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A Classification of US Wildland Firefighter Entrapments Based on Coincident Fuels, Weather, and Topography Fire. 2019;2(4).
. Climate change vulnerability and adaptation in south-central Oregon. ( ).; 2019:473. Available at:
. Climate, Environment, and Disturbance History Govern Resilience of Western North American Forests Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 2019.
. Collaborations and capacities to transform fire management Science. 2019;366(6461).
. Contributions of fire refugia to resilient ponderosa pine and dry mixed-conifer forest landscapes Ecosphere. 2019;10(7).
. Cost-effective fuel treatment planning: a theoretical justification and case study International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2019;29(1).
. Designing Operationally Relevant Daily Large Fire Containment Strategies Using Risk Assessment Results Forests. 2019;10(4).
. Effects of season and interval of prescribed burns on pyrogenic carbon in ponderosa pine stands in the southern Blue Mountains, Oregon, USA Geoderma. 2019;348.
. The emergence of network governance in U.S. National Forest Administration: Causal factors and propositions for future research. Forest Policy and Economics. 2019;106.
. Evaluating Model Predictions of Fire Induced Tree Mortality Using Wildfire-Affected Forest Inventory Measurements Forests. 2019;10(11).
. Examining post-fire vegetation recovery with Landsat time series analysis in three western North American forest types Fire Ecology. 2019;15.
. Exploring the influence of local social context on strategies for achieving Fire Adapted Communities Fire. 2019;2(2).
. . Fine scale assessment of cross boundary wildfire events in the Western US Natural Hazards and Earth Systems Sciences. 2019.
. Fire and Forest Management in Montane Forests of the Northwestern States and California, USA Fire. 2019;2(2).
. Fire behaviour and smoke modelling: model improvement and measurement needs for next-generation smoke research and forecasting systems International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2019;28(8).
. Fire, CO2, and climate effects on modeled vegetation and carbon dynamics in western Oregon and Washington PloS One. 2019;14(1).
. Fire deficits have increased drought‐sensitivity in dry conifer forests; fire frequency and tree‐ring carbon isotope evidence from Central Oregon Global Change Biology. 2019.
. Forest Service fire management and the elusiveness of change Fire Ecology. 2019;15.
. Four-fold increase in solar forcing on snow in western U.S. burned forests since 1999 Nature Communications. 2019;10. Available at:
. Fuel Characteristic Classification System (FCCS) field sampling and fuelbed development guide. ( ). Pacific Northwest Research Station; 2019:77. Available at:
. Historical patterns of fire severity and forest structure and composition in a landscape structured by frequent large fires: Pumice Plateau ecoregion, Oregon, USA Landscape Ecology. 2019.
. Increasing trends in high-severity fire in the southwestern USA from 1984 to 2015 Forest Ecology and Management. 2019;433.
. Influence of fire refugia spatial pattern on post-fire forest recovery in Oregon’s Blue Mountains Landscape Ecology. 2019. Available at:
. Integrating Subjective and Objective Dimensions of Resilience in Fire-Prone Landscapes BioScience. 2019;69(5).