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DNR WA. 2023 Washington Prescribed Fire Barriers Assessment Report and Strategic Action Plan.; 2023. Available at: icon rp_prescribed_fire_barriers_strategic_plan_2023.pdf (8.83 MB)
Parisien M-A, Barber QE, Bourbonnais ML, et al. Abrupt, climate-induced increase in wildfires in British Columbia since the mid-2000s. Nature. 2023;4(309). Available at: icon s43247-023-00977-1.pdf (5.58 MB)
Porter TM, Smenderovac E, Morris D, Venier L. All boreal forest successional stages needed to maintain the full suite of soil biodiversity, community composition, and function following wildfire. Scientific Report. 2023;13.PDF icon s41598-023-30732-7.pdf (5.42 MB)
Turco M, Abatzoglou JT, Herrera S, et al. Anthropogenic climate change impacts exacerbate summer forest fires in California. PNAS. 2023;120.PDF icon Anthropogenic climate change impacts exacerbate summer forest fires in California.pdf (605.57 KB)
Henne PD, Hawbaker TJ. An aridity threshold model of fire sizes and annual area burned in extensively forested ecoregions of the western USA. Ecological Modelling. 2023;477.PDF icon An aridity threshold model of fire sizes and annual area burned in extensively forested ecoregions of the western USA .pdf (904.84 KB)
Masri S, Shenoi EAnne, Garfin DRose, Wu J. Assessing Perception of Wildfires and Related Impacts among Adult Residents of Southern California. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023;20(1).PDF icon Assessing Perception of Wildfires and Related Impacts among Adult Residents of Southern California.pdf (1.84 MB)
Hoffman M, Moody V, Bovbjerg VE, Callis I, Snauer Z. Assessment of wildland firefighter opinions and experiences related to incident medical providers. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2023.PDF icon Assessment of wildland firefighter opinions and experiences related to incident medical providers.pdf (768.83 KB)
Charnley S, Davis EJ, Schelhas J. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Forest Service: Insights for Local Job Creation and Equity from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Journal of Forestry. 2023;121.PDF icon community economic development, Wildfire Crisis Strategy, federal land management, United States.pdf (263.63 KB)
Belongia MF, Wagner CHammond, Seipp KQuesnel, Ajami NK. Building water resilience in the face of cascading wildfire risks. Science Advances. 2023;9(37). Available at: icon sciadv.adf9534.pdf (825.23 KB)
Wood J, Varner M. Burn Back Better How Western States Can Encourage Prescribed Fire on Private Lands. PROPERTY AND ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH CENTER & TALL TIMBERS. 2023. Available at: icon 2023_PERC-BBB-Report-230104-web.pdf (5.77 MB)
Lucash MS, Marshall AM, Weiss SA, et al. Burning trees in frozen soil: Simulating fire, vegetation, soil, and hydrology in the boreal forests of Alaska. Ecological Modelling. 2023;481.
Link ED, Maranghides A. Burnover events identified during the 2018 Camp Fire. International Journal of Wildland Fire . 2023.PDF icon Burnover events identified during the 2018 Camp Fire.pdf (5.31 MB)
Hawbaker TJ, Henne PD, Vanderhoof MK, et al. Changes in wildfire occurrence and risk to homes from 1990 through 2019 in the Southern Rocky Mountains, USA. Ecosphere. 2023;14(2).PDF icon Ecosphere - 2023 - Hawbaker - Changes in wildfire occurrence and risk to homes from 1990 through 2019 in the Southern Rocky.pdf (4.62 MB)
Stephens SL, Steel ZL, Collins BM, et al. Climate and fire impacts on tree recruitment in mixed conifer forests in Northwestern Mexico and California. Ecological Applications. 2023. Available at: icon Ecological Applications - 2023 - Stephens - Climate and fire impacts on tree recruitment in mixed conifer forests in.pdf (3.74 MB)
Hoffman CM, Ziegler JP, Tinkham WT, Hiers JKevin, Hudak AT. A Comparison of Four Spatial Interpolation Methods for Modeling Fine-Scale Surface Fuel Load in a Mixed Conifer Forest with Complex Terrain. Fire. 2023;6.PDF icon fire-06-00216.pdf (2.35 MB)
Johnson MM, Garcia-Menendez F. A comparison of smoke modelling tools used to mitigate air quality impacts from prescribed burning. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2023.PDF icon A comparison of smoke modelling tools used to mitigate air quality impacts from prescribed burning.pdf (2.71 MB)
McFayden CB, Johnston LM, Woolford DG, et al. A Conceptual Framework for Knowledge Exchange in a Wildland Fire Research and Practice Context. Applied Data Science. 2023. Available at:
Kane JM, Kerhoulas LP, Goff GS. Conifer encroachment increases foliar moisture content in a northwestern California oak woodland. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2023. Available at: icon Conifer encroachment increases foliar moisture content in a northwestern California oak woodland.pdf (1.1 MB)
Wells AG, Munson SM, Villarreal ML, Sesnie SE, Laushman KM. Connecting dryland fine-fuel assessments to wildfire exposure and natural resource values at risk. Fire Ecology. 2023;19. Available at: icon Connecting dryland fine-fuel assessments to wildfire exposure and natural resource values at risk.pdf (13.32 MB)
Pietruszka BM, Young JD, Short KC, et al. Consequential lightning-caused wildfires and the “let burn” narrative. Fire Ecology. 2023;19(50). Available at: icon s42408-023-00208-0.pdf (3.4 MB)
McClure CD, Pavlovic NR, Huang SM, Chaveste M, Wang N. Consistent, high-accuracy mapping of daily and sub-daily wildfire growth with satellite observations. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2023.PDF icon Consistent, high-accuracy mapping of daily and sub-daily wildfire growth with satellite observations.pdf (3.77 MB)
Buonanduci MS, Donato DC, Halofsky JS, Kennedy MC, Harvey BJ. Consistent spatial scaling of high-severity wildfire can inform expected future patterns of burn severity. Ecology Letters. 2023.
Parks SA, Holsinger LM, Blankenship K, et al. Contemporary wildfires are more severe compared to the historical reference period in western US dry conifer forests. Forest Ecology and Management. 2023;544.
Albores IS, Buchholz RR, Ortega I, et al. Continental-scale Atmospheric Impacts of the 2020 Western U.S. Wildfires. Atmospheric Environment. 2023;294.PDF icon Continental-scale Atmospheric Impacts of the 2020 Western U.S. Wildfires.pdf (4.34 MB)
Hubert MM, Schweitzer JA, Giam X, Papeş M. Contrasting effects of urbanization and fire on understory plant communities in the natural and wildland–urban interface. Ecosphere. 2023;14(5).PDF icon Ecosphere - 2023 - Hubert - Contrasting effects of urbanization and fire on understory plant communities in the natural and.pdf (1.48 MB)
