Publications Library
Shaded fuel breaks create wildfire-resilient forest stands: lessons from a long-term study in the Sierra Nevada. Fire Ecology. 2023;19. Available at:
Shaded fuel breaks create wildfire-resilient forest stands: lessons from a long-term study in the Sierra Nevada.pdf (2.24 MB)

Mixed-severity wildfire and habitat of an old-forest obligate Ecosphere. 2019;e02696.
. Efficacy of resource objective wildfires for restoration of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forests in northern Arizona Forest Ecology and Management. 2017;389.
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Assessing forest vegetation and fire simulation model performance after the Cold Springs wildfire, Washington, USA. Forest Ecology and Management. 2013;287:12. Available at: 0.1 016/j.foreco.2012.08.031.