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Wildfire risk science facilitates adaptation of fire-prone social-ecological systems to the new fire reality Environmental Research Letters. 2020;15(2). Available at:
. Wildfire severity and postfire salvage harvest effects on long-term forest regeneration. Ecosphere. 2020;11(8).
pnw_2020_povak002-1.pdf (9.11 MB)

Climate and wildfire adaptation of inland Northwest US forests. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment . 2021.
Climate and wildfire adaptation of inland Northwest US forests.pdf (3.39 MB)

Disturbance and Sustainability in Forests of the Western United States. Gen. Tech. Rep. 2021;PNW-GTR-992. Available at:
. Disturbance shapes the US forest governance frontier: A review and conceptual framework for understanding governance change. Ambio. 2021;50:2168–2182.
Schultz et al_2021_Disturbance Shapes US Govt Frontier.pdf (987.73 KB)

An ecological perspective on living with fire in ponderosa pine forests of Oregon and Washington: Resistance, gone but not forgotten. Trees, Forests and People. 2021;4.
An ecological perspective on living with fire in ponderosa pine forests of Oregon and Washington.pdf (9.05 MB)

Evaluating rural Pacific Northwest towns for wildfire evacuation vulnerability. Natural Hazards. 2021. Available at:
Dye2021_Article_EvaluatingRuralPacificNorthwes.pdf (4.71 MB)
Field measurements of PM2.5 infiltration factor and portable air cleaner effectiveness during wildfire episodes in US residences. Science of the Total Environment. 2021;773. Available at:
Forest Roads and Operational Wildfire Response Planning. Forests. 2021;12(2). Available at:
forests-12-00110-v3.pdf (1.75 MB)
High-severity wildfire reduces richness and alters composition of ectomycorrhizal fungi in low-severity adapted ponderosa pine forests. Forest Ecology and Management. 2021;485.
pnw_2021_pulido-chavez001.pdf (1.77 MB)
Historical Fire and Ventenata dubia Invasion in a Temperate Grassland. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 2021;75.
Historical Fire and Ventenata dubia Invasion in a Temperate Grassland.pdf (735.31 KB)

The importance of Indigenous cultural burning in forested regions of the Pacific West, USA. Forest Ecology and Management. 2021;500(119597).
Long et al_2021_Importance of Indegenous cultural burning_PNW.pdf (3.91 MB)
Indigenous Fire Stewardship: Federal/Tribal Partnerships for Wildland Fire Research and Management . Fire Management Today. 2021;79(No. 1). Available at:
. Keepers of the Flame: Supporting the Revitalization of Indigenous Cultural Burning. Society and Natural Resources. 2021;Online.
Adlam et al_2021_Keepers of the Flame_Supporting cultural burning.pdf (2.06 MB)
Land use planning approaches in the wildland-urban interface: an analysis of four western states. Community Wildfire Planning Center; 2021. Available at:
CWPC_Land-Use-WUI-Report_Final_2021.pdf (3.57 MB)
A Mixed Methods Literature Review and Framework for Decision Factors That May Influence the Utilization of Managed Wildfire on Federal Lands, USA. Fire. 2021;4(62).
Fillmore et al_2022_Mixed Methods Lit Review and Framework for Decision Factors Influencing Utilization of Managed Wildfire on Fed Lands USA.pdf (4.77 MB)
Network governance in the use of prescribed fire: roles for bridging organizations and other actors in the Western United States. Regional Environmental Change. 2021;21(118).
HuberStearns et al_2021_networkgovernance in rx fire.pdf (3.34 MB)
Roles and experiences of non-governmental organisations in wildfire response and recovery. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2021.
Miller_2021_Roles of NGOs in wildfire response and recovery.pdf (312.68 KB)
Stop going around in circles: towards a reconceptualisation of disaster risk management phases. Disaster Prevention and Management. 2021;30. Available at:
Bosheretal.2021DPMforIR.pdf (1.11 MB)
The "strings attached" to community difference and potential pathways to fire adaptiveness in the wildland urban interface. Journal of Forestry. 2021.
Mark_pathways.pdf (234.79 KB)
“Us versus Them;” Local Social Fragmentation and Its Potential Effects on Building Pathways to Adapting to Wildfire. Fire. 2021;4(96).
Us_versus_Them_Local_Social_Fragmentation_and_Its_.pdf (284.12 KB)
Wildfire and climate change adaptation of western North American forests: a case for intentional management. Ecological Applications. 2021;31(8).
Hessburg et al 2021_Wildfire and Climate change adaptation western forests.pdf (2.84 MB)
Actionable social science can guide community level wildfire solutions. An illustration from North Central Washington, US. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 2022;82.
1-s2.0-S2212420922006070-main.pdf (2.48 MB)

Augmentation of WRF-Hydro to simulate overland-flow- and streamflow-generated debris flow susceptibility in burn scars. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. 2022;22:2317–2345.
Li et al_2022_NatHazards_Augmentation of WRF Hydro to simulate debris flow susceptibility in burn scars.pdf (1.36 MB)