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Willms J. The effects of thinning and burning on understory vegetation in North America: A meta-analysis Bartuszevige A, ed. Forest Ecology and Management. 2017;392.
Huffman DW. Efficacy of resource objective wildfires for restoration of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forests in northern Arizona Meador AJSánche, ed. Forest Ecology and Management. 2017;389.
Aurell J. Emissions from prescribed burning of timber slash piles in Oregon Gullett BK, ed. Atmospheric Environment. 2017;150.
O'Connor CD. An empirical machine learning method for predicting potential fire control locations for pre-fire planning and operational fire management Calkin DE, ed. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2017;26(7).
Vaillant NM. An Evaluation of the Forest Service Hazardous Fuels Treatment Program—Are We Treating Enough to Promote Resiliency or Reduce Hazard? Reinhardt ED, ed. Journal of Forestry. 2017;115.
Lydersen JM. Evidence of fuels management and fire weather influencing fire severity in an extreme fire event Collins BM, ed. Ecological Applications. 2017;Online early.
Estes BL. Factors influencing fire severity under moderate burning conditions in the Klamath Mountains, northern California, USA Knapp EE, ed. Ecosphere. 2017;8(5). Available at:
Davies KW. Fall and spring grazing influence fire ignitability and initial spread in shrub steppe communities Gearhart A, ed. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2017;26(6).
Stonesifer CS. Federal fire managers’ perceptions of the importance, scarcity and substitutability of suppression resources Calkin DE, ed. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2017;26(7).
Shaw DC. Fire and dwarf mistletoe (Viscaceae: Arceuthobium species) in western North America: contrasting Arceuthobium tsugense and Arceuthobium americanum Agne MC, ed. Botany. 2017;95(3).
Forrestel AB. Fire History and Forest Structure along an Elevational Gradient in the Southern Cascade Range, Oregon, USA Andrus RA, ed. Fire Ecology. 2017;13(1).
Sieg CH. Fires following Bark Beetles: Factors Controlling Severity and Disturbance Interactions in Ponderosa Pine Linn RR, ed. Fire Ecology. 2017;13(3).
Johnston JD. Forest succession along a productivity gradient following fire exclusion. Forest Ecology and Management. 2017;392.
Dunn CJ. A framework for developing safe and effective large-fire response in a new fire management paradigm Thompson MP, ed. Forest Ecology and Management. 2017;404.
Fisk WJ, Chan WR. Health benefits and costs of filtration interventions that reduce indoor exposure to PM2.5 during wildfires. International Journal of Indoor Environment and Health. 2017;27(1).
Laughlin DC. The hierarchy of predictability in ecological restoration: are vegetation structure and functional diversity more predictable than community composition? Strahan RT, ed. Journal of Applied Ecology. 2017;54(4).
Johnston JD. Historical Fire–Climate Relationships in Contrasting Interior Pacific Northwest Forest Types Bailey JD, ed. Fire Ecology. 2017;13(2).
Steen-Adams MM. Historical perspective on the influence of wildfire policy, law, and informal institutions on management and forest resilience in a multiownership, frequent-fire, coupled human and natural system in Oregon, USA Charnley S, ed. Ecology and Society. 2017;22(3).
Bowman DMJS. Human exposure and sensitivity to globally extreme wildfire events Williamson GJ, ed. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 2017;1.
Syphard AD. Human presence diminishes the importance of climate in driving fire activity across the United States Keeley JE, ed. PNAS. 2017;114(52).
Balch JK. Human-started wildfires expand the fire niche across the United States Bradley BA, ed. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2017;Online early.
Collins BM. Impacts of different land management histories on forest change Fry DL, ed. Ecological Applications. 2017;27(8).
Larsen AE. Impacts of fire smoke plumes on regional air quality, 2006–2013 Reich BJ, ed. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology. 2017.
Ritter SM. Impacts of lodgepole pine dwarf mistletoe (Arceuthobium americanum) infestation on stand structure and fuel load in lodgepole pine dominated forests in central Colorado Hoffman CM, ed. Botany. 2017;95(3).
Kerns BK. The importance of disturbance by fire and other abiotic and biotic factors in driving cheatgrass invasion varies based on invasion stage Day MA, ed. Biological Invasions. 2017;19(6).
