Publications Library
Heading and backing fire behaviours mediate the influence of fuels on wildfire energy. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2023. Available at:
Birch et al_2023_heading and backing fire behavior.pdf (2.46 MB)

Tree resistance to drought and bark beetle-associated mortality following thinning and prescribed fire treatments. Forest Ecology and Management. 2023;530. Available at:
Tree resistance to drought and bark beetle-associated mortality following thinning and prescribed fire treatments.pdf (7.81 MB)
Average Stand Age from Forest Inventory Plots Does Not Describe Historical Fire Regimes in Ponderosa Pine and Mixed-Conifer Forests of Western North America PLOS One. 2016;11(5).
. Response of understory vegetation to salvage logging following a high-severity wildfire Ecosphere. 2016;7(11).
. Climate stress increases forest fire severity across the western United States Ecology Letters. 2013.