NWFSC Research Brief #1: Traversing Through the Haze - Exploring the Human Perspective of Smoke from Fire

TitleNWFSC Research Brief #1: Traversing Through the Haze - Exploring the Human Perspective of Smoke from Fire
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsFrederick, SS, Olsen, C, Toman, E
Series TitleNorthwest Fire Science Consortium Research Briefs
Document Number#1
Date PublishedSpring 2013
InstitutionNorthwest Fire Science Consortium
Keywordsextension publications and factsheets, research briefs, smoke and air quality
How does this smoke affect people? Do people know where the smoke comes from and does such knowledge affect their attitude towards it? Do concerns about smoke preclude the use of prescribed fire? Gaining insight into public attitudes toward smoke is important in making decisions regarding its management. To investigate these questions, we conducted a mail survey of households in four sites across the US in 2012. Nearly 1000 people responded to the survey.