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Knapp EE, Estes BL, Skinner CN. Ecological Effects of Prescribed Fire Season: A Literature Review and Synthesis for Managers. Redding, CA: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station; 2009:80. Available at:
Ryan KC, Knapp EE, Varner MJ. Prescribed fire in North America forests and woodlands: history, current practice, and challenges. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2013;11(on-line 1):10.PDF icon ESA Rx fire.pdf (1.31 MB)
Kreye JK. The impact of aging on laboratory fire behaviour in masticated shrub fuelbeds of California and Oregon, USA Varner MJ, ed. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2016;Online early.
Hagmann RK, Hessburg PF, Prichard SJ, et al. Evidence for widespread changes in the structure, composition, and fire regimes of western North American forests. Ecological Applications. 2021.PDF icon eap.2431.pdf (9.22 MB)