Publications Library
Forest Restoration and Fuels Reduction: Convergent or Divergent? . BioScience. 2021;71(1).
biaa134.pdf (8.84 MB)

Long-Term Effects of Burn Season and Frequency on Ponderosa Pine Forest Fuels and Seedlings Fire Ecology. 2017;13(3).
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NWFSC Research Brief #2: Private Forest Owners and Wildfire Risk: Policy Implications in a Diverse Population. Northwest Fire Science Consortium; 2014.
NWFSC_RB2.pdf (1.64 MB)

Vegetation Recovery in Slash-Pile Scars Following Conifer Removal in a Grassland-Restoration Experiment Restoration Ecology. 2014;22(6).
Halpern et al. 2014_Rest Ecol.pdf (2.07 MB)
Building community-agency trust in fire affected communities in Australia and the United States. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2013;On-line early.
. Soil heating during burning of forest slash piles and wood piles. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2013;On-line early.
. Principal short-term findings of the National Fire and Fire Surrogate study. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station; 2012:210.
pnw_gtr860.pdf (1.61 MB)