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Hallema DW. Assessment of wildland fire impacts on watershed annual water yield: Analytical framework and case studies in the United States Sun G, ed. Ecohydrology. 2016. Available at:
Gregg RM. Available Science Assessment Project: Prescribed Fire and Climate Change in Northwest National Forests. (Behan J, ed.).; 2016:151.PDF icon ASAP_final_report_1 November.pdf (2 MB)
van Mantgem PJ. Does prescribed fire promote resistance to drought in low elevation forests of the Sierra Nevada, California, USA? Caprio AC, ed. Fire Ecology. 2016;12(1). Available at:
Liu Z. Health and Environmental Impacts of Smoke from Vegetation Fires: A Review Murphy JP, ed. Journal of Environmental Protection. 2016;7.
R Martin A. Ignition patterns influence fire severity and plant communities in Pacific Northwest, USA, prairies Hamman ST, ed. Fire Ecology. 2016;12(1). Available at:
Drury SA. The interagency fuels treatment decision support system: Functionality for fuels treatment planning Rauscher M, ed. Fire Ecology. 2016;12(1). Available at:
Price OF. Local and regional smoke impacts from prescribed fires Horsey B, ed. Natural Hazards and Earth System Services. 2016;16.
Halpern CB. Past tree influence and prescribed fire mediate biotic interactions and community reassembly in a grassland-restoration experiment Antos JA, ed. Journal of Applied Ecology. 2016;53(1). Available at:
Dwire KA. Riparian fuel treatments in the western USA: Challenges and considerations. (Meyer KE, ed.). Fort Collins: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station; 2016:156 p. Available at:
Prichard SJ. Fuel treatment effectiveness in the context of landform, vegetation, and large, wind‐driven wildfires Povak NA, ed. Ecological Applications. 2020;online early.
