Publications Library
Resprouting Chaparral Dies from Postfire Drought. California Fire Science Consortium; 2014. Prattetal2014_resprouting_chapparel_dies.pdf (605.44 KB)
Models predict longer, deeper U.S. droughts. Science. 2015;13.
. Does prescribed fire promote resistance to drought in low elevation forests of the Sierra Nevada, California, USA? Fire Ecology. 2016;12(1). Available at:
. Wildfire, climate, and perceptions in Northeast Oregon Regional Environmental Change. 2016;16(6).
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Tamm Review: Reforestation for resilience in dry western U.S. forests Forest Ecology and Management. 2019;432.
. Crowded and Thirsty: Fire exclusion leads to greater drought sensitivity in mixed-conifer forests. USDS PNW Research Station; 2020. Available at:
. Riparian and adjacent upland forests burned synchronously during dry years in eastern Oregon (1650-1900 CE), USA. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2020;29(7).
. Fire and Forests in the 21st Century: Managing Resilience Under Changing Climates and Fire Regimes in USA Forests. In: Fire Ecology and Management: Past, Present, and Future of US Forested Ecosystems. Fire Ecology and Management: Past, Present, and Future of US Forested Ecosystems. USDA Forest Service; 2021. chap_2021_vose_Chap_12.pdf (1.33 MB)
Future climate risks from stress, insects and fire across US forests. Ecology letters. 2022;25:1510–1520. Anderegg et al_2022_Future climate risks from stress, insects, and fire across US forests.pdf (3.12 MB)
Human and climatic influences on wildfires ignited by recreational activities in national forests in Washington, Oregon, and California. Environmental Research Communications. 2023;5. Jenkins_2023_Environ._Res._Commun._5_095002.pdf (1.19 MB)
. Quantifying the contribution of major carbon producers to increases in vapor pressure deficit and burned area in western US and southwestern Canadian forests. Environmental Research Letters. 2023;18. Quantifying the contribution of major carbon producers to increases in vapor pressure deficit and burned area in western US and southwestern Canadian forests .pdf (6.65 MB)