Publications Library
Examining fire-prone forest landscapes as coupled human and natural systems Ecology and Society. 2014;19(3).
ES-2014-6584.pdf (2.12 MB)
Assessing social vulnerability to climate change in human communities near public forests and grasslands: A framework for resource managers and planners. Journal of Forestry. 2013;111(5):9.
s10.pdf (229.56 KB)
Identifying policy target groups with qualitative and quantitative methods: the case of wildfire risk on nonindustrial private forest lands. Forest Policy and Economics. 2013;28.
. Risk and cooperation: managing hazardous fuel in mixed ownership landscapes. Environmental Management. 2012;49.
. Reducing hazardous fuels on nonindustrial private forests: factors influencing landowner decisions. Journal of Forestry. 2011;(July/August):7.
Fischer_2011_JoF_factorsinNIPFhazfuelred.pdf (310.18 KB)