildfire exposure
Publication Keywords - wildfire feedbacks
Publication Keywords - wildfire forecasts
Publication Keywords - wildfire governance
Publication Keywords - wildfire hazard
Publication Keywords - wildfire management
Publication Keywords - Wildfire Management
Publication Keywords - wildfire management strategies
Publication Keywords - wildfire misinformation
Publication Keywords - wildfire mitigation
Publication Keywords - Wildfire mitigation
Publication Keywords - wildfire occurrence
Publication Keywords - wildfire occurrence drivers
Publication Keywords - wildfire outreach
Publication Keywords - wildfire perimeters
Publication Keywords - wildfire plumes
Publication Keywords - wildfire policy
Publication Keywords - wildfire preparedness
Publication Keywords - wildfire prevention
Publication Keywords - wildfire recovery
Publication Keywords - wildfire regime changes.
Publication Keywords - Wildfire resilience
Publication Keywords - wildfire risk
Publication Keywords - wildfire risk areas
Publication Keywords - wildfire risk assessments
Publication Keywords - Wildfire risk management
Publication Keywords - wildfire risk mitigation
Publication Keywords - wildfire risk on private land
Publication Keywords - Wildfire sensitivity
Publication Keywords - wildfire severity
Publication Keywords - wildfire simulation
Publication Keywords - wildfire smoke
Publication Keywords - wildfire smoke perceptions
Publication Keywords - wildfire smoke responses
Publication Keywords - wildfire snags
Publication Keywords - wildfire suppression
Publication Keywords - wildfire suppression policy
Publication Keywords - wildfire transmission sources
Publication Keywords - Wildfire transmission to WUI
Publication Keywords - Wildfire uncertainty
Publication Keywords - wildfire vulnerability
Publication Keywords - wildfire-resilient forest stands
Publication Keywords - wildfire; bushfire; interface; WUI; land management
Publication Keywords - wildfire; climate change; survey; global warming; risk perception
Publication Keywords - wildfires
Publication Keywords - Wildfires
Publication Keywords - WildfireSpatial patterns and trends
Publication Keywords - wildfirew risk perception
Publication Keywords - wildland
Publication Keywords - wildland fire
Publication Keywords - Wildland Fire Decision Support System (WFDSS)
Publication Keywords - wildland fire management
Publication Keywords - wildland fire use
Publication Keywords - wildland firefighter
Publication Keywords - wildland firefighters
Publication Keywords - wildland firefighting
Publication Keywords - wildland fuels
Publication Keywords - wildland training
Publication Keywords - wildland-urban interface
Publication Keywords - Wildland-urban interface (WUI)
Publication Keywords - wildland–urban
Publication Keywords - wildland–urban Interface
Publication Keywords - wildland–urban interface
Publication Keywords - Wildland–Urban interface
Publication Keywords - wildland–urban interface (WUI)
Publication Keywords - wildlife
Publication Keywords - wildlife habitat
Publication Keywords - wind
Publication Keywords - wind shift
Publication Keywords - wire grass
Publication Keywords - wood
Publication Keywords - wood energy
Publication Keywords - wood smoke
Publication Keywords - woodland fire
Publication Keywords - woody debris
Publication Keywords - work engagement
Publication Keywords - workforce
Publication Keywords - workforce capacity
Publication Keywords - workshop
Publication Keywords - WUI
Publication Keywords - yellow pine
Publication Keywords - Yellowstone National Park.
Publication Keywords - Yosemite Forest Dynamics Plot
Publication Keywords - Yosemite National Park
Publication Keywords - Young plantations
Publication Keywords - Zion National Park
10 AM Policy
2020 fires
2020 Labor Day fires
2020 wildfires
36 Pit Fire
7-Day Significant Fire Potential Outlook
Abies amabilis
Abies concolor.
Abies grandis
Abies lowiana
Abiotic and biotic regulation
accelerated restoration
access to care
accessible fire history data
achievable future conditions
active management
active-fire detections
actor collaboration
actor participation
adaptive capacity
adaptive governance
adaptive management
Adaptive management and governance
address point data
aerial detection
Aerial Detection Survey
aerial photography
aerial seeding
aerial suppression
aerosol optical thickness
agent-based model
agent-based model; CHANS; coupled human and natural
agent-based modeling; multiownership landscape; private corporate forestry; response diversity; state forestry; U.S. Forest Service
agricultural burning
air pathways
Air Pollution
air quality
air quality standards
Alaska yellow-cedar
altered forests
alternative futures
American Indians
American Indians; communication; cross-jurisdiction; fuels reduction; wildland fire
ancestral state reconstruction
annotated bibliography
annual area burned
annual grass
antelope bitterbrush
anthropogenic climate change
anthropogenic ignitions
anthropogenic wildfires
anticipatory governance
Arceuthobium spp.
Arctic tundra
area burned
arid and semi-arid regions
Aridity thresholds
arrival time
arson wildfires
Artemesia tridentata
Artemisia tridentata
Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana; Bromus tectorum; Invasive grass; Rangelands
atmospheric moisture
atmospheric stability
B&B Fires
backing fire
bare ground
bark accumulation
bark beetle
bark beetles
Basal area increment
Bay Area
Behavioral traits
benefits of prescribed fire
bibliographic review
bibliometric database
Big data
big sagebrush
Biochar production and costs
Biological distrubance agents
biological nitrogen fixation
biological soil crusts
biomass allometries
biomass burning
biophysical attributes
Biophysical regulations
biotic agents
biotic homogenization
Biscuit Fire
Biscuit Wildfire
black carbon
black char
Black stain root disease
Black-backed Woodpecker
Blue Mountain Ecoregion
Blue Mountains
Blue Mountains Forest Partners
Bob Marshall Wilderness Area
Bole scorch
boosted regression
Boreal ecosystems
boreal forest
boreal forests
boundary organization
Boundary spanning
bridging organizations
British Columbia
British Columbia, Dendrochronology
british thermal unit values
Broadcast burning
Bromus tectorum
building construction
building detection
burn manager certification
burn mosaics
burn pile
burn probability
burn probability modelling
burn rates
burn severities
burn severity
burned area
Burned Area Emergency Response
burned area increases
Burning Index
Burning; Disturbance; Fire surrogates; Forest understory; Meta-analysis; Non-native understory vegetation; Fuels and Fuel Treatments; Thinning; Fire Effects and Fire Ecology
butterfly habitat
Byram’s intensity
California wildfires
California; USA
callitropsis nootkatensis
Canopy cover
canopy fuel consumption
carbon and carbon storage
carbon and nutrient cycling
Carbon and water cycling
carbon cycle
carbon emissions
carbon isotope discrimination
carbon loss
Carbon monoxide
carbon sequestration
carbon storage
carbon trading
Cardiovascular effects
Cascade mountains
cascade range
Case study
catastrophic fire
cattle grazing
cellular automata
Census tract exposure
Central Oregon
Centrocercus urophasianus
certification program
chamaecyparis nootkatensis
change detection
change point analysis
chronic disturbances
citation analysis
citizen science
citizen trust
citizen-agency interactions
classification errors
classification; multiple linear regression; ordinary kriging; regression kriging
climare change and fire
climate adaptation
climate change
climate change adaptation
climate change and fire
climate change impact assessment
climate change vulnerability assessment
climate change; emergency fire management; earth system models; climate change model; fire behaviour model; fire detection; firefighting; fire forecasting; fire suppression; pyrogeography
climate impacts
Climate models; Land surface model; Atmosphere-land interaction; Land use; Vegetation-atmosphere interactions
Climate resilience
climate tolerance
climate trends
Climate warming
climate-limited fire regime
climatic constraints
climatic influences
Climatic stress
cluster randomised control trial
coarse filter
coarse woody debris
coarse woody detritus
coast range
Cognitive maps
cohesive strategy
collaboration and decision-making
Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program (CFLRP)
collaborative forest restoration
collaborative governance
Collaborative partnerships
Collaborative Planning
Collective action
Colorado Front Range
combustion kinetics
Command and control
communicating about fire
communication strategies
community capacity
community composition
community economic development
community exposure
community fire risk
community flood risk
community impacts
community level physiological profiles
community planning
community preparedness
community recovery
community resilience
community risk
community risk reduction
community survey
community wildfire protection plan
Community Wildfire Protection Plans
comparative hazard assessment
Complex adaptive systems
Composite Burn Index
compositional data analysis
computational fluid dynamics
computational text analysis
conditional inference trees
Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
conifer forest
conifer forests
conifer mortality
conifer tree species
coniferous forests
contemporary aerial imagery
contemporary fire
contemporary fire regime
control capacity
controlled burn; prescribed burn; smoke; wildfire detection
convective heating
convolutional neural network
Cooperative federalism
cooperative forestry
Coordinated management
cosrse woody debris
cost of wildfire
coupled human and natural system
coupled social-ecological models
Cox models
Crop selection
cross boundary
cross-national analysis
cross-scale fire-climate relationships
crown fire
crown fire, ecology, fire behavior, fuel hazard reduction, ponderosa pine, restoration, silviculture, Wildland Urban Interface Fire Dynamics Simulator, wildfire
cultural burning
cultural knowledge of fire ecology
Cultural theory (CT)
cultural use
data science
decay-rate constant
decision analysis
decision making
decision support
decking sections
decline spiral
deep learning ensembles
deep soil profile
Defend and grow the core
defensible space
defensive actions
delayed mortality
demographic aspects
demographic study
dendrochronology; fire scars; fire severity; postfire cohorts; severity index
Dendroctonus brevicomis
Dendroctonus ponderosae
Dendroctonus valens
Deschutes National Forest
Desired conditions
developed land
differenced normalized burn ratio
disaster recovery
disaster relief
disaster resilience
Disaster Risk Management
Disjunct population
dispatch priority list
dispersed camping
dispersion modeling
dispersion modelling
Dissolved organic matter
Distance to seed source
Distribution of Understory
Disturbance ecology
disturbance interactions
disturbance refugia
disturbance regime
disturbance return interval
Disturbance-diversity relationships
Douglas fir
Downslope wind-driven fires
Downy brome
drill seeding
driving factors
drone monitoring
Drought impacts
Drought indices
drought resistance
dry conifer forests
dry coniferous forests
dry east wind
dry forest
dry forest management
Dry forest restoration
dry forest zone
dry forests
dry-mixed conifer
dryland fine-fuel
dwarf mistletoe
dynamic global vegetation models
Early seral
early seral habitat
early succession
eastern Cascades
eastern Oregon
eco-evolutionary dynamics
ecocultural resources
ecological change detection
Ecological disturbances
Ecological forecasting
ecological forestry
ecological function
ecological integrity
ecological processes
ecological reference conditions
ecological resilience
ecological restoration
ecological system
ecological transformation
economic feasibility
economic impacts of fire
economic recovery
ecophysiological controls
ecosystem integrity
ecosystem management
ecosystem resilience
ecosystem services
ecosystem workforce project
ecosystems services
ectomycorrhizal fingi
Ectomycorrhizal fungi
effect size
effectiveness monitoring
effects analysis
El Niño-Southern Oscillation
Elliptical Transport
emergency response
emission factors
Empirical, Fire behavior
endangered masked bobwhite quail
energy flux
Energy Release Component
ensemble model uncertainty
environmental communication
environmental crisis; environmental policy; stakeholder participation; forest fires; biodiversity recovery; environmental governance; natural capital; ecosystem services
Environmental drivers
environmental governance
environmental hazards
environmental history
Environmental justice
environmental justice technical reports and journal articles
equity; justice
erosion control
estimation model
European mistletoe
EvapoTranspiration (PnET) extension
EWP working paper
exotic annual grass
exotic annual grasses
experiential learning
expert system
exponential random graph model (ERGM)
Exposure assessment
extension publications and factsheets
Extreme events
extreme fire behavior
extreme fire behaviour
extreme value
extreme wildfire event
extreme wildfire event (EWE)
extreme wildfire event,
extreme wildfires
exurban locations
Family forest owners
favourable weather
Federal agencies
federal air quality regulations
federal forests
federal land management
feedback loop
Feedback loops
field campaign
field methods
field tour
fine dead fuel moisture
fine filter
fine fuel moisture
fine particulate matter
Fire & Fuels Modeling
fire adaptation
fire adapted communities
fire adapted community
fire alerts
fire and aviation management
Fire and Climate
Fire and Fire surrogate
fire and rangelands
fire apparatus
fire atlas
fire avoidance
fire behavior
fire behavior and effects
fire behavior measurements
fire behavior models
fire behavior triangle
fire behavior; tree torching; crown fire initiation; ladder fuels; fuel continuity; canopy base height
fire behaviour
fire carbon cycle
Fire chronosequence
fire communication
Fire Communication & Education
fire damage
fire danger
fire danger rating
fire danger rating system
Fire departments
fire detection
fire detection hot spots
fire disasters
fire disturbances
fire ecology
fire economics
fire economics and policy
fire effects
fire effects and fire ecology
fire emissions
fire energy
fire environment
fire evacuation
fire event perimeter datasets
fire exclusion
fire extent
Fire Facts
fire fighters
fire frequency
fire growth
fire hazard
fire hazard mitigation
fire history
fire ignition
fire ignitions
fire intensity
fire interactions
Fire Learning Network
fire likelihood
fire management
fire management plan
fire management planning
fire management plans
fire managers
fire model
fire modeling
fire monitoring
fire occurrence
fire planning
fire policy
fire prescriptions
fire prevention
fire probability
fire progression maps
fire propogation
fire radiative power
fire reaction
fire refugia
Fire regime
fire regimes
fire reintroduction
fire research
fire responder safety
fire response
fire return interval
fire risk
fire rotation period
fire run
fire safety
fire science
Fire Science Exchange
fire science exchange network
fire season
Fire service organizations
Fire severity
Fire simulation
Fire simulation modeling
fire spread
fire spread behavior
fire starts
Fire Stewardship Workforce
fire suppression
Fire suppression planning
fire surrogates
fire treatments
fire triangle
fire weather
fire-adapted communities
fire-adapted ecosystems
fire-adaptive communities
fire-climate relationship
Fire-dependent ecosystems
fire-history study sites
fire-intolerant trees
fire-on-fire interaction
fire-on-fire interactions
Fire-prone forests
fire-season aridity
firefighter fatalities
firefighter fitness
firefighter safety
fireline intensity
firesheds; wildland urban interface; community wildfire risk; wildland fuel management; wildfire transmission
First Foods
First Nations
Fish and amphibians
fish and wildlife habitat
fish and wildlife habitats
fixed effects
flame leaping
flame length
flame pulsation
flame residence
Flame retardant
flame spread
flame zone depth
flanking fire
flatheaded fir borer
Floral resources
focal species
food security
forecasting significant fires
Forest and conservation history
forest biology
forest carbon
Forest change
forest conservation
forest cover
forest decline
Forest development
forest disturbance
forest dynamics
forest ecology
forest economic
Forest fire management
forest fire policy
forest fire prediction
forest fires
forest flammability
Forest fuel management
forest gap
Forest gaps
forest governance
forest growth models
forest harvesting
forest health
forest inventory (FIA)
Forest Inventory and Analysis
forest inventory plots
forest landscape changes
forest landscape disturbance modeling
forest landscape restoration
forest loss
forest management
forest mulching
forest planning
forest policy
forest resilience
forest restoration
Forest Service Wildland Fire Research
forest species
forest structure
forest succession
forest sustainability
forest thinning
forest transformation
forest understory
forest vegetation
Forest Vegetation Simulator
Forested landscapes
Forests Landscapes
formalized fire protection
Forst resilience
fossil fuels
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
Fractional cover of plant functional types
fragmentation housing growth urban sprawl urbanization wildfire
Frank Church Wilderness Area
Fraser Experimental Forest
frequent fire
frequent fire regimes
frontal systems
frozen soil
FSim; surprise
fuel accumulation
Fuel break
fuel break networks
Fuel breaks
fuel characteristics
fuel consumption
fuel decomposition
fuel dynamics
Fuel Fire Tools
fuel loading
fuel loadings
fuel management
Fuel management regimes
Fuel management; Forest restoration; Soil disturbance; Fire effects; Burn severity; Prescribed fire
fuel model
fuel modeling
fuel moisture
fuel moisture content
fuel properties
fuel reduction
fuel reduction policy
fuel reduction treatments
fuel structure
fuel topography
fuel treatment
fuel treatment costs
fuel treatment effectiveness
fuel treatment planning
fuel treatments
fuel types
fuels abd fuel treatments
fuels and fuel treatment
fuels and fuel treatments
fuels and fuels treatments
fuels management
fuels reduction
fuels treatment
fuels treatments
fuels-reduction treatments
Functional group
Gambel oak
game theory
Gap Analysis Program levels
gas chromatography/flame ionisation detector
gas composition
GCM agreement
general additive model
generalised estimating equations
generalized additive model
Generalized additive model (GAM)
geographic information system
geographic information systems
GLO surveys
global change
Global climate models
global climate models (GCM)
global fire probabilities
gopher disturbance
governance network
Governance networks
grand fir
grass-fire cycle
grass/fire cycle
grazing interactions
grazing management
grazing ungulates
grazing–fire interaction
Great Basin
greater sage-grouse
Greater Yellowstone
Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
ground-level ozone
Groundwater-dependent ecosystems
Group selection
growth response
habitat model
habitat suitability
habitat suitability modeling
hand piles
Hayman Fire
hazard assessment
hazard recovery
hazard response
Hazardous fuels
heading fire
health impacts
heat flux measurement
heat transfer
heating value
hedges’ d
herbaceous spatial distribution
heterogeneity of biodiversity
heterogeneous fires
heuristic optimisation
High Cascade Range
high reliability organisation
high severity
high-severity fire
high-severity fire effects
high-severity fires
high-severity wildfire
high-severity wildfires
historic fire
historical aerial imagery
historical conditions
historical ecosystem
historical fire regime
historical forest structure
historical ignition patterns
historical range of variability
historical reference
historical regimes
home ignition zone
homeowner mitigation
hot spots
housing density
housing development
housing growth
huckleberry restoration
Human behavior
human dimensions
Human Dimensions of Fire
human dimensions of wildland fire
human disturbance
Human Factors of Firefighter
human health
human ignitions
human impacts
human influence
human influences
human-caused fires
human-caused fires,
Human-related causes
humidity dome
hybrid engines
hydrologic disturbance
hydrologic model
hydrologic risk
ignition source
ignition sources
image sequence analysis
Immune response
in situ
incident command
incident command system
incident management teams
Incident Meteorologists
Incident response
increased fire
Indian burning
Indigenous burning
Indigenous ecological knowledge
Indigenous fire
indigenous fire knowledge
indigenous fire management
indigenous fire stewardship
Indigenous fire use
Indigenous land management
indigenous peoples
Indigenous stewardship
indoor air quality
initial severity assessment
injury prevention
injury reporting
Inland Northwest
Inland Pacific
insect outbreak
insects and disease
insects and fire
Institutional theory
instrumental variables method
integrated assessment
intensifying wildfire activity
interacting disturbances
interface fires
intermix community
international collaboration
intervention analysis
Intervention model
Invasive annual grass
invasive plants
invasive species
jfsp fire science briefs and digests
job demands-resources theory
job stress
Joint Fire Science Program
joint fire sciences program
journal article
journal articles
jsfp fire science briefs and digests
Juniperus occidentalis
Juniperus occidentalis subsp. occidentalis
key informant survey
Klamath Mountains
Klamath Mountains ecoregion
Klamath National Forest
Klamath River Basin
Klamath-Siskiyou ecoregion
knowledge coproduction
knowledge exchange
knowledge gaps
knowledge transfer
Labor Day fires
Lake Tahoe West
land classes
land management
land management designations
land ownership
land systems
land use
land use planning
Land uses
landcape-level prescriptions
LANDFIRE Environmental Site Potential
LANDFIRE; mechanical treatment; prescribed fire; resiliency; wildfire hazard
landsat imagery
landsat time series
Landsat TM
landscape attachment
landscape conditions
Landscape Disturbance Dynamics
landscape ecology
Landscape fire management
Landscape management
Landscape metrics
landscape modeling
landscape pattern
Landscape patterns
landscape planning and assessment
landscape realignment
landscape reconstruction
landscape resilience
landscape resistance
landscape restoration
landscape scale prescribed fire
landscape simulation model
landscape stressors
Landscape structure
landscape transformation
landscape-scale management
large downed wood
large fire
large fire management
large fires
large wildfire smoke events
Large wildfires
Large wood
Las Conchas Fire
law enforcement
law reform
Leaf area
leaf litter
leaf water potential
Least-cost optimization
lethal heat dosage
life form
life safety
lightning- caused fires
lightning-caused fires
line fires
linked disturbances
Literature review
live fuel moisture
live fuel moisture content
live fuels
local fire departments
local fire knowledge
local planning
lodgepole pine
log-response ratio
logging equipment
logging machine
logging; protected areas
logic models
logistic regression
long term
long-term fire effects
Long-Term Soil Productivity study
Long-term trends
loss aversion
Low complexity model
Low-cost PM sensors
low-cost sensor
machine learning
machine productivity
machine rate
managed fire
managed forest
managed wildfire
management and climate change
Management Approaches
management regimes
management tradeoffs
marbled murrelet
mass movement
mature jack pine
Mazama eruption
meadow restoration
mechanical fuel treatment
mechanical mastication
mechanical thinning
mechanical treatment
mechanistic model
media coverage
Mediterranean forests
Mediterranean-type subalpine forest
mega fires
mental models
meteorological conditions
meteorological data
midflame wind speed
minimizing expected loss
minimum travel time
mitigation actions
mixed conifer
mixed conifer management
Mixed conifer plantation
mixed integer program
mixed-conifer forest
mixed-conifer forests
mixed-conifer management
mixed-effects model
mixed-severity fire
Mixed-severity fire regime
mixed-severity fire regimes
mixed‐conifer forest
model validation
Modeling Classification errors
Moderate severity fire
moderate-severity fire
modern fire regimes
moist forests
moist mixed conifer forest
moisture dynamics
monitoring animals
Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity (MTBS)
montane forests
montane species
mortality models
mountain pine beetle
Mule deer habitat
multi-dimensional fire regimes
Multi-level governance
Multi-objective management
multi-objective optimization
multi-owner landscape
Multi-pollutant mixtures of fire smoke
multi-scale spatial patterns
multijurisdictional landscapes
multiownership landscape
National Cohesive Strategy
national forest
national forests
national parks
Native American
native bunchgrass
natural disaster
natural disasters
natural distrubance
natural fire rotation
natural fuels
natural hazard
natural hazard assessments
natural ignition
natural range of variability
Natural regeneration
naturalrange of variation (NRV)
nature-based climate solutions
Nechako River Basin
needs assessment
net benefits
network analysis
New Mexico
New South Wales
news media
niche space
night-time temperatures
Nighttime fire activity
Nighttime persistence
Nighttime proportion
Nitrogen cycling
non-governmental organisation
non-native plants
non-profit organisation
non-steady state
Non-timber forest products
nonindustrial private forest owners
North Africa grass
North America
northeastern Washington
northern spotted owl
Northwest Forest Plan
Northwest United States
northwestern United States
number of fires
nutrient cycling
NWFSC Activity Reports
Occupational and environmental health
occupational injury
of fire severity
old forest
old growth
old trees
old-growth associated species
old-growth forest
online tool
operational decision support
Operational research models
operations research
Optimization modeling
Oregon 2020 fires
Oregon Coast Range
Oregon white oak
Organic matter removal
organisational culture
organisational learning
oriented strand board
oriented strand board (OSB)
outdoor recreation
overland flow
owl habitat
pacific northwest
Pacific Northwest Buncgrass Prairie
Pacific silver fir
palaeoecological history
Palmer Drought Severity Index
palouse praire
Palouse Prairie
Paradigm shift
parasitic plant
participatory geographic information systems
participatory landscape planning
participatory research
particulate matter
parts of a wildfire
passive management
pastoral burning
Payments for ecosystem services
percentage contained
Performance measurement
peroxide-acid digestion
personal protective equipment
Phaenops drummondi
phase space
phenology changes
physics-based modeling
Phytophthora ramorum; Sudden oak death; Coast live oak; Surface fuels; California
pile burning
pile burning;
pile cover
Pine butterfly
Pinus albicaulis
Pinus contorta
Pinus contorta var. murrayana
Pinus lambertiana
Pinus palustris
Pinus ponderosa
Pinus ponderosa Lawson & C. Lawson
plant community
plant diversity
plant establishment
plant gaps
plant reproduction
plant–climate interactions
plant–fungal interactions
PM 2.5
PM exposure
pole creek fire
Policy change
policy design
policy implementation
Pollinator declines
polycentric governance
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
ponderosa pine
ponderosa pine savanna
Populus tremuloides
porous media
post wildfire
post-fire assessment
post-fire flood risk
Post-fire forest management
post-fire forest recovery
post-fire impacts
post-fire logging
Post-fire logging; Salvage logging
Post-fire Management
post-fire recovery
post-fire regeneration
post-fire salvage
Post-fire tree mortality
post-wildfire contamination
post-wildfire reforestation
postfire debris flow
postfire hydrology
Postfire logging
postfire recovery
postfire recruitment
postfire regeneration
postfire salvage logging
Postglacial vegetation
postifre management
pre- and post-fire measurement
pre-fire planning
pre-fire vegetation condition
Pre-settlement fuels
precommercial thinning
prediction accuracy
predictive model
Predictive Services
prescribe burning
prescribed burn
Prescribed burn. technical reports and journal articles
prescribed burning
prescribed burns
prescribed fire
prescribed fire interactions
Prescribed Fire-use treatments
prescribed natural fire
Prescribed thinning and fire
primary attraction
priority effects
private engine dispatch
private forest landowners
private land
private land burning
Private landowners
private lands
Process-based modeling
Production Possibility Frontiers
professional engineer
Pseudotsuga menziesii
Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco
psychological capital
psychosocial intervention
psychosocial work environment
public acceptability
public communication
public engagement
public goods
public health
public involvement
public land management
public lands
Public lands management
public perception
public perceptions of fire and smoke
public trust
public understanding
Purshia tridentata
Pyrogenic carbon
Pyrogenic organic matter
quarterly publications
Quercus garryana
random forests
rangeland fire protection associations
rare events
Re-burn hypothesis
re-entry burning
Rebuilding Regulations
reburned forest landscapes
Recovery after fire
recovery organizations
recreation activities
recursive partitioning
red flag warning
reduce fire severity
Reference conditions
regional climate modelling
regional forest dynamics
regional haze
regional scale
relative differenced normalized burn ratio
relative differenced normalized burn ratio (RdNBR)
relative risk assessment
Relativized differenced Normalized Burn Ratio
remnant large trees
remote sensing
research briefs
research frameworks
resident income levels
Residential development
resilient rivers
Resin ducts
resource demand
Resource management
resource ordering
resources to burn
respiratory effects
Respiratory infection
Responder exposure
restoration and hazardous fuel reduction
restoration and hazardous fuels reduction
restoration assessment
Restoration economics
restoration goals
Restoration logging
Restoration objectives
restoration prioritization
restoration tradeoffs
retention harvest
RH bubble
Rim Fire
Riparian areas
Riparian coarse wood
Riparian mortality
risk analysis
risk and uncertainty
risk assessment
risk assessment and analysis
risk assessment; danger; exposure; vulnerability; risk reduction; risk adaptation; FirEUrisk
risk communication
Risk communication; Messages; Public health; Information dissemination
risk gap
risk governance
risk management
risk mitigation
risk perception
risk reduction
risk science
risk transmission
rivers and streams
Rocky Mountain forests
Rocky Mountains
rural communities
sacred values
safety zones
sage-grouse habitat
sagebrush fuels
Sagebrush steppe
sagebrush fire regime
salvage harvest
salvage logging
sandpile model
saprobic fungi
satellite data
Scale mismatch
scale mismatches
scanning electron microscope
scanning electron microscope (SEM)
Scenario planning
Schultz Fire
science needs
science use
science-management partnership
Scott guidelines
sea level
season of burn
seasonal fluctuations
seasonally dry forests
Secretarial Order 3336
sediment erosion
sediment hazard
seed availability
seed dispersal
seedling establishment
seedling recruitment
seedling regeneration
self-organised criticality
Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness Area
Semi-arid forests
Seral state
severe fire
Severe Fire Danger Index
severe fires
severity patterns
Shade tolerance
shaded fuel breaks
shared responsibility
shared wildfire governance
Sierra Nevada
Sierra San Pedro Martir
sigmoid distribution
silvicultural methods
silviculture and forest management
Simple Smoke Screening Tool
simulation model
simultaneous fire
Site preparation
Small wins
Small woodland owners
Smoke & Air Quality
Smoke & Populations
smoke and air quality
smoke dispersion
Smoke Emissions
smoke exposure
smoke impacts
smoke management
smoke modeling
smoke plume and drainage
smouldering combustion
snag dynamics
snag recruitment
Snow ablation
snow melt
Snow water equivalence
social and community impacts of fire
social and community impcts of fire
Social and ecological resilience
social and ecological systems
social capital
social cohesion
social complexity
social diversity
social ecological systems
Social exchange theory
social history
social interactions
social learning
social media
social network analysis
Social Science
social vulnerability
social-ecological restoration
social-ecological system
Social-ecological systems
social-ecological traps
social–ecological systems
Societal impacts
socioecological pathology
socioecological systems
socioeconomic conditions
socioeconomic impacts
Socioeconomic values
soil and woody debris
soil bacteria
soil bacterial and fungal communities
soil biodiversity
soil biota
soil burn severity
soil carbon
soil carbon model
soil change
soil chemical and physical properties
Soil compaction
soil fungi
soil heating
soil moisture
soil mositure
soil nitrogen
soil nutrients
Soil organic matter
soil pollutants
soil productivity; Western larch forest; regeneration dynamics; ecosystem ecology; carbon storage; biomass harvesting
soil surveys
soil temperature
soil temperatures
soils and woody debris
solar radiation
source apportionment
southeastern US
southern Arizona
southern Blue Mountains
southern Sierra Nevada
southwest USA
southwestern Oregon
southwestern United States
southwestern US
spatial analysis
Spatial analysis; fuels and fuel treatments; Soil carbon; Soil nitrogen; Biomass; Stratified sampling; Bushfires; prescribed burning; Landsat 8
spatial autocorrelation
spatial autoregression
spatial heterogeneity
spatial information
spatial optimization
Spatial pattern
spatial patterns
spatial resilience
spatial scale
spatial statistical models
Spatial strategy
spatial-dynamic resources
spatially explicit game
species distribution models
Species diversity
species of conservation concern
species range changes
Species richness
species’ interactions
spectral index
spotted owls
Springs Wetlands
spruce beetle
stakeholder collaboration
stand density
stand replacing fires
stand replacing patches
Stand structure
Stand structure after treatments
Stand-replacing fire
stand-replacing fire effects
stand-replacing fire regime
stand-replacing fires
State forestry agency
state of fire
state-and-transition model
statistical modelling
Stay or Go
stomatal conductance
Strategic Forest health Plan
strategic mitigation planning
stream ecology
Stream ecosystem response
stream temperature
Strix occidentalis caurina
Structural complexity
structure point data
structure protection
sturctural break
subalpine conifer forest
subalpine forest
successional stages
sulfur cinquefoil
summer wildfires
suppression effectiveness
suppression effort
Suppression expenditures
suppression resource effectiveness
suppression resources
surface fire intensity
Surface fuel
surface fuels
surface woody fuels
survival analysis
suspended sediment
swiss needle cast
symposium proceedings
synthesis report
synthesis.economic impacts of fire
systematic evidence-based review
systematic literature review
Systemic management
systems thinking
tactical athlete
techincal reports and journal articles
techncial reports and journal articles
technical report and journal articles
technical reports and journal articles
technical transfer
Technology transfer
tecnical reports and journal articles
temporal scale
terrestrial ecosystems
thematic synthesis
thermophoretic sampling
Threshold behavior
thuja plicata
Timber harvest
timber slash
time series analysis
toxicity mechanism
traditional ecological knowledge
traditional fire knowledge
traditional knowledge
training program
transportation planning
travel efficiency
Treatment design
Treatment effectiveness
treatment expenditure
Treatment placement
tree canopy structure
tree cohort records
tree crown
tree encroachment
tree morphology
tree mortality
tree physiology
tree regeneration
Tree vigor
tribal environmental management
tribal forests
Tribal Nations
tribal rights
Tripod Fire
Tsuga heterophylla
types of fire
U.S. Endangered Species Act
U.S. fire management
unburned islands
uncontrolled burning
understory composition
understory plant communities
understory response
Understory vegetation
United States
unmanned aerial vehicles
unnecessary exposure
unprotected lands
unsupervised machine learning
US Forest Service
US Northern Rocky Mountains
US Pacific Northwest
USDA Forest Service
value of information
vapour pressure deficit
variable density thinning
variableseverity fire
vegetation climate mismatch
vegetation control
vegetation dryness
vegetation dynamics
vegetation dynamics model
vegetation fire
vegetation management
Vegetation map
vegetation mapping
vegetation moisture
vegetation recovery
Vegetation structure
vegetation transition
vegetation transitions
vegetative fire
vegetative strata
Viscum album
volcanic eruptions
vulnerability assessment
vulnerability reduction
vulnerable populations
Wallow fire
Washington State
water chemistry
Water deficit
water infrastructure
water pollutants
water quality
water resilience
water temperature
water-limited ecosystems
Water-use efficiency
Watershed partnerships
Watershed services
watershed vegetation
web GIS
West Coast
western aridity
western Cascades
Western dry forests
western governors' association
western hemlock
western juniper
western redcedar
western United States
Western US
Western USA
western Washington
white fir
wilderness fire
wildfire adaptation
wildfire and water
wildfire causes
wildfire communication
wildfire crisis
Wildfire Crisis Strategy
wildfire danger index
wildfire danger rating systems
wildfire destruction
wildfire disaster
wildfire dispatch
Wildfire emissions
Wildfire experienceDemographics
wildfire exposure
wildfire feedbacks
wildfire forecasts
wildfire governance
wildfire hazard
wildfire ignition
wildfire management
wildfire management strategies
wildfire misinformation
wildfire mitigation
wildfire occurrence
wildfire occurrence drivers
wildfire outreach
wildfire perimeters
wildfire plumes
wildfire policy
wildfire preparedness
wildfire prevention
wildfire recovery
wildfire regime changes.
Wildfire resilience
wildfire risk
wildfire risk areas
wildfire risk assessments
Wildfire risk management
wildfire risk mitigation
wildfire risk on private land
Wildfire sensitivity
wildfire severity
wildfire simulation
wildfire smoke
wildfire smoke perceptions
wildfire smoke responses
wildfire snags
wildfire suitability
wildfire suppression
wildfire suppression policy
wildfire suppression.
wildfire transmission sources
Wildfire transmission to WUI
Wildfire uncertainty
wildfire vulnerability
wildfire-resilient forest stands
wildfire; bushfire; interface; WUI; land management
wildfire; climate change; survey; global warming; risk perception
WildfireSpatial patterns and trends
wildfirew risk perception
wildland fire
Wildland Fire Decision Support System (WFDSS)
wildland fire emissions
wildland fire management
wildland fire use
wildland firefighter
wildland firefighters
wildland firefighting
wildland forest fires
wildland fuels
wildland training
wildland urban interface
wildland urband interface
wildland-urban interface
Wildland-urban interface (WUI)
wildland-urban interface fire
wildland–urban interface
wildland–urban interface (WUI)
wildlife habitat
wind shift
wire grass
wood energy
wood properties
wood smoke
woodland fire
woody debris
Woody material
work engagement
workforce capacity
working papers
yellow pine
Yellowstone National Park.
Yosemite Forest Dynamics Plot
Yosemite National Park
Young plantations
Zion National Park
fire behavior model
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Found 1 results
timber slash
[Clear All Filters]
Aurell J
Emissions from prescribed burning of timber slash piles in Oregon
Gullett BK, ed.
Atmospheric Environment
. 2017;150.