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Wildfire, climate, and invasive grass interactions negatively impact an indicator species by reshaping sagebrush ecosystems Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2016;Online early.
. Wildfire, climate, and perceptions in Northeast Oregon Regional Environmental Change. 2016;16(6).
. Wildfire may increase habitat quality for spring Chinook salmon in the Wenatchee river subbasin, WA, USA Forest Ecology and Management. 2016;359.
. Wildfire risk as a socioecological pathology Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2016;14(5).
. Wildfire risk associated with different vegetation types within and outside wildland-urban interfaces Forest Ecology and Management. 2016;372.
. Winter grazing decreases the probability of fire-induced mortality of bunchgrasses and may reduce wildfire size: a response to Smith et al. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2016;25.
. Accommodating mixed-severity fire to restore and maintain ecosystem integrity with a focus on the Sierra Nevada of California, USA Fire Ecology. 2017;13(2).
. Adapt to more wildfire in western North American forests as climate changes Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2017;Online early.
. Airborne measurements of western U.S. wildfire emissions: Comparison with prescribed burning and air quality implications Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 2017;Online early.
. Aligning Smoke Management with Ecological and Public Health Goals Journal of Forestry. 2017;115.
. All Lands Approaches to Fire Management in the Pacific West: A Typology Journal of Forestry. 2017;115(1).
. Alternative characterization of forest fire regimes: incorporating spatial patterns Landscape Ecology. 2017.
. Assessing vulnerabilities and adapting to climate change in northwestern U.S. forests Climate Change. 2017.
. Bridging the divide between fire safety research and fighting fire safely: how do we convey research innovation to contribute more effectively to wildland firefighter safety? International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2017.
WF16147-1.pdf (289.82 KB)
California Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis occidentalis) habitat use patterns in a burned landscape. The Condor. 2017;119(3).
. A Century of Wildland Fire Research - Contributions to Long-term Approaches for Wildland Fire Management: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press; 2017:108 p.
. Characterising resource use and potential inefficiencies during large-fire suppression in the western US International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2017;26(7).
. Climate change and the eco-hydrology of fire: will area burned increase in a warming western USA? Ecological Applications. 2017;27(1).
. Climate changes and wildfire alter vegetation of Yellowstone National Park, but forest cover persists Ecosphere. 2017;8(1).
. Climate, wildfire, and erosion ensemble foretells more sediment in western USA watersheds. Geophysical Research Letters. 2017;Online early.
Community Vulnerability to Health Impacts of Wildland Fire Smoke Exposure Environ Sci Technol. 2017.
. A Compendium of Brief Summaries of Smoke Science Research In Support of the Joint Fire Science Program Smoke Science Plan. Clarkson, Western Australia: Nine Points South Technical Pty Ltd.; 2017:78p.
Summary Statements Booklet 21 April 2017.pdf (1.59 MB)
Contemporary patterns of fire extent and severity in forests of the Pacific Northwest, USA (1985–2010) Ecosphere. 2017;8(3).
. Cover of tall trees best predicts California spotted owl habitat Forest Ecology and Management. 2017;405.
. Decade-Long Plant Community Responses to Shrubland Fuel Hazard Reduction Fire Ecology. 2017;13(2).