Publications Library
Stop going around in circles: towards a reconceptualisation of disaster risk management phases. Disaster Prevention and Management. 2021;30. Available at: Bosheretal.2021DPMforIR.pdf (1.11 MB)
. Living with Wildland Fire in America: Building New Bridges between Policy, Science, and Management Wildfire. 2018;(27.3). Available at:
. Synthesis of science to inform land management within the Northwest Forest Plan area: executive summary. ( ). Pacific Northwest Research Station; 2018:186 p. Available at:
. Using an agent-based model to examine forest management outcomes in a fire-prone landscape in Oregon, USA. Ecology and Society. 2017;22(1).
. The economic benefit of localised, short-term, wildfire-potential information International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2015;Online early.
. Relationships between climate and macroscale area burned in the western United States. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2013;On-line early.