Publications Library

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Vane E. The Influence of Western Spruce Budworm on Fire in Spruce-Fir Forests Waring KM, ed. Fire Ecology. 2017;13(1).
Oliver M. Mapping the Future: U.S. Exposure to Multiple Landscape Stressors. Portland: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station; 2017.PDF icon scifi197.pdf (6.8 MB)
Page WG, Jenkins MJ, Alexander ME. Foliar moisture content variations in lodgepole pine over the diurnal cycle during the red stage of mountain pine beetle attack. Environmental Modelling & Software. 2013;On-line early(49):5.PDF icon FEM_FMCdiurnal.pdf (426.72 KB)
Jenkins MJ, Runyon JB, Fettig CJ, Page WG, Bentz BJ. Interactions among the mountain pine beetle, fires, and fuels. Forest Science. 2013;On-line early.PDF icon rmrs_2014_jenkins_m001.pdf (530.8 KB)
Kline JD, Kerns BK, Day MA, Hammer RB. Mapping multiple forest threats in the northwestern United States. Journal of Forestry. 2013;111(3).
Mulvey RL, Shaw DC, Filip GM, Chastagner GA. Swiss Needle Cast. Swiss Needle Cast Cooperative; 2013.PDF icon fidl-181.pdf (932.42 KB)