Publications Library
Invasive grasses: A new perfect storm for forested ecosystems? Forest Ecology and Management. 2020;463.
. Riparian and adjacent upland forests burned synchronously during dry years in eastern Oregon (1650-1900 CE), USA. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2020;29(7).
. Tamm Review: Reforestation for resilience in dry western U.S. forests Forest Ecology and Management. 2019;432.
. Evidence for scale‐dependent topographic controls on wildfire spread Ecosphere. 2018;9(10).
. Recovery of ectomycorrhizal fungus communities fifteen years after fuels reduction treatments in ponderosa pine forests of the Blue Mountains, Oregon Forest Ecology and Management. 2018;422.
. Burning the legacy? Influence of wildfire reburn on dead wood dynamics in a temperate conifer forest Ecosphere. 2016;7(5).
. Recovering lost ground: Effects of soil burn intensity on nutrients and ectomycorrhiza communities of ponderosa pine seedlings Forest Ecology and Management. 2016;378.
. Smoke management of wildfire and prescribed fire: understanding public preferences and trade-offs Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 2014;44(11). CJFR-Smoke.pdf (332.18 KB)
. Source of Sediment Hazards on Steep Slopes. California Fire Science Consortium; 2014. DiBiaseLamb.2013_JEK_msw4_Hazards_FINAL.pdf (482.78 KB)
Climate Change, Forests, Fire, Water, and Fish: Building Resilient Landscapes, Streams, and Managers. Fort Collins, CO: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station; 2012:207. Available at:
Comparative Hazard Assessment for Protected Species in a Fire-Prone Landscape. Forest Ecology and Management. 2012;277:10. Available at:
. Effects of Ungulate Herbivory on Aspen, Cottonwood, and Willow Development Under Forest Fuels Treatment Regimes. Forest Ecology and Management. 2012;276:8. Available at:
Simulating effects of climate change and ecological restoration on fire behaviour in a south-western USA ponderosa pine forest. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2012;21(6):11. Available at:
. Topographic Variation in Structure of Mixed-Conifer Forests Under an Active-Fire Regime. Ecosystems. 2012;15(7):13.
. Wildfire Risk Management on a Landscape with Public and Private Ownership: Who Pays for Protection?. Environmental Management. 2010;45:15. Available at: