Publications Library
Comparing smoke emissions and impacts under alternative forest management regimes. Ecology and Society. 2022;27(4).
Long et al_2022_Ecol Society_Comparing smoke emissions and impacts under alternative forest management regimes.pdf (12.35 MB)
Potential operational delineations: new horizons for proactive, risk-informed strategic land and fire management. Fire Ecology. 2022;18.
Thompson et al_2022_FireEcol_PODs as New horizons for proactive risk-informed strategic land and fire mgmt.pdf (7.5 MB)

Trends in western USA fire fuels using historical data and modeling. Fire Ecology. 2022;18(8).
Boisramé2022_Article_TrendsInWesternUSAFireFuelsUsi.pdf (9.79 MB)
Should we leave now? Behavioral factors in evacuation under wildfire threat Fire Technology. 2019;55(2). Available at:
. A System Dynamics Model Examining Alternative Wildfire Response Policies Systems. 2019;7(4).
. Use of Science and Modeling by Practitioners in Landscape-Scale Management Decisions Journal of Forestry. 2019;117(3).
. The Weather Conditions for Desired Smoke Plumes at a FASMEE Burn Site Atmosphere. 2018;9(7).
. Predicting post-fire tree mortality for 14 conifers in the Pacific Northwest, USA: Model evaluation, development, and thresholds Forest Ecology and Management. 2017;399(213).