Publications Library
Reducing hazardous fuels on nonindustrial private forests: factors influencing landowner decisions. Journal of Forestry. 2011;(July/August):7. Fischer_2011_JoF_factorsinNIPFhazfuelred.pdf (310.18 KB)
. Engagement in local and collaborative wildfire risk mitigation planning across the western U.S.—Evaluating participation and diversity in Community Wildfire Protection Plans. Plos One. 2022;17(2). Palsa et al 2022_Engagement_in_local_collaborative_wf_risk.pdf (1.3 MB)
. Exploring relationships between perceived suppression capabilities and resident performance of wildfire mitigations. Journal of Environmental Management. 2022;316. Stasiewicz_Paveglio 2022_Exploring relationships between perceived suppression capabilities and resident performance of wildfire mitigations.pdf (2.32 MB)