Publications Library
Understanding evacuation preferences and wildfire mitigations among Northwest Montana residents. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2014;23(3).
. Wildfire evacuation and its alternatives: perspectives from four United States' communities. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2014;On-line early.
. A LiDAR-based analysis of the effects of slope, vegetation density, and ground surface roughness on travel rates for wildland firefighter escape route mapping International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2017;Online early.
. Should I Stay or Should I Go Now? Or Should I Wait and See? Influences on Wildfire Evacuation Decisions Risk Analysis. 2017;Online early.
. Should we leave now? Behavioral factors in evacuation under wildfire threat Fire Technology. 2019;55(2). Available at:
. Weather, Risk, and Resource Orders on Large Wildland Fires in the Western US Forests. 2020;11(2).
. Evaluating rural Pacific Northwest towns for wildfire evacuation vulnerability. Natural Hazards. 2021. Available at:
Dye2021_Article_EvaluatingRuralPacificNorthwes.pdf (4.71 MB)
Burnover events identified during the 2018 Camp Fire. International Journal of Wildland Fire . 2023.
Burnover events identified during the 2018 Camp Fire.pdf (5.31 MB)